Eighteenth Century History
Recent papers in Eighteenth Century History
Le film de Sergueï Bondartchouk (1920-1994), Guerre et Paix (1966), monument de l'Histoire du cinéma, est ressorti fin 2023 en France en salle (et en coffret Blu-ray ou DVD). Que penser de cette gigantesque fresque (cinq ans de tournage,... more
Son abundantes los planes existentes para reconquistar la plaza de Gibraltar desde su pérdida para España en 1704. Entre todos ellos consideramos la singularidad del propuesto por José de Llona, que hemos investigado y del que exponemos a... more
Ponencia presentada en el II Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Genealogistas.
Circumcision Celebrations in Istanbul offers an in-depth analysis of the sumptuous festivities and symbolic representations associated with the grand public celebrations staged by the Ottoman court to celebrate the circumcision of Sultan... more
La categoria di frontiera, al centro di questi volumi, che hanno origine dal V Congresso della Società Italiana delle Storiche, allude all'attraversamento di con ni attuato dalla Storia di genere: tra discipline, tra privato e pubblico,... more
This paper explores the extensive coverage of the harsh winter of 1740 in European print. It asks which topics predominated in which media forms and what this tells us about the cultural significance of the exceptional weather conditions.... more
Focusing on the cartographic imagination of the European Enlightenment (1650-1800), this essay seeks to discuss the role of the cartographic representation of the Earth in the construction of a planetary space, as well as its function as... more
The article is devoted to the text about the plant Chelidonia (from Greek χελιδόν ‘swallow’) in Russian handwritten herbals of the 18th–19th centuries and its ancient origins. Information about “swallow grass” and its medical and other... more
Since the tenth century, the main religious force in Russia has been Orthodox Christianity. This branch of the Christian Church developed differently from its Western counterpart, Latin Christianity, after the geopolitical paths of the... more
ESP: Este trabajo analiza críticamente la Galería Regional de Palazzo Abatellis en Palermo, centrándose en su arquitectura, evolución histórica y el proyecto de restauración museográfica llevado a cabo por Carlo Scarpa en los años 50.... more
This chapter discusses some of the physiological models used during the early eighteenth century to explain the origin of passions and afflictions of the soul—or emotions, as we would call them today. It focuses on the celebrated Spanish... more
The North Garden of Deshou Palace during the Southern Song Dynasty, holds a respected status, distinctive features, and rich records. It has signifi cant cognitive importance in the history of Chinese gardens, serving as a link between... more
Review for the journal "Rivista di Storia del Cristianesimo", n. 2 (2024), pp. 446-450, ISSN: 1827-7365; electronic ISSN: 2611-8572.
In 1802 verscheen De man in drie gedaanten, of de balling (Amsterdam: wed. J. Dóll), een vertaling van een Franse bewerking van Abällino door R.C. Guilbert-Pixeré court: L'homme à trois visages, ou le proscrit (Parijs: se vend au théatre,... more
This chapter explores the emergence of anthropology as a field of inquiry in the eighteenth century, with attention paid to the creation of cultural anthropology alongside the development of a natural history of mankind. This latter set... more
« Diplomate ? Acteur ? Courtisan ? Représenter le roi de France Henri IV à Rome, l'exemple de l'ambassadeur Charles de Neufville, seigneur d'Halincourt (1605-1608). » Charles de Neufville, fils du secrétaire d'État Nicolas de Villeroy,... more
This article traces the metamorphoses of Arabic linguistics from the 16th century to the present day. They can be seen as successive points of view creating “Arabic” objects that are different from one another, but whose traces can be... more
Séminaire Entreprises, marchés et régulations (LARHRA – Laboratoire Triangle), Lyon, 13 février 2025
Corrispondere con l’Europa. L’epistolario di Francesco Algarotti (1712-1764), 16-17 gennaio 2025, Università di Torino
Very interesting and pretty persuasive, bearing in mind the need for symbolic corroboration. Excellent material and I hope to see it in print. You have done a great job in extending and deepening references and examples, Temple Newsam,... more
PhD thesis from Radboud University (February 2024)
Research into the history of collections can shed light not only on the epistemic, but also the political and economic dimensions of the objects that museums collect. This article explores these dimensions through the study of... more
el Brazo Militar se negaba a obedecer la orden de modificación del testamento de Carlos II. Argumentaba para ello el Estamento Militar «Sólo era una junta establecida de nobleza en Cortes, sin tener comunicado tal poder». Llama la... more
Gabriel Gruber was a Habsburg (Austrian) Jesuit, architect and polymath, who left an indelible mark on the history of the city of Ljubljana, where I currently reside.
La diffusione sempre più ampia e rapida di notizie ingannevoli costruite ad arte a fini di propaganda o di contropropaganda -le cosiddette fake news -costringe un utente consapevole a tenere desta l'attenzione verso i rischi di una... more
By the end of sixteenth century, when still a young man, Angelo Notari worked as musician in his native city Padua; he went to London in 1611, at the service of the Venice ambassador Antonio Foscarini. In the staff of the diplomat was... more
Ponencia presentada en: Workshop sur la Geologie du Quaternaire de l'Algerie «QUATAL»: Setif, Algeria, 4-5 decembre, 2019
In 1675, the Ottoman state held an imperial festival (sur-ı hümayun) in Edirne to celebrate the military achievements, the circumcision of the sons of Sultan Mehmed IV (r. 1648-1687) and the marriage of his daughter. Drawing from... more
Porthan-sällskapets syfte är att befrämja lärdomsoch kulturhistorisk forskning kring H.G. Porthan och hans tid. Därtill kan man säga att sällskapet ägnar sig åt vetenskapligt historiebruk. Historiebruk – som är en form av minneskultur –... more
The measurements recorded in the inventory, 10 by 13.5 palmi (223 by 301 centimetres), approximate those of the painting, which are 188 by 275 centimetres. Discrepancies of measurements between inventories and an actual painting are not... more
Cembalaro e commerciante di legname, Francesco Cimini costruì l’oratorio del Santissimo Crocifisso in Montasola, in Sabina, e fondò l’Opera pia Cimini, istituzione caritatevole a favore dei bisognosi e dei poveri. Dotò le strutture di... more
Unpublished essay written for the Wallace Collection website.
La construction européenne est ainsi relancée avec de nouveaux élargissements à l'Est, notamment l'entrée de la Pologne à l' UE en 2004. Dès 1989, la Pologne s'est rapidement rapprochée des pays occidentaux, dont la France avec laquelle... more
Complotti, intrighi e trame oscure nella rete di monsignor Umberto Benigni (1918-1934) at http://ereticopedia.wikidot.com/pepe-valbousquet Complotti, intrighi e trame oscure nella rete di monsignor Umberto Benigni (1918-1934) A proposito... more
When organized homosexual emancipation took root in the late nineteenth century, it was based to a large extent on the then prevailing biomedical and psychiatric conceptualizations. These presented homosexuality as an innate inclination... more
Research on the circulation of Arabic books in the 18 th century has typically focused on the movement of manuscripts from the Ottoman Near East to Western Europe. This transfer has been examined in light of military conflicts and... more
This article examines the dissemination processes and geography of wheat species and varieties in Portugal between the 16th and the 20th centuries. Based on a wide range of sources, from monastic records to official agricultural reports... more
his life, the foundation was laid for the subsequent ecumenical commitments that many Methodists have perceived in works such as Catholic spirit. Diehl Yates tells the story of Wesley's life predominantly against the grain of such a... more