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The paper deals with the problem of measuring the moisture of agricultural soils by an accurate, on-site, real-time method. The idea is to estimate the moisture by measuring the speed of sound in the medium: the main issue is therefore to... more
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      AgricultureSignal AnalysisElastic wavesSoil moisture
The behavior of plane harmonic waves in a linear elastic material with voids is analyzed. There are two dilational waves in this theory, one is predominantly the dilational wave of classical linear elasticity and the other is... more
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      Materials EngineeringCivil EngineeringApplied MathematicsLinear Elasticity
Piezoelectric wafer active sensors may be applied on aging aircraft structures to monitor the onset and progress of structural damage such as fatigue cracks and corrosion. The state of the art in piezoelectric-wafer active sensors... more
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      EngineeringSignal ProcessingStructural Health MonitoringDamage detection
We considered a muffin-tin periodic potential (-8 inside the spheres and zero outside). Using the augmented-plane-wave method we systematically studied the location of gaps for positive energy and for various values of 8 and the sphere... more
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      ElectromagnetismComposite MaterialsElastic wavesElectromagnetic Waves
In elastic wave forward modeling, absorbing boundary conditions (ABC) are used to mitigate undesired refl ections from the model truncation boundaries. The perfectly matched layer (PML) has proved to be the best available ABC. However,... more
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      GeophysicsElastic wavesApplied Geophysics
The relationship between the flexural wave velocity and the excited vibration mode of a thin cylindrical shell is investigated. The natural frequency corresponding to the vibration mode is obtained as the solution of characteristic... more
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      MultidisciplinaryElastic wavesNatural Frequency
Short laser pulses have been used to generate elastic waves in continuous fiber reinforced aluminum or magnesium. With an optical interferometer the run-time of these waves in various directions of the samples can be measured contactless... more
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      EngineeringIndependent Component AnalysisMetal matrix compositeQuality Control
Starting with the exact solution for the scattering of a plane P wave by a homogeneous spherical inclusion, various types of approximate solutions are developed and discussed. The standard Rayleigh and Mie approximations are extended to... more
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      Civil EngineeringApplied MathematicsGeologyGeophysics
A model is developed for the collision between the baseball and bat, taking into account the transverse bending vibrations of the bat. By coupling the flexible bat to the ball via a parametrized force that each mutually exerts on the... more
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      Elastic wavesMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesRigid Body
In this paper, we report experiments on the scattering of surface-elastic waves by a periodic array of cylindrical holes. The experiments were performed in a marble quarry by drilling cylindrical holes in two different configurations:... more
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      Elastic wavesPhysical sciencesBand GapOscillations
A series of experiments were performed to further investigate the phenomenon of shear-banding in surfactant solutions. Many surfactant solutions, through their unique amphiphilic chemistry, form long wormlike micelle structures which... more
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      EngineeringParticle Image VelocimetryTemporal ResolutionShear bands
Scattering of an arbitrary elastic wave incident upon a spherically symmetric inclusion is considered and solutions are developed in terms of the spherical vector system of Petrashen, which produces results in terms of displacements... more
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      GeophysicsInclusionLow FrequencyHigh Frequency
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      EngineeringElastic wavesDispersionWave Equations
The current study assesses the residual stresses and remnant damage caused by a spherical projectile impacting upon a¯at surface. The immediate application of this information is to the problem of foreign object damage (FOD) associated... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringTitanium
The need for high-frequency, wide-band filters has instigated many developments based on combining thin piezoelectric films and high acoustic velocity materials (sapphire, diamond-like carbon, silicon, etc.) to ease the manufacture of... more
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Упругие волны это векторные волны смещений материальных точек. В отличии от элек-тромагнитных волн они могут быть и поперечными и продольными. Обычно для них записывают разные уравнения. Здесь такого разделения не будет. При наличии... more
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      AnisotropySeismic WavesElastic waves
This thesis is devoted to the study of the high frequency Dirichlet and Neumann problems for the elasticity system. We study the reflection phenomenon at the boundary by means of two techniques: Gaussian beams summation and Wigner... more
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      Elastic wavesElastic and acoustic wave propagation and scatteringLaguerre-Gaussian beams
Over the past 20 years, thick-film (screen printed) technology has been shown to possess a variety of desirable characteristics, which are particularly suitable for the realisation of micro-sensors and actuators. In particular, thick-film... more
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      Materials EngineeringElastic wavesElectroceramicsScreen printing
The velocity of compressional waves has been determined by measurement of travel time of pulses in specimens of rock at pressures to 10 kilobars a•d room temperature. Most of the samples, mainly igneous and metamorphic rocks, furnished... more
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      MultidisciplinaryElastic wavesCrystal structureTravel Time
In this paper we evaluate coating-substrate adherence in galvanized steel with the Acoustic Emission (AE) technique applied during scratch tests (ST), analyzing in this way the elastic waves emitted during microfracture processes. Hot-dip... more
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      Acoustic EmissionQuality ControlElastic waves
Seismic anisotropy is a key property to understand the structure of the crust and mantle. In this contribution, we investigate the influence of shape (morphological) preferred orientation (SPO), crystallographic preferred orientation... more
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      MineralogyNonlinear ElasticityElastic wavesElastic and acoustic wave propagation and scattering
Chronic hepatitis is accompanied by progressive deposit of hepatic fibrosis, which may lead to cirrhosis. Evaluation of liver fibrosis is, thus, of great clinical interest and, up to now, has been assessed with liver biopsy. This work... more
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      UltrasoundLow FrequencyElastic wavesElasticity
Piezoelectric wafer active sensors (PWAS) used in structural health monitoring (SHM) applications are able to detect structural damage using Lamb waves. PWAS are small, lightweight, unobtrusive and inexpensive. They achieve direct... more
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      EngineeringStructural Health MonitoringElastic wavesLamb wave
Both time-and space-splitted Burgers' equations are solved numerically. Cubic B-spline collocation method is applied to the time-splitted Burgers' equation. Quadratic B-spline collocation method is used to get numerical solution of the... more
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      EngineeringNumber TheoryStochastic ProcessNumerical Method
This paper presents an approach for the joint simulation of elastic-wave velocities (compressional and shear waves) and electrical conductivity for clastic rocks using a unified microstructural model. We treat clastic formations as porous... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeophysicsElastic wavesComposite Material
This paper is concerned with the experimental identification of the whole dynamic elastic stiffness tensor of a transversely isotropic clayrock from a single cylindrical sample under loading. Measurement of elastic wave velocities (pulse... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryGeophysicsElastic waves
In the present letter, the authors consider the diffraction of plane harmonic compressional wave ͑P wave͒ by a nanosized circular hole. The surface elasticity theory is employed to incorporate the surface effects. The results show that... more
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      EngineeringElastic wavesPhysical sciencesSurface Energy
As a non-destructive, non-invasive and non-ionizing evaluation technique for heterogeneous media, the ultrasonic method is of major interest in industrial applications but especially in biomedical fields. Among the unidirectionally... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringAnisotropyElastic waves
We derive the nondiffracting X waves, first discussed within acoustics by Lu and Greenleaf ͓IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelec. Freq. Contr. 39, 19 ͑1992͔͒, using the general mathematical formalism based on an angular spectrum of plane... more
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      Elastic wavesHigher Order ThinkingSpectrum
A simple method for preparing artificial kidney stones with varying physical properties is described. BegoStone was prepared with a powder-to-water ratio ranging from 15:3 to 15:6. The acoustic properties of the phantoms were... more
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      Physical ChemistryUltrasoundElastic wavesBulk Modulus
It is known that rock anisotropy can significantly influence the phase and energy velocities of an elastic wave, as well as its reflection/transmission (R/T) coefficients. As a result, it can distort the velocity analysis of... more
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      MultidisciplinaryElastic wavesData ProcessingSeismic reflection
Guided elastic waves in the frequency range of a few hundred kHz, generated and detected by appro- priate transducer arrays, are used to monitor the structural integrity of pipes by comparing their actual state with a predefined reference... more
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      Structural Health MonitoringStructural IntegrityLow FrequencyHigh Frequency
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      Surface Acoustic WavesSensors (Surface Acoustic Waves)Kinetic ModelingSeismic Waves
Plane-wave reflection coefficients ͑PWRCs͒ are routinely used in amplitude-variation-with-offset analysis and for generating boundary data in Kirchhoff modeling. However, the geometrical-seismics approximation based on PWRCs becomes... more
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      GeophysicsLow FrequencyHigh FrequencyElastic waves
The detection and characterization of defects in structures is an important issue in non-destructive testing. To avoid the scanning of large samples, guided elastic waves, which propagate along the structure, are excited. These waves... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringNon Destructive TestingElastic waves
This paper investigates the transverse and torsional wave in single-and double-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs and DWCNTs), focusing on the effect of carbon nanotube microstructure on wave dispersion. The SWCNTs and DWCNTs are modeled as... more
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      EngineeringCarbon NanotubeHigh FrequencyElastic waves
We present a new method for wave propagation in global earth models based upon the coupling between the spectral element method and a modal solution method. The Earth is decomposed into two parts, an outer shell with 3-D lateral... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsFinite ElementElastic waves
In order to reduce the costs related to corrosion damage in aircraft structures, it is vital to develop new robust, accurate and reliable damage detection methods. A possible answer to this problem is offered by newly developed nonlinear... more
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      EngineeringNonlinear ElasticityDamage detectionStress corrosion cracking
The paper gives effective use of the elastic and plastic properties of the material pre-stressed in steel beams with a significant increase in dry capacity with a change in the cross section of the upper and lower shelves, reducing... more
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      Elastic wavesprestressed ConcretePlasticCross Section
The Micro-and Nano-mechanics Working Group of the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics organized a forum to discuss the perspectives, trends, and directions in mechanics of heterogeneous materials in January 2010. The... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringOphthalmology
To accurately predict production in compactible reservoirs, we must use coupled models of fluid flow and mechanical deformation. Staggered-in-time loose coupling of flow and deformation via a high-level numerical interface that repeatedly... more
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Cellular structures like honeycombs or reticulated micro-frames are widely used in sandwich construction because of their superior structural static and dynamic properties. The aim of this study is to evaluate the dynamic behavior of... more
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      EngineeringModelingLocalizationFinite element method
Thin NiAl bicrystals 5 mm in diameter and 150-350 m thick were tested under laser-induced shock compression to evaluate the material behavior and the effect of localized strain at the grain boundary on the failure of these specimens.... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceTransmission Electron Microscopy
In this paper, we generalize the high order well-balanced finite difference weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) scheme, designed earlier by us in Xing and Shu (2005, J. Comput. phys. 208, 206-227) for the shallow water equations,... more
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      Applied MathematicsTwo Phase FlowScientific ComputingElastic waves
We consider a three-dimensional composite material made of small inclusions periodically embedded in an elastic matrix, the whole structure presents strong heterogeneities between its different components. In the general framework of... more
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      Applied MathematicsMultiscale ModelingElastic wavesNumerical Simulation
We report an actively Q-switched all-fibre laser using a fibre-optic resonant acousto-optic modulator as Q-switching element. The modulator consists of a short-length fibre Bragg grating modulated by a standing longitudinal elastic wave,... more
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      Elastic wavesOptical physicsOptical FibreFibre Bragg Grating
Dynamic crack growth along the interface of a ÿber-reinforced polymer composite-Homalite bimaterial subjected to impact shear loading is investigated experimentally and numerically. In the experiments, the polymer composite-Homalite... more
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      EngineeringFatigue crack growthElastic wavesMathematical Sciences
A pseudospectral model of linear elastic wave propagation is described based on the first order stress-velocity equations of elastodynamics. k-space adjustments to the spectral gradient calculations are derived from the dyadic Green's... more
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      AcousticsSoundMultidisciplinaryLinear models
In this paper we present the results of a systematic theoretical and experimental investigation of the fundamental aspects of using piezoelectric wafer active sensors (PWASs) to achieve embedded ultrasonics in thin-gage beam and plate... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringExperimental MechanicsStructural Health Monitoring
Active sensor wave propagation technique is a relatively new method for in-situ nondestructive evaluation (NDE). Elastic waves propagating in material carry the information of defects. These information can be extracted by analyzing the... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringMathematicsFinite Element MethodsFinite element method