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Der Dreißigjährige Krieg: Zeugnisse vom Leben mit Gewalt (The Thirty Years War: Testimonies from Living with Violence). Goettingen: Wallstein, 2018. Historical treatments of the Thirty Years War have heretofore been mainly political... more
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      Violence17th-Century StudiesHistory of Everyday LifeThirty Years' War
Während mit Zwingli im Abendmahl der Zürcher das historische Gedenken an die Stelle der Realpräsenz getreten war, manifestierte sich im Umgang mit Schriftgut eine Verehrung der Dinglichkeit, die schon Zeitgenossen katholisch anmutete. Die... more
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      Archival StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of the BookSwiss History
This article presents a manuscript that significantly enriches the textual corpus of ›Helfta Mysticism‹ with a series of hitherto unknown writings. Aside from this, it contains what is by some distance the oldest copy of the ›Legatus... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval LiteratureLate Middle AgesWomen's History
Edited collection -- with chapters by Adam Smyth, Barry Windeatt, David Matthew, Molly Murray, Kathleen Lynch, Suzanne Trill, Tessa Whitehouse, Robert Folkenflik, Lynn Festa, John Richetti, David Vincent, Duncan Wu, Richard Hughes Gibson,... more
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      Self and IdentityAutobiographyHistory of English LiteratureBiography
One of the most momentous and destructive wars in European history, the Thirty Years War has long been studied for its diplomatic, political, and military consequences. Yet the actual participants in this religiously motivated, seemingly... more
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      History of ViolenceCultural MemoryThirty Years WarThirty Years' War
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      European Witch TrialsSubjectivityEgo documentsSelbstzeugnisse
Публикации 34 прежде не появлявшихся в печати писем А.С. Шишкова предпослана развернутая преамбула, по массиву печатных и архивных источников существенно уточняющая родословие самого Шишкова и его ближайших родственников. Подробный... more
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      Family historyEveryday LifeHistory of ConservatismEgo documents
The present paper will investigate pardon letters or “lettres de rémission” granted to soldiers by the Valois dukes of Burgundy from 1386 to 1482. During this period, the chancery records contain 885 remission letters by which the prince... more
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      HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Self and IdentityMedieval History
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Medieval ManuscriptsEgo documents
This article is based on the diary of a young Estonian provincial female party activist Luise Vaher (née Kapstas), in which she describes her evacuation to the Soviet rear following the German invasion of the USSR in the summer and fall... more
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      Gender HistoryBaltic StudiesIdentity (Culture)Ideology
Die Vielgestaltigkeit des menschlichen Körpers und die Wandlungen, denen er im Laufe eines Lebens unterworfen sein kann, bilden den Ausgangspunkt der Disability History, die die historische Bedingtheit dieser Phänomene systematisch auf... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistorical AnthropologyMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History Las contribuciones de este volumen tematizan la relación entre el exilio europeo y latinoamericano y el espacio urbano, el papel de la... more
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      Gender StudiesMasculinity StudiesUrban HistoryTransnational History
«Письма Риты» — первая публикация писем Маргариты Пуришинской (1935—1983) к мужу, поэту Леониду Аронзону (1939—1970). Её эпистолярий — не только важный документ эпохи оттепели и неофициальной культуры Ленинграда, но и живая, страстная,... more
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      Russian LiteratureWomen's writingGender and SexualityGender
Star and Griesemer’s concept of boundary objects has become a central analytic framework in the fields of science and technology studies (STS), computer supported cooperative work (CSCW), information science, and organizational studies.... more
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      MethodologyHistoriographyComputer NetworksArchives
Prusko-rakouská válka z roku 1866 se pod vlivem letošního 150. výročí zabydlela v mediálním prostoru jako válka, která změnila tvář Evropy. To je samozřejmě novinářská zkratka, byť poměrně trefná. Válka mezi Pruským královstvím a... more
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      Military HistoryCzech HistoryHistorical memoryLocal and regional history
За качество прошу прощения, но, как говорится, чем богаты
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      HistoriographyRussian intelligentsiaEgo documents
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      Cultural HistoryRussian StudiesSoviet HistoryWar Studies
Utilizzo di un ego-documento per ricostruire la storia di un esule della Concentrazione antifascista in Francia.
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      Contemporary HistoryFascismParmaEgo documents
Le carte processuali che riguardano suppliche, raccomandazioni, consensi e sentenze sono frutto di una cultura condivisa e sono parte del rituale della parola che orientava e definiva i rapporti sociali in età moderna. Se da un lato è... more
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      Criminal JusticeViolenceXVIII centuryMicrohistory
Orð og aeði -Minni og merking
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      MicrohistorySocial HistoryEgo documentsQuestionaires
In Au plus près des coeurs ? Nouvelles lectures historiques des écrits du for privé, table ronde des 6-7 juin 2002 de l'université de Paris IV, sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Bardet et François-Joseph Ruggiu, Paris, PUPS, 2005, p.... more
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      History of the FamilySocial History of MedicineEgo documentséCrits Du for Privé
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      Social HistoryDiariesEgo documents
The study investigates the current impact of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) adoption in shipping, logistics sea freight forwarding industry and in customs. It is found that the level of adoption of EDI applications in shipping... more
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      RIch Internet ApplicationsElectronic Data Interchange (EDI)Ego documentsUNCITRAL arbitration
Since the establishment of the independent Belgian kingdom in 1830, numerous citizens have written a so-called letter of request or demande de secours to the royal family to ask for money or help in kind. Between 1865 and 1934, spanning... more
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      Working ClassesPopular CultureClassHistory from Below
Der vorliegende Band ediert und kommentiert das Kriegstagebuch von Johann Driza (eingel. und bearb. von Franz Leander Fahrner und Georg Hellmayr) sowie das Kriegstagebuch des Feldzuges 1914 von Othmar Panesch (eingel. und bearb. von Karl... more
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      Military HistoryHabsburg StudiesWorld War IAustria-Hungary
An Excerpt from the book (ch 10 and ch 17) is here available
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      History Of EmotionsMicrohistorySocial and Cultural HistoryIcelandic History
By Claudia Ulbrich and Gabriele Jancke
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      AutobiographyEgo documentsThe Narrative Construction of the Self
In the mid-1950s, a national exercise in West Germany's secondary schools led to almost 6,800 adolescents writing about their wartime experiences. Many portrayed Allied bombing raids and their emotional impact but went beyond predictable... more
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      World War IIChildren and WarGenerationsMemory and Eye Witness Testimony
Saadi Halevi-Ashkenazi was a man of many talents who was involved in a wide range of cultural pursuits. A fourth-generation publisher, he transformed his family’s printing house into one of the Ottoman Empire’s leading establishments and... more
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      BibliographyModern Jewish Historyjews of SalonicaEgo documents
Literatura pamiętnikarska, literatura dokumentu osobistego, czyli egodokumenty, stanowią jedno z bardzo dobrych źródeł do badania przeszłości. Z jednej strony, dzięki pamiętnikom, dziennikom, wspomnieniom, reportażom czy różnego rodzaju... more
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      HistoryLiteratureIdentity (Culture)Ego documents
After its invention as a method and practice of historical research and writing in the 1970s, 80s and 90s the recent "renaissance" of microhistory seems as a new and remarkable historiographical development. 2 it is true, there are... more
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      Historical AnthropologyEarly Modern HistoryGlobal HistoryMicrohistory
Qualcuno dei miei venti lettori si sarà forse chiesto come mai mi è venuta l'idea di scrivere una storia complessiva dell'Inquisizione in Italia, dal momento che i miei lavori precedenti sono esattamente il contrario. Infatti questa... more
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      InquisitionEgo documentsSant'Uffizio
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      Ottoman HistoryLate Ottoman PeriodFamily historyKurdish history
На страницах сборника рассматриваются проблемы, вызванные недавним появлением в словаре гуманитариев в целом и историков в частности так называемой эго-терминологии. Авторами не просто показаны перспективы ее дальнейшего использования, но... more
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    • Ego documents
В книгу вошли воспоминания, дневники и письма Е.К. Лившиц, жены поэта Бенедикта Лившица. Они рассказывают о счастливом времени дружбы с Осипом и Надеждой Мандельштамами, Михаилом Кузминым, Корнеем Чуковским; о горьких годах войны, лишений... more
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      Russian LiteratureWomen's writingPublic MemoryMemoir and Autobiography
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      HistoriographyHistory of HistoriographyHistoryographyEgo documents
Nel prendere in analisi le fonti giudiziarie si deve partire dall’assunto per il quale, in primo luogo, la verità giudiziaria non collimi con la verità storica. Gli atti penali sono predisposti per poter accertare le responsabilità di... more
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      Criminal JusticeGenre studiesItalian fascismHistory and theory of literary genres
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      First World WarGerman ColonialismEgo documentsBasel Mission
The following is an extract of a book review by Peter Brandt, Berlin, translated by Norman LaPorte (the full review see: Twentieth Century Communism 3 (2011), p. 226-230). One of the darkest chapters in the history of Soviet-style... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesComparative PoliticsFrench History
Опубликован отрывок из хранившихся долгое время в семейном архиве воспоминаний офицера-гвардейца Г.А. Римского-Корсакова (лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия). Выпусник Училища правоведения, в 1912 г. он ушел вольноопределяющимся в гвардию,... more
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      Military HistoryWar StudiesGreat WarMilitary and Politics
In 1712, an Arab Christian from Damascus living in Rome was planning his escape.1 Originally called Sulaymān b. Yaʿqūb and known in Europe by his adopted name Solomon Negri, he had been sent to Paris in 1683, aged eighteen, at the... more
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      Eighteenth Century HistoryArab Christian StudiesCultural Intermediaries In The Early Modern MediterraneanMigration History
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      Legal HistoryMemory StudiesHolocaust StudiesDrawing
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      Middle Eastern HistoryYemenOil and gasEarly Photography
L'autore, attraverso la lettura delle memorie e dei libri di famiglia redatti da intellettuali, eruditi e scienziati attivi in Toscana tra il Cinquecento e Settecento, ripercorre il progressivo evolversi di una scrittura intimista che,... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory and MemoryAutobiographyEgo documents
Durante los años que duró la Guerra Civil española y la posterior dictadura Franquista fueron muchos los intelectuales represaliados que sufrieron cautiverio. Para hacer frente al aislamiento y a las duras condiciones de la vida entre... more
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      History, Writing and MemoryEgo documentsWriting Culture
Bu çalışma, Sıdkî Mustafa’nın (ö.1204/1790) kariyerinin başında bir dânişmend ve mülâzım iken kaleme aldığı günlüğünün neşir ve değerlendirmesinden oluşmaktadır. Çalışma, günlükten yola çıkarak bir yandan mülâzımın kim olduğu ve mülâzemet... more
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      HistorySelf and IdentityOttoman HistoryManuscript Studies
(ed. with Ralf Elger)
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      Ottoman HistoryPersian LiteratureArabic LiteratureMiddle Eastern History
ING. In this paper, I will analyze how the work of astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini (1625-1712) was represented during several centuries, and partly distorted by some French astronomers in the course of the 19th century. Then, I will... more
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      CassiniKey Words : Sundials ; Sonnenuhren, Meridiane ; Cadrans SolairesEgo documentsUniversità Di Bologna
This volume tackles one of the basic questions in nationalism studies as formulated by Katherine Verdery: How do people become national? To examine how the nation entered ordinary people’s ‘insides’, this book focuses on their affective... more
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      Modern HistoryFrench HistoryModern Italian HistoryRomanian History