Egypt and Nubia

304 papers
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Egypt and Nubia refers to the historical and cultural interactions between ancient Egypt and the neighboring region of Nubia, characterized by trade, warfare, and cultural exchange. This relationship significantly influenced the development of both civilizations, impacting their political structures, religious practices, and artistic expressions throughout antiquity.
DNA and other evidence suggests the early history of the Hebrew Old Testament concerns two entirely separate people united by monotheism and military conquest. The first, taking the name of Israelites from Israel (Jacob), the grandson of... more
The three-volume publication of the results of archaeological excavations at the UNESCO heritage site of El-Zuma in Sudan, investigated by PCMA University of Warsaw and the National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums in Khartoum,... more
This article examines the composition of the Roman-Byzantine border troops of the Egyptian-Nubian limes with special reference to the role of African and 'black' African units or individual soldiers as stratiotai, limitanei, foederati,... more
SUMMARY: This lecture covers mainly the Early through Classic Kerma periods of the city, plus the post-classic, terminal phase of occupation at Kerma, including the different phases of occupation, the main temple (Deffufa), some... more
Abstract The purpose of this article is to reevaluate the Assyrian attempts to conquer Egypt in the days of Taharqa, King of Kush (690-664 B.C.) during the reigns of Esarhaddon (681-669 B.C.) and Ashurbanipal (669 - ca. 630 B.C.) kings... more
Fly- and lions-pendants are known as royal military rewards since the end of the XIXth century, but it is the German Egyptologist Kurt Sethe who, the first one, tried to explain the symbolism of these two animals in a military context. Up... more
يتناول هذا البحث لمحة مبتسرة عن علاقة مصر مع النوبة السفلى و العليا في شقيها السلمى و الحربي في عهد الملك المصري منتوحتب الثانى
The Relationships between Egypt and Nubia in the reign of king (Nb-Hbt-Ra)
Kurze Biografien der einzelnen Teilnehmer auf der Expedition unter Karl Richard Lepsius nach Ägypten und Nubien in den Jahren 1842 bis 1845. Siehe auch: Elke Freier, Franziska Naether und Siegfried Wagner (Hrsg.), Von Naumburg bis zum... more
I n the course of history, various peoples have left an aesthetic imprint on the fields of architecture, sculpture, goldsmithing, painting or decorative arts as a result of their internal development and their vision of the world, all of... more
If one wants to summarize in one brief sentence three centuries of Egyptian radiation throughout the Middle East and Northeastern Africa, the following is quite sufficient: A permanent strife between two priesthoods for prevalence and... more
In several previous articles, I examined the parallel characteristics of the fake colonial states of Sudan (real Ethiopia) and Abyssinia (fake Ethiopia) that have been the end result of the Freemasonic Orientalist fallacies of Pan-Arabism... more
The socio-cultural origin of hieroglyphics and writing systems has never adequately been explained. This is mainly due to ‗argument from silence', i.e., a faith that elevates a single perspective and silences others. This paper breaks... more
Kushite Twenty-fifth Dynasty royal clothing was characterized by many innovative elements that appeared on traditional Egyptian clothing in various types of garments. Due to the lengthy period of interaction between Egypt and Kush,... more
A brief overview and revision of the process of Egyptianisation in relation to the Pan-Grave Culture in Egypt and its "disappearance" from the archaeological record. The paper demonstrates that Egyptianisation played a less significant... more
Following the death of Ramesses XI, Egypt entered into a chaotic situation of multi-division that lasted more than 300 years. The high priests of Amun of Thebes had risen to power during the century-long period of the successors of... more
Pan-Arabism was the fake doctrine fabricated by the colonial Orientalist academia in order to project the fake Arab identity onto the former. Ethiopianism was the fake doctrine fabricated by the colonial Orientalist academia in order to... more
In this paper, I interprete the C-Group people’s response to the shifting political climate during the Middle Kingdom and the Second Intermediate Period with special reference to the shifting relationships to Kush in Upper Nubia and the... more
Two recent documentaries promote a “Black Pharaohs” theme in which Kushite rulers overthrew the superior Egyptians and ruled Egypt (25th dynasty), but the Egyptians later erased their reign from history. This narrative undergirds “The... more
Following Tanwetamani´s flee to the south, many Kushites residing in Upper Egypt (up to the first cataract) and the adjacent parts of Kush / Ethiopia (mainly the area between the first and the second cataracts) left to relocate to the... more
ENiM -Une revue d'égyptologie sur internet est librement téléchargeable depuis le site internet de l'équipe « Égypte nilotique et méditerranéenne » de l'UMR 5140, « Archéologie des sociétés méditerranéennes » :... more
On the other hand, Jan Assman cannot possibly deceive every one! His interpretation of the pictorial presentation of the evil worshipped by Hyksos as god cannot be left so incomplete. Certainly, the Hyksos worshipped Seth (Zety) and... more
Выставка в Государственном музее Востока, 16.02.2021–28.03.2021 Выставка подготовлена Государственным музеем Востока совместно с Государственным Эрмитажем, Государственным музеем изобразительных искусств им. А.С. Пушкина, Архивом... more
Son of Piye and Abale, younger brother of Shebitqu, Taharqa (690 – 664) reigned in Kemet (Egypt) and Kush (Ethiopia) at the times of the Assyrian zenith. There could not be worse time for a polytheist pharaoh to merge Kush / Ethiopia and... more
In this article, I will examine a bogus-historical term that has been constructed by the Freemasonic Orientalist ateliers and academia of France and England to further spread confusion in the wider region, and – more importantly –... more
This article aims at giving an overall view of the real and mythical topography of the Abaton of Biggeh, which housed a relic, the left leg of the God Osiris, in connection with the rituals. After a geographical and archaeological... more
Excerpt: Ambakisye-Okang Olatunde Dukuzumurenyi, The Book of the Tep-Heseb: An Afrikological Research Methodology, Being An Afrikological Primer in Critical Thinking, Critical Listening, Critical Speaking, Critical Questioning, Critical... more
Among the all too few references to late Ramesside involvement in Nubia is a detail of a painted scene in Theban Tomb 65, the tomb-chapel of the priest, chief of the altar-chamber and chief of the temple archives of the estate of Amun,... more
The Virgin Beyond Borders
The nephew and successor of Shabaka was even less prudent than his uncle. Following a period of several years of co-regency, Shabataka (as known to the Assyrians) rose to the throne of Thebes and Napata in 706 BCE and ruled until 690 BCE.... more
Kush, Kingship of (eahaa00438) "Interactions with the Classical World" Solange Ashby Word count: 4132 5000 words including references Abstract: The kings of Kush ruled a polity that was a 3000-year old, culturally continuous kingdom... more
MAS 45 Decorated Pottery and the Art of Naqada III traces the relationship between painted vessels found at Qustul and the major art works produced in Egypt during the Naqada III. A case is made for a chronological relationship with... more
As Egyptian power extended upstream in Nubia in the early New Kingdom, Egyptian customs appeared in places and ways not seen before, becoming so dominant that cemeteries and known settlements do not differ substantially from their... more
Au début du Nouvel Empire (1540-1290 avant notre ère), deux récompenses particulières, se présentant sous la forme de pendentifs figurant une mouche ou un lion, furent octroyées par le pharaon à certains officiers. L’emblème de l’insecte... more
This self-published paper is based on layered drawings of the Gebel Sheikh Suleiman Monument made and collated in 2016-2017. Each layer is briefly explained and some conclusions are presented. This paper is by Ole Unhammer, Cornelia... more
Much archaeological material of the early New Kingdom has been recovered from Nubia, but these transitional phases are not represented well in nonfunerary remains. At Serra East (see map, Introduction: Fig. 1), the Oriental Institute... more
This book illustrates the state-of-the-art in settlement archaeology in Northeast Africa. As reflected in the title “From Microcosm to Macrocosm: Individual households and cities in Ancient Egypt and Nubia”, both a micro- approach... more