Edward Said
Recent papers in Edward Said
This work reflects on how the representation of the Arab world has evolved in three fictional works that have emerged in the second decade of the 21st century: Homeland (Showtime Networks, 2011-2020), Tyrant (FX Network-Fox, 2014-2016),... more
How did Primo Levi come to terms with what the historian Enzo Traverso has called ‘the end of the Jewish modernity’? How did he react to the fading out of that tradition which, between the Enlightenment and the Second World War, saw the... more
The essay focuses on the “travel”of various debates—orientalism, post-colonialism, postzionism—between the U.S. and Israel, between one institutional zone and political semantics and another. Through a comparative history of these... more
When Edward Said wrote Orientalism, he was defending the honor of the Western "other," especially that of his fellow Arabs. Three years later, he published a book on Western media coverage of the Iranian revolution of 1979, in which he... more
Professeur de littérature et politiste, père fondateur des postcolonial studies, Edward W. Saïd s’efforce dans cet ouvrage de questionner la représentation occidentale de l’Orient du XVIIIe à nos jours. La désignation de l’Orient comme... more
Sally Rooney'in ikinci romanı Normal İnsanlar (2018) nasıl bir zamanda yaşadığımızı iki karakterin ilişkisi üzerinden anlatıyor. Birbirlerinden başta sınıfsal uçurumları olmak üzere, karakter yapıları olarak da epey farklı olan Connell... more
Im Jahr 2017 äußerte sich die antirassistische muslimische Aktivistin Linda Sarsour zum Antisemitismus in den USA wie folgt: "While anti-Semitism is something that impacts Jewish Americans, it's different than anti-black racism or... more
Despite the fact that the story retold in Wide Sargasso Sea on the surface seems to be a pathetic love story of a Creole woman who goes crazy due to unrequited love in her marriage to an English man, through a close postcolonial reading... more
La tesi che vorrebbe molti dei prodotti europei, siano essi di letteratura (all’interno della cui categoria bisogna poi distinguere i generi della narrativa, del resoconto di viaggio oppure, per esempio, del saggio scientifico) o di arte... more
Exile is predicated on the existence of, love for, and bond with, one's native place; what is true of all exile is not that home and love of home are lost, but that loss is inherent in the very existence of both.
Some activities are easier to practice than to talk about, translation is one of them. This is simply because translation as a practice existed long before translation as a theoretical discipline. Most translators with no doubt wish to... more
To test her hypothesis about 'a kernel of universal human experience ' in Hamlet, Laura Bohannan (1966) shares the story with the Tiv people of southeastern Nigeria, where she was doing her anthropological fieldwork. Apart from the... more
The noun ‘testimony’ has a very strong relationship with truth. As a mode of evidentiary discourse, it is more closely associated with law and church than with the creative field. However, artists too may bear witness, or testify, to... more
Tony Judt, L'età dell 'oblio. Sulle rimozioni del '900, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2011, 484 pp., ISBN 978-88-420-9632-0. In Libido-legendi E-Review Impossibile recensire in modo puntuale il testo di Tony Judt. Questo volume offre, infatti, una... more
an analysis of the interactions between two major current global millennial movements, Global Progressive Leftists and Global Caliphaters.
The possibility of native resistance to colonial tyranny and the threat of the loss of colonial “order” is a sustained anxiety throughout Joseph Conrad’s novella Heart of Darkness. Critics have largely ignored or downplayed these... more
Adapted from C. Y. Lee’s novel, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Flower Drum Song is a film musical that may be read as a site of contested narratives. On the one hand, its laudable casting of Asian Americans seemingly indicates a greater... more
"Apa yang menarik dari buku ini adalah upaya kedua penulis untuk menerapkan pendekatan Oksidentalisme Hassan Hanafi ke dalam kajian Hubungan Internasional. Penerapan ini dilakukan tidak hanya untuk mengkritik pendekatan Orientalisme Barat... more
ISBN 978–954–8765–09–1
ISBN 978–954–8765–09–1
Question. New York and London: Verso. 1988. 296 pp. #24.95 hbk (ISBN 0 86091 175 6), #8.95 pbk. (ISBN 0 86091 887 4). The recent escalation of Israeli state violence against Palestinians throughout the Occupied Territories has generated... more
La presente investigación, “La imagen de la cultura amazónica en suplementos dominicales de Lima: la Amazonía desde El Dominical y Domingo”, responde a la necesidad de encontrar respuestas, desde el ámbito de la comunicación social, a... more
The films of Nuri Bilge Ceylan are always groping for the general condition of ‘humanity’ – that vague anachronism, ever the object of contempt for contemporary philosophers. It is now commonplace to hear that authorship, modernity,... more
Link to the book where this work is published is included in this citation.
This is a talk to be given in Calcutta. It thinks about what Said's work means to us today in relation to decolonial thought, digital culture and neoliberalism.
This essay was published in a special issue of ha-Kiṿun Mizraḥ, dedicated to the memory of the Iraqi Jewish author, Shimon Ballas (and edited by Almog Behar and Yuval Evri). The essay examines how Ballas, who was himself in exile from... more
This essay traces the history, current state, and potential future of comparative literature. The great expansions have coincided with aspirations for international understanding. The term first emerged after the Napoleonic wars. The... more
This paper attempts to analyze the movie Avatar with several postcolonial theories and perspectives. It argues that the movie consists of a paradox of telling an anti-imperialist and anti-colonial story while using stereotypes and other... more
By hierdie herdenking van D.J. Opperman se sterfdag, gee dit stof tot bespiegeling dat 'n hele generasie digters, romansiers en literatore wat by die digter in die leer gegaan het, self nou in hul "laat fases" is. Synde self een van... more
Orientalism is a 1978 book by Edward W. Said, in which the author establishes the eponymous term "Orientalism" as a critical concept to describe the West's commonly contemptuous depiction and portrayal of "The East," i.e. the Orient.... more
Inspired by Said's methodology of contrapuntal reading, this article examines Edward Said's reference to Shakespeare's Hamlet (1604) in his memoir, Out of Place (1999) to shed light on his experiences of exile and displacement. We contend... more
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After the World War II, the world remarks many changes in every aspect including culture, society, literature and so on. Writers around the world wrote about the effect of colonizer/colonized relationship. Edward Said is one of the... more
Edward Saïd fut toute sa vie en exil : l'exil subi de celui qui, déraciné, s'est toujours senti apatride, mais aussi l'exil choisi de l'intellectuel ne comprenant son engagement que dans le détachement à l'égard des appartenances... more
Although he maintained that he was not himself a Marxist-and frequently criticized both existing communism and Marxist literary criticism-Edward W. Said's thought and work were profoundly innuenced by Marxist theory, critical practice,... more
From October 30 to November 1, thinkers, activists, and researchers from Mediterranean countries and Europe will debate and critically reflect on ways in which public and common spaces are constituted, occupied, maintained, and shaped.
This is a review of Aamir R. Mufti's Forget English! Orientalism and World Literatures, by Aamir R. Mufti. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2016.
Contributing to a growing body of research on acknowledging U.S. imperialism within teacher education, this article explores how knowledge production on Iran-and U.S.-Iran relations more broadly-in secondary education represents a site of... more