Egyptology, Iconography
Recent papers in Egyptology, Iconography
Notwithstanding the fact that the heart amulet stands amongst the most important items of magical protection in Ancient Egypt, little attention has been dedicated to the study of its symbolism. Although the heart amulets may seems quite... more
Publication d’une trentaine de statuettes d’Isis passées ces dernières années dans le commerce d’art. Si l’on peut regretter avec les auteurs que nous ne disposons presque jamais, dans pareils cas, des circonstances de découverte ,... more
Since its discovery by Battiscombe Gunn, it is believed that Saqqara's Ostrakon is able to improve our understanding of how Egyptians designed curved elements, but the geometric significance of the hieratic values is still uncertain.... more
State formation is traditionally studied in an evolutionary framework and on the premise that, at a certain point, social evolution will generate violence, counterbalanced by control. Egyptian state formation is no exception, and many... more
Since its discovery by Battiscombe Gunn, it is believed that Saqqara's Ostrakon is able to improve our understanding of how Egyptians designed curved elements, but the geometric significance of the hieratic values is still uncertain.... more
In 2003, a temple was unearthed by Paolo Gallo's Italian Archaeological Mission in Alexandria (CMAIA) in the El-Bahrein Oasis, 140 km southeast of Siwa in the Lybian Desert. The tripartite sanctuary was decorated with painted reliefs... more
"The main point is that when one takes into account what we know about ancient Egyptian mathematics (based primarily on the Rhind Papyrus) and what we know about the system of measuring lengths in terms of "cubits," "palms," and "fingers"... more
Белые парики и головные уБоры xA.t в египетской изоБразительности нового царства (проблема семантики) 1 Общие сведения см.: Müller 1982, 988-990.
The coffin discussed in this article was found in 1891 in the main corridor of Bab el-Gasus, the collective tomb of the priests of Amun in Deir el-Bahari, just at its entrance, thus being in close proximity with the shaft. The coffin... more
Thèse d'École nationale des chartes sous la direction de Chloé Ragazzoli. Soutenance le 4/06/2019.
Суть Креста, ключа Жизни — загадка страданья и Радости, мрака и Света, греха и Спасения. Крест Египтян Анх, венчаемый пéтлей врат в Небо как ýшком иглы для готовых пролезть — явь тому.
The physical characterization and ethnical adscription of the Ancient Egyptians have been topics of great interest in Egyptology research for some time. The afrocentrists’ hypotheses insist that the Egyptians were black. Opposing this... more
The book presents an overview of the collection of Ancient Egyptian artefacts in the porperty of Würzburg university. The focus lies on objects pertaining to the funerary belief. Among the some 70 antiquities are some of utmost interest,... more