The interorganizational structures necessary to implement and achieve the logistical performance improvements identified in the Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) initiative and related supply chain management concepts are difficult to... more
Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce (B2B EC) technologies have been widely adopted by organizations in developed countries to improve the management of supply chain activities. However, organizations in Middle Eastern countries have... more
Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) is a grocery industry supply chain management strategy designed to make the industry more efficient and responsive. Although ECR originated in the US, the concept has been adopted in many regions. Despite... more
The adoption of efficient consumer response (ECR) has been slow in many regions, despite its many potential benefits to supply chain participants through reduction of inventory level and operating costs. There has not been any... more
Efficient consumer response (ECR) is an electronic commerce (EC)‐enabled grocery industry supply chain management strategy, which is designed to make the industry more efficient and responsive. Despite the many benefits obtainable from... more
In order to sustain competitiveness companies need to adopt electronic commerce enabled inter-organisational systems to improve the efficiencies of the entire supply chain. Adoption of inter-organisational systems by companies, however,... more
Abstract-The adoption of ECR has been slow in many regions, despite its many potential benefits to manufacturers, distributors and retailers within a supply chain through reduction of inventory level and operating costs. There has not... more
The adoption of Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) by the grocery industry has become increasingly important in order to stay competitive. Due to the inter-organizational nature of ECR, its adoption involves various parties with different... more
In this issue of International Commerce Review, Nestlé CEO Paul Bulke provides one clear perspective. The foundations of sustainable success lie in creating shared value -and the trick is knowing how to do so in an integrated, systemic... more
Substantial research that examines the adoption of IT-enabled initiatives by organisations has been conducted in the context of western countries. Existing research shows that IT systems and their adoption are largely shaped by the... more
Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce (B2B EC) technologies have been widely adopted by organizations in developed countries to improve the management of supply chain activities. However, organizations in Middle Eastern countries have... more
The interorganizational structures necessary to implement and achieve the logistical performance improvements identified in the Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) initiative and related supply chain management concepts are difficult to... more
Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) is an industry‐wide initiative that is commonly believed to have fallen far short of its promised efficiencies and value. Many believe that unrealistic expectations among grocery industry participants are... more
This article focuses on the design and characterization of management model for MSMEs, based on ecommerce and the GS1 international e-com standard. The first part contextualizes electronic commerce and its impact on domestic industry, and... more
The adoption of inter-organisational system (IOS) has become important for many organisations because of its many benefits, which can be categorised into operational, managerial and strategic benefits. While some organisations have gained... more
In today's competitive market, service industry increases its scale to provide affordable and quality services to the customers. In supply chain there are various techniques and tools that can improve the output and productivity of supply... more
In today's competitive market, service industry increases its scale to provide affordable and quality services to the customers. In supply chain there are various techniques and tools that can improve the output and productivity of supply... more
The adoption of Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) by the grocery industry has become increasingly important in order to stay competitive. Due to the inter-organizational nature of ECR, its adoption involves various parties with different... more
In order to sustain competitiveness, companies need to adopt electronic commerce (EC) enabled inter-organizational systems (IOS) to improve the ef®ciencies of entire supply chains. Adoption of IOS by companies, however, has proved... more
A " manufacturing based supply chain" containing a broad spectrum of partners, including manufacturers, third party logistic providers, distributors and retailers, all of whom, have mixed modes of value adding processes (Chauhan & Proth,... more
Background: The King chilli cultivation in Peren district is very common practice in Nagaland state, which influence the socioeconomic status of the family due to daily diet, so the present research work have been highlight the marketing... more
The phenomenon of user acceptance of technology including Internet has become one of the key research themes by various researchers. The emergence of Internet has brought changes in traditional methods of marketing communications almost... more
The purpose of the paper is to provide information-based on surveys conducted in several European countries-about how consumers and retailers perceive or expect mountain quality food products (MQFP). It uses surveys collected in the... more
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
The notion of progression in the adoption of Interorganisational Information Systems (IOS) has increasingly received attention from various researchers in the field of technology adoption, but currently there is still a limited... more
The Auto-ID Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a new industry sponsored lab charged with researching and developing automated identification technologies and applications. The Center is creating the infrastructure,... more
Exhibit 8. Example of a Vendor Scorecard 33 VI 2) to identify the individuals in retail organizations who influence the order fulfillment process, both in the merchandising and distribution divisions; 3) to identify how retail... more
Internet shopping is generally considered to grow in the future, however, the forecasts about the growth rate vary a lot (US Department of Commerce, 1998; OECD, 1998). So far the main focus in electronic shopping has been on the... more
In today's competitive market, service industry increases its scale to provide affordable and quality services to the customers. In supply chain there are various techniques and tools that can improve the output and productivity of supply... more
The firm Konyoka Multi-Purpose Organic Agriculture Farm was incorporated in 2016 in lines of farmers producers organisation with twin objectives of creating livelihood opportunities through integrated organic farm practices and reviving... more
The research represents a comprehensive study of retail operation. The paper elaborates a broad perspective of a demand and supply chain which interacts with macro and micro environmental factors and translates it into a customer... more
In this article we seek to identify how diverse community and economic development tools in the Extension portfolio might be adapted to the assessment of local food and farming developments. We report on an assessment of the economic... more
Many of the classical retail chains attempt to counter discounters' aggressive expansion strategy by introducing low-priced private label product assortments. In this paper we analyse the relationship between consumers' price behaviour... more
The use of GS1 data standards is envisioned to improve the efficiency of healthcare supply chain, as it did for retail. Care providers willing to adopt such a strategy in some or all of their operations often need to invest in process... more
Contemporary supply chains, operating the environment of the global economy, require that development and updating of knowledge, expertise, competences and skills possessed by professionals - logistics managers, keep pace with the... more
The current intense competition forces enterprises to pay attention to supply chain collaboration with their upstream and downstream partners. Different collaborative strategies such as Quick Response (QR), Efficient Consumer Response... more
This study aims to develop propositions about the factors that influence the purchase intention of private label products. These factors are: in-store promotion, visual merchandising, store image, and customer value. This study elaborates... more
The research represents a comprehensive study of retail operation. The paper elaborates a broad perspective of a demand and supply chain which interacts with macro and micro environmental factors and translates it into a customer... more
With the world's increased urbanization, the exchange process's view is fetching more efficiency in the shopping process. This trend is changing customer's intentions towards the retail stores. This article examines how the... more
All retailers are obliged to compete in an environment which is characterised by increasing competition, uncertain economic conditions and the increasingly sophisticated desires of consumers. In response, retailers have been prompted to... more
Grocery retailers increasingly view other retail formats, particularly mass merchandisers, as a competitive threat. We present an empirical study of household shopping and packaged goods spending across retail formats -grocery stores,... more
The adoption of efficient consumer response (ECR) has been slow in many regions, despite its many potential benefits to supply chain participants through reduction of inventory level and operating costs. There has not been any... more
This study explores the business-to-business electronic commerce (B2B EC) technology adoption experience of organizations within the supply chain of the grocery industry in Indonesia using a multitheory perspective. Through a multiple... more
The Italian market of cactus pears has recently undergone deep product innovations, and changes in the production processes and organizational structures. The fresh-cut category of cactus pears seems to bring out the unique... more
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to propose a model which structures and links different types of efficient consumer response (ECR) measures; it does so by considering the use of both quantitative or “hard” and qualitative or “soft”... more
The main aim of the study was to analyze/determine how international modern retailers’ chains can achieve a competitive advantage by introducing private labels (PLs) in the organic category and in turn stimulate consumption of food... more
The aims of this exploratory research are to investigate the viability of Aldi’s discount pricing strategy in the context of UK grocery retail and examine the impact of this approach on customer’s perceptions of and loyalty to the Aldi... more
Category management holds great potential, but has several inherent barriers that can impede category performance. This study examines factors thought to impact category performance because of the critical role category management plays... more