Educational statistics
Recent papers in Educational statistics
A fair reading of Raising the Grade leads to several conclusions: • The author often misuses education statistics. • He charges two of the world’s most expert and responsible statistical agencies—the U. S. Census Bureau and the... more
This paper presents the usage of different types of inferential statistics, the relevance of statistics to various disciplines, its usage in different types of research, and its relevance to the writer. ABSTRACT Inferential statistics... more
Statistical Methods for Meta-Analysis Larry К Hedges Department of Education University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois Ingram Olían Department of Statistics and School of Education Stanford University Stanford, California 1985 ACADEMIC... more
For a long time, one of my dreams was to describe the nature of uncertainty axiomatically, and it looks like I've finally done it in my co∼eventum mechanics! Now it remains for me to explain to everyone the co∼eventum mechanics in the... more
Through this book's unique model comparison approach, students are introduced to a set of fundamental principles for analyzing data. After seeing how these principles can be applied in simple designs, students are shown how these same... more
3 La alfabetización en el Ecuador Evolución histórica, información actualizada y mapa nacional del analfabetismo, 2009 Estudio coordinado por la Oficina de UNESCO en Quito y Representación para Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Venezuela y... more
Este estudo tem como principal objetivo analisar a leitura, construção e interpretação de gráficos estatísticos em projetos de modelagem matemática com uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC). Assim, para investigar a... more
You yourself, or what is the same, your experience is such ``coin'' that, while you aren't questioned, it rotates all the time in ``free flight''. And only when you answer the question the ``coin'' falls on one of the sides: ``Yes'' or... more
Statistik deskriptif lebih berkenaan dengan pengumpulan dan peringkasan data, serta penyajian hasil peringkasan tersebut. Data-data statistik, yang bisa diperoleh hasil sensus, survei, jajak pendapat atau pengamatan lainnya umumnya masih... more
Qualitative and Quantitative Data. Temporal or Chronological, Spatial or Geographical and interpretation with examples
This paper is about E-school system which has a great importance in increasing the effectiveness of Turkey's Education. E-school is mainly computerized Education Management Information System. It is dynamic, web‐based Student Information... more
This paper examines the nature of educational and employment outcomes for Aboriginal people in very remote Northern Territory. In particular, the differences between those (according to Australian Bureau of Statistics definitions) who... more
Rationale Global human rights legislation protects all people against discrimination and violence in education, irrespective of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Homophobic and transphobic violence in schools has... more
For the comparison of more than two independent samples the Kruskal-Wallis H test is a preferred procedure in many situations. However, the exact null and alternative hypotheses, as well as the assumptions of this test, do not seem to be... more
Normalitas Test: Kolmogrov-Smirnov Test
Homogenitas Variances Test : Levene Test
One-Way Anava Test
Sign Test
Post hoc Comparison Test
Homogenitas Variances Test : Levene Test
One-Way Anava Test
Sign Test
Post hoc Comparison Test
Australia has declared its ambition to be within the ‘top five’ in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) by 2025. So serious is it about this ambition, that the Australian Government has incorporated it into the... more
Several recent, highly influential comparative studies have made strong statistical claims that improvements on global learning assessments such as PISA will lead to higher GDP growth rates. These claims have provided the primary source... more
Uji beda k sampel independen digunakan untuk membandingkan distribusi sebuah variabel bagi lebih dari dua kelompok dimana kelompok-kelompok tersebut bersifat independen. Uji ini banyak digunakan bilamana peneliti sulit memenuhi... more
Extensions of the Kruskal-Wallis procedure for a factorial design are reviewed and researched under various degrees and kinds of nonnullity. It was found that the distributions of these test statistics are a Function of effects other than... more
Abstract In the prevailing situation, there is an alarmingly increasing rate of crime against humanity. There is an increase in crime against women and children, violence, homicides, terrorism, moral crisis etc. There is hardly a day when... more
Eventology of multivariate statistics Eventology and mathematical eventology Philosophical eventology and philosophy of probability Practical eventology Eventology of safety Eventological economics and psychology Mathematics in the... more
Original Draft of letter to the New Yorker. It was eventually published in a much shorter form. Letter critiques media's credulous use of statistics, esp. the hyperbolic statements about the US being 'outeducated' and how this is... more
This research has aimed at constructing Criterion Referenced Test to measure the statistical competencies of the Post-graduate Students in Education Colleges in Yemeni Universities, at examining the validity of the test's grades (the... more
This study is based on reality in quite a number of students who have been married STAIN Pekalongan. The purpose of the study was to determine the factors underlying the marriage occurred among students STAIN Pekalongan and wanted to know... more
At present, the problem of missing data has received virtually no attention by medical and healthcare education researchers. This is a significant problem for the education research community because when missing data are disregarded or... more
ABSTRACT Australia has declared its ambition to be within the ‘top five’ in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) by 2025. So serious is it about this ambition, that the Australian Government has incorporated it into... more
Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abetract entered in Block 20, If different from Report) IS. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19 KEY WORDS (Continue on rever&e side If neceesry ind Identify by... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between preservice teachers' attitudes towards statistics and their research anxiety. The population of the study consisted of the students of a public university in Turkey who... more
One effect of attending school is being able to develop social skills that prepare students to have healthy relationships throughout their lives. The ability to connect with one’s peers and teachers has shown to have many academic and... more
The Welch-James and Improved General Approximation tests were examined in between-subjects × within-subjects repeated measures designs for their rates of Type I error when data were nonnormal, nonspherical, and heterogeneous and when... more
Educational performance of schools can be assessed by econometric benchmarking techniques like DEA and SFA. However the current literature suggests that the data generally available may lead to incomplete specification of the production... more
Journalof Educational and Behavioral Statistics Spring 1996, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 35-54 ... Identifying Impediments to Learning Probability and Statistics From an Assessment of Instructional Software ... Steve Cohen, George Smith, Richard... more
The awareness of the importance of a good qualified education is experienced by many people of various strata. This is evidenced by the increasing numbers of students who move on to higher education. As one of the educational... more
2. Internationalisation of Higher Education in Russia: National Policy and Results at Institutional Level Svetlana Shenderova, University of Tampere Internationalisation of higher education is a part of the Russian educational policy... more
This report discusses an exciting possibility being explored by NCES—the possibility of expanding the resource and finance data to be collected as part of the 1999-2000 SASS administration. The proposal under consideration, which is... more
At present, the problem of missing data has received virtually no attention by medical and healthcare education researchers. This is a significant problem for the education research community because when missing data are disregarded or... more