For thousands of years, people have expressed their cultural and religious ideas in pictorial and written form. The academic field of epigraphy is concerned with the very same legacies, which have been written, painted, engraved or... more
It is well known that in Egyptian archaeology, settlements have received comparatively less attention than temples and tombs. This is due to the dominance of the philological fraction within Egyptology mostly interested in carries of... more
Report on results of recent epigraphic fieldwork at the site of Elkab
This paper reconsiders three royal inscriptions of King Merenra (Sixth Dynasty) in the region of the First Nile Cataract. They have long been known to scholars but have not received extensive treatment beyond translations. The... more
In 2003 the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization adopted a Convention for Safeguarding Intangible Heritage. Since that date all the countries all over the world started to develop the strategies to document,... more
This case study explores the physical and cultural connections between the Hebrews and African populations in ancient Egypt, focusing particularly on the Hebrews' ability to blend into Egyptian society during their time in Egypt. By... more
This paper reconsiders three royal inscriptions of King Merenra (Sixth Dynasty) in the region of the First Nile Cataract. They have long been known to scholars but have not received extensive treatment beyond translations. The... more
The kingdom of Kerma has traditionally been viewed as a political, militaristic, and cultural antagonist to the polities of Egypt during the later Middle Bronze (2000-1550 BC). However, little consideration has been made on how royal... more
This paper investigates different body techniques for carrying heavy loads by individuals buried at Abu Fatima, a Nubian Bronze Age cemetery in Sudan. Drawing on iconographic evidence from ancient Egypt and Nubia, as well as African and... more
After 25 years of research on the “casing stone story,” I’ve made new discoveries that challenge the current story. Evidence comparing the three pyramids on the Giza Plateau shows the differences in construction. The Khufu Images further... more
While there is a considerable body of data regarding the sources of minerals employed in Bronze Age Egypt, the supply chains to Sudanese Lower Nubia are virtually unknown. This paper presents results of lead isotope analysis of 11 samples... more
In November 2023 I gave a paper to the Sussex Egyptology Society in Brighton. The report by Marilyn Smith is attached.
The term supratrochlear aperture (STA) refers to a perforation of the bony septum between the coronoid and olecranon fossae of the distal humerus. Although extensively reported and discussed in the literature, there is no consensus about... more
Following its participation in the UNESCO International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Lower Nubia, the Czechoslovak Institute of Egyptology received a donation of a share of finds acquired during its course by the Egyptian government.... more
Monumental rock-cut tombs decorated with wall paintings or reliefs were rare in New Kingdom colonial Nubia. Exceptions include the 18th Dynasty tombs of Djehutyhotep (Debeira) and Hekanefer (Miam), and the 20th Dynasty tomb of Pennut... more
As we all know African continent has been through a lot overtime and space as the world evolved , she has witness all sort of influence since the coming of the Europeans in the continent . From the advent of the transatlantic slave trade... more
Raman spectroscopy and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry were used to characterize the chemical composition of 34 red garnet beads from Lower Nubian sites, dated between about 3200 BCE and 600 CE. All beads from... more
In 2013, the hand-written diary of Max Weidenbach was found in the South Australian Museum in Adelaide. At 19 years of age, Max was the youngest member, a draughtsman, with the famous Prussian expedition to Egypt under Richard Lepsius... more
This research focuses on the performance and enactment of the royal funeral in antiquity, which is studied through the lens of New Kingdom royal burials in the Valley of the Kings (ca. 1550- 1070BC). This allows for a redefinition of how... more
Art and its impact on contemporary environment has attracted the attention of several mural artist and academics. The charming area of Nubia with its strategic location on the banks of the river Nile emerged as the source of inspiration... more
In 2003 the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization adopted a Convention for Safeguarding Intangible Heritage. Since that date all the countries all over the world started to develop the strategies to document,... more
In 2003 the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization adopted a Convention for Safeguarding Intangible Heritage. Since that date all the countries all over the world started to develop the strategies to document,... more
Alternative Giza researchers are usually aware of at least one of the ways in which the Great Pyramid references the speed of light. Khafre's pyramid also provides the speed of light very elegantly, with a simple exponential formula of... more
This fifth chapter of the book Early Christianity in Contexts commences with a brief survey of the history and culture of various ancient kingdoms along the river Nile, including the Hellenistic and Roman periods (William Tabbernee). This... more
The Samaritans manuscripts are written in Arabic script with vocalized letters. However, the scribe errs in the vocalization more often than not. The Arabic expression is characterized with a good deal of sophistication, though it is... more
Particularly rich areas for rock art in the Nubian Nile Valley are the cataract zones, where rock outcrops are abundant. Travel by boat is more difficult at the cataracts, perhaps providing travelers with more time to create drawings.... more
In 2003 the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization adopted a Convention for Safeguarding Intangible Heritage. Since that date all the countries all over the world started to develop the strategies to document,... more
On criticism, misrepresentation, and logical fallacy in Egyptology: A response to Aaron de Souza's review of Ethnic Identities in the Land of the Pharaohs. Past and Present Approaches in Egyptology Reading the books Genesis and... more
This paper deals with the funerary architecture of the royal necropolises of the Napata Kingdom where an evident influence comes from the Theban elitist models of the Asasif. These decorative loans were randomly chosen and in use in Nubia... more
The article publishes and analyzes six pottery vessels found by the Nubian Expedition of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1962 at the site of Khor Daoud (Southern Egypt) and subsequently transferred under the agreement with the... more
The contribution deals with some imaginary creatures occurring in the Kerma art. Indeed, mythical animals like criosphinx, winged giraffe and hippo with anthropomorphic body and others were represented in the capital city of the kingdom... more
in collaboration with Mohamed el-Bialy and Mohi ed-Din Mustafa 1 For all previous seasons see C. von Pilgrim et al., The Town of Syene.
Over a century, the center of the earlier phase of the Kushite state (Napata) was a matter of dispute among the scholars concerned. The sites recovered by the Boston – Harvard Expedition (1916-1919) at J. Barkal, Kurru, Nuri, and Sanam... more
“The only image of the king [Djedkare Isesi] is from a temple to Osiris …”.
J. Hill.
J. Hill.
Art and its impact on contemporary environment has attracted the attention of several mural artist and academics. The charming area of Nubia with its strategic location on the banks of the river Nile emerged as the source of inspiration... more
Uno de los grandes vacíos en el conocimiento de los artefactos de la vida cotidiana del antiguo Egipto lo constituyen las figurillas producidas en barro o arcilla a lo largo del segundo milenio a.n.e. Recientemente, innovadores proyectos... more
2020 the construction of a storeroom began. The building was to be located next to a police station at the site, so archaeological excavations had to be conducted there before construction started (Trench 1/SH). Simultaneously, an initial... more
Art and its impact on contemporary environment has attracted the attention of several mural artist and academics. The charming area of Nubia with its strategic location on the banks of the river Nile emerged as the source of inspiration... more
The paper presents the new archaeological project established by Sapienza University of Rome in Sudan at the site of Hujair Gubli, setting it against the recent research defined and carried out in the past years (2019-2021). The general... more
Art and its impact on contemporary environment has attracted the attention of several mural artist and academics. The charming area of Nubia with its strategic location on the banks of the river Nile emerged as the source of inspiration... more
People in the Nile Valley lived in the constant fear of monsters, demons and other misfortunes threatening them. Therefore, they had to turn to God for protection. God however was far in the Heavens, while his angelic messengers were... more
The term *Wadū appears in various Nubian dialects. The term is usually associated with Arabic. However, The Nuër people of Sudan utilize the term in their language of Thok Naath. As-Suyuti was clear about various words in Arabic that came... more
Archaeology lends a critical perspective to research on social inequality due to the eld's unique access to deep history, emphasis on materiality, and explicit incorporation of multiple lines of evidence. This paper o ers a concise... more