Eighteenth Century History
Recent papers in Eighteenth Century History
The character and reputation of Frederick, prince of Wales, have long divided historians. His apparently piecemeal efforts at opposition have been dismissed as lacking in focus, while his mercurial character and early demise have left him... more
From the foundation of the Order of St John in 11th century Syria as a community of lay brethren intent on providing shelter, care and assistance to pilgrims visiting the Holy Land, the destiny of the Hospitaller Knights was irremediably... more
This article examines the fashion for dressing à la grecque among elite women in late Directorial and Consular France. The discourse on Greek fashion served multiple, competing agendas. Neoclassical fashion presented opportunities for... more
Josiah Tucker, who was the Anglican dean of Gloucester from 1758 until his death in 1799, is best known today as a controversialist, a political economist and a lesser contemporary of Adam Smith. Little attention has been paid, however,... more
This chapter analyses a caricature, produced in 1753 by the watercolourist Paul Sandby entitled Burlesque sur le Burlesque. This caricature attacks the painter William Hogarth, in particular, his recently published aesthetic treatise, The... more
The First of the Modern Ottomans blends biography with intellectual history. On the one hand, it is the story of an Ottoman life – the life of the scribe, ambassador, and prolific historian Ahmed Vâsıf (ca. 1735-1806), a man who... more
This paper aims to account for what I describe as the gentrification of the humanist tradition by strengthening the bond between the epistemic merger of virtue theory and the still emergent category of political economy in... more
Eighteenth-century Britain saw the emergence of a new poetic genre, the “work” poem which took various forms of labor as its subject and was often written by laborers themselves. Several of these working class poets found their lives... more
This work is a brief review (600-word) of Ottoman Tulips, Ottoman Coffee: Leisure and Lifestyle in the Eighteenth Century edited by Dana Sajdi.
Distortion is the moment at which the physical means of transmitting a text irrupt into a reader's experience of it. I will discuss distortion here as a phenomenon occurring in printed materials, but I do not wish to exclude other... more
Symposium: The Staatskapelle Berlin at 450 – A Review “Crisis and Prosperity: The Development of Prussian Court Music from 1713 to 1806“ Venue: Staatsoper im Schiller Theater Date: 7th- 9th October 2016 Call for Papers Deadline:... more
[EN] Nobiles pauperes: The Clientele of the Congregation of the Mission Hospital in Eighteenth-Century Vilnius In 1695, Jan Teofil Plater and his wife Aleksandra founded a hospital for six impoverished nobles in Vilnius. Situated near... more
Depuis le début du XVIIIe siècle, le concept d’un lieu situé à l’abri de tous les regards et voué aux plaisirs du libertin a envahi la littérature romanesque et théâtrale (Diderot, Sade, Crébillon, etc.). Les rapports de police et les... more
Paper from The Moving Forward Conference 2012.
Charlotte Lennox (c.1729-1804) was an eighteenth-century London author whose most celebrated novel, The Female Quixote (1752), is just one of eighteen works published over forty-three years. Her stories of independent women influenced... more
The 1727-30 mortality crisis was, excluding the Civil War, perhaps the second most severe in England since the Black Death. This regional study of the crisis charts its course and impact in Lancashire, testing whether (as contemporaries... more
In 1795 the old Republic of the Seven United Provinces collapsed, and Dutch revolutionaries founded a new, ‘‘Batavian’’ Republic. This essay reexamines the Batavian appreciation of the example of the American Revolution by focusing on one... more
Slaap. Hoewel slapen en sluimeren belangrijk aspecten waren van het dagdagelijkse leven in vroegmodern Europa, weten we er omzeggens niets over. Diverse cruciale vragen (zie hieronder) blijven daarbij onbeantwoord. Roger Ekirch is zowat... more
In the eighteenth century dried pasta 'as made in Genoa and Naples' was a luxury food accessible only to the wealthiest segment of the population. Durum wheat flour was necessary to produce this type of pasta, but in the venetian... more
"Enlightened Monks investigates the social, cultural, philosophical, and theological challenges the German Benedictines had to face between 1740 and 1803, and how the Enlightenment process influenced the self-understanding and lifestyle... more
Presentation about slavery in Suriname by the Surinamese author Cynthia McLeod, introduction by Jeroen Dewulf.
Was the accession of the Hanoverian dynasty of Brunswick to the throne of Britain and its empire in 1714 merely the final act in the 'Glorious Revolution' of 1688-89? Many contemporaries and later historians thought so, explaining the... more
ABSTRACT in English (résumé en français plus bas): "Artillery and the art of the 'petite guerre': a long progression" In 1744, for the first time in France, some pieces of artillery are associated to a unit of light troops from its... more
This is the first comparative study of a highly unlikely group of authors: eighteenth-century women peasants in England, Scotland, and Germany, women who, as a rule, received little or no formal education and lived by manual labor, many... more
Courtney Weikle-Mills’s Imaginary Citizens: Child Readers and the Limits of American Independence, 1640-1868 expands this reductive understanding of the evolution of U.S. citizenship by demonstrating the significance of the child and the... more
Review of: Evgenii Viktorovich Anisimov, Gosudarstvennye preobrazovaniia i samoderzhavie Petra Velikogo v pervoi chetverti XVIII veka [State Reforms and Peter the Great's Autocracy in the First Quarter of the 18th Century]. 331 pp. St.... more
Fancy in the eighteenth century was part of a rich semantic network, connecting wit, whimsicality, erotic desire, spontaneity, deviation from norms and triviality. It was also a contentious term, signifying excess, oddness and... more
This article on the American Revolution was published in AGORA, the magazine of the Victorian History Teachers Association.
In the eighteenth century, the African American community began a process of forming an identity using experiences of shared oppression and physical appearance. Communal bonds were incomplete and often fragile due to the variance of skin... more