Elderly Population
Recent papers in Elderly Population
This study is an attempt to understand the concept of good governance and evaluate the past and present status of Good governance in Pakistan and suggest a way forward for effective and efficient future. The focus of the research is to... more
ÖZET Ekonomik açıdan faal olmayan nüfus, bağımlı nüfus olarak adlandırılır. Genellikle üretici olmayan 0-14 yaş grubundaki genç nüfus ile 65 yaş ve üzerindeki yaşlı nüfus, bağımlı nüfusu meydana getiren en önemli gruplardır. Nüfusun her... more
The 21st century is generally being considered as the „century of the elderly‟ and population ageing is one of the most important global trends of the period. The problems arising out of it have varied implications for developing and... more
Centre d’Information et de Formation des Services à la Personne (CIF-SP), Solidaires entre les âges. 2018.
Esta comunicación analiza: 1) Los aspectos multifactoriales de la etiología de las alteraciones del equilibrio en el adulto mayor: 2) Los test validados para su evaluación. 3) El abordaje multidisciplinario de su terapéutica y... more
The theme of this research paper is to highlight roles Pakistan"s elderly women, have played in times of emergency in 2010. These role models can inspire policy formation processes at government level, support mainstreaming ageing in... more
Social and economic changes taking place in many Sub-Saharan African traditional societies have resulted in the gradual erosion and substantial break down of the traditional familial support for the elderly. In the Ada East district of... more
Colloque organisé par l'association CIF-SP, la ville de Poitiers et la MSHS de Poitiers le 26 novembre 2019 Pourquoi un colloque sur l’âgisme ? Il s’agit ici de croiser des approches universitaires et militantes qui ensemble doivent... more
Las cárceles reflejan paulatinamente el proceso de envejecimiento demográfico que vive la sociedad. Sin una consideración específica en el sistema penitenciario vigente, la población reclusa anciana vive un doble ostracismo en el cual, el... more
The global trends of ageing and technological development are becoming a challenge in the field of contemporary marketing due to the fact that technological development has become permanent and significantly influences today’s consumers,... more
Ageing is unavoidable and inevitable stage of human being where everyone come across this stage but the problems faced by them are different in nature and their impact on their personal life at different periods of time, some problems... more
How did I learn to understand that there can never ever be any acceptable alternative to immortality and living indefinitely forever young? Is there any better way to learn and permanently remember the understanding that any possibly... more
The World Assembly on Ageing (1982) in Vienna recommended that social, cultural and leisure activities are necessary for the elderly and should be provided by each country. This study was motivated by an unfair situation the elderly found... more
The anima mundi or “world soul” speaks to everyone through individual and collective dreams. The elders of our global village are invited to step up and actively listen for this pulse of the earth as one way to uncover their purpose as an... more
The objective of this study was to critically assess and review empirical evidence on the cost-effectiveness of Mobile Health (mHealth) interventions for older adults. We systematically searched databases such as Pubmed, Scopus, and... more
Japan has experienced rapid growth during 1960-69, around 10.9%, whereas it started the development process from almost 'zero' after WWII. Since the independence of Bangladesh, the country has received a significant amount of contribution... more
The World Assembly on Ageing (1982) in Vienna recommended that social, cultural and leisure activities are necessary for the elderly and should be provided by each country. This study was motivated by an unfair situation the elderly found... more
This study investigates the level of access to healthcare among the elderly population in California. A total of 21,055 members of the adult population, ages from 18 to 65 participated in this survey. The majority of participants, about... more
A key aspect of old age history is the assistance to the elderly without family or poor or sick, especially during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, which constitute the golden age of nursing home. Based on this and the main... more
Social and economic changes taking place in many Sub-Saharan African traditional societies have resulted in the gradual erosion and substantial break down of the traditional familial support for the elderly. In the Ada East district of... more
Koseoglu, Emine and Polat, Nihal, 2015, To Be Safe on the Streets of a Neighborhood: An Evaluation of Street Perception of Elderly City Dwellers, CUI ’15 / 3rd Contemporary Urban Issues Conference, 19-21 November 2015, in Proceedings Book... more
PURPOSE The current study aimed to identify and describe the word retrieval performance of elderly bilingual Filipinos, determine the factors that may have contributed to their output, and study the errors produced in the process of word... more
Background: Health and social services utilisation is seen to be more closely related to age than to other socio-demographic characteristics. Many health problems are known to increase with age and this demographic trend may lead to an... more
Özet Birleşmiş Milletler'in tanımına göre bir ülkedeki yaşlı nüfusun toplam nüfus içindeki oranının %8 ile %10 arasında olması o ülke nüfusunun "yaşlı", %10'un üzerinde olması ise "çok yaşlı" olduğu anlamına gelmektedir. Nüfusu yaşlanan... more
Met 1000 suïcides per jaar en gemiddeld 28 suïcidepogingen per dag, treft suïcide veel mensen in Vlaanderen, waaronder ook ouderen. In vergelijking met andere leeftijdsgroepen vormen mannen boven de 70 jaar zelfs dé belangrijkste... more
Context: Several studies have reported the high use of inappropriate medication in the elderly, as well as the associated risks; for this reason, it has become a major health problem. Aim: To characterize the use of potentially... more
Background: Health and social services utilisation is seen to be more closely related to age than to other socio-demographic characteristics. Many health problems are known to increase with age and this demographic trend may lead to an... more
The world is witnessing a rapid demographic shift towards an aging population. People are living longer due to advances in education, technology, medicine, food distribution, and sanitary conditions. According to the 2011 census data,... more
The aim of this paper was to present the results of the original research comparing consumer innovativeness among young and elderly consumers using the example of the smartphone. To verify the research objective, the surveys were carried... more
organisé par le CIF-SP, Solidaires entre les âges. 26 Novembre 2019.
The invalidity of Cronedom in noumina or protyles and its affront to womankind.
The phenomenon of growth of the elderly population associated with information and communication sciences and technologies has inspired several research projects that seek alternatives to include this part of the population to this new... more
Elderly are often considered as a burden because of their physical limitations. The reduced cognitive function is one of the important causes for this physical limitation. Quality of sleep used to be associated with changes in cognitive... more
The phenomenon of growth of the elderly population associated with information and communication sciences and technologies has inspired several research projects that seek alternatives to include this part of the population to this new... more
Elderly are often considered as a burden because of their physical limitations. The reduced cognitive function is one of the important causes for this physical limitation. Quality of sleep used to be associated with changes in cognitive... more
Resumen La precaria situación económica en la vejez ha obligado a la participación laboral. Es poca la po-blación envejecida con jubilación o pensión y sí ésta tiene, en la mayoría de los casos los ingresos son insuficientes. El Censo de... more
Review of Older Than Ireland, a landmark feature documentary that explores what it means to have lived one hundred years in Ireland, as seen through the eyes of its oldest citizens.
Aim: To analyze the injury characteristics of younger and older adult trauma victims. Materials and methods: This was a prospective, cross-sectional, observational, and single-center study including both younger adult and geriatric trauma... more