Educational methods

3,422 papers
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Educational methods refer to the systematic approaches and techniques employed in teaching and learning processes. These methods encompass various strategies, practices, and pedagogical theories aimed at facilitating knowledge acquisition, skill development, and critical thinking among learners in diverse educational settings.
Teaching and Teacher Education 26 Building self-directed teachers: A case study of teachers' perspectives of the effects of cognitive coaching on professional practices How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school Cognitive... more
In 2021, economics is more than just a subject some choose to study in college. Most people find themselves in a situation where they need to understand a concept, a theory, or an idea, related to this rich field, with spill overs in... more
Teaching university courses, which deal with the phenomena of the electromagnetic (EM) substantiality and their applications, is rather difficult due to their abstract nature. Therefore, teaching has to be accompanied by clear... more
Following on the alliterative themes of recent BTES conferences, we have selected Integration and Innovation as the theme for the 2019 gathering. Innovation can begin with conjecture, with a searching for more effective solutions, or with... more
The aim of this study is to analyse and evaluate the knowledge concerning risk communication acquired by veterinarians during a national training course. The study analyses 694 press releases written during the training course. Textual... more
Success in the 21st century, for individuals and societies, requires competence in comprehending and communicating in the academic disciplines--the natural sciences, history, geography, and more. The Read-Write Cycle (RWC) Project, a... more
This practitioner perspective responds to recent scholarship calling for reinvigorating middle level education by suggesting that the purposeful inclusion of student voices in collaborative learning activities can help educators champion... more
This paper, reports on an aspect of a large inter-institutional research project on the use of emerging technologies in selected South African Higher Education institutions. It sets out to interrogate the research team's... more
Although methodology and substantive focus are central constituents of authentic inquiry, beneficence to all participants is an overarching priority that we adopt in our ongoing research on learning, emotion, and wellness. My address will... more
White\u27s challenge, that \u27Youth should be … thinkers, and not mere reflectors of other men\u27s thoughts\u27 can be misinterpreted. Often, individuals criticize education’s focus on scholarly sources instead of personal creativity.... more
Background. Medical education curricula in developing countries should emphasize training in health research. This study compares the knowledge and attitudes towards health research between undergraduate medical students undertaking... more
Many students have difficulties writing in the field of chemistry. This study intends to show the effectiveness of student peer review in comparison with instructor review to improve the students\u27 writing skills. Three general... more
The aim of this research project is to explore how multicultural awareness can be taught to young learners through the use of picture books, as a way of constructing meaning and understanding of the world. With a foundation in theories by... more
Jim, we hardly knew you. You were taken from us before we were ready. So much more we could have learned from you. So much more you could have taught us. We listen for the sound of your voice, but all is still. Now we ask ourselves: What... more
Description: Excerpt:" Purpose of Our Research: Do student preferred learning styles impact student performance at different learning levels? After controlling for competency variables, do learning styles still matter? Can we use... more
Acknowledgements Prologue: The Fruit of Freire's Roots by Henry Giroux Introduction: Pedagogy is Not a Teaching Method by Stanley Aronowitz Contradiction, Consciousness and Generative Words: Hegel's Roots in Freire's Work by... more
Online learning continues to expand at educational institutions around the globe. Educators must better understand how interaction with online course content impacts student engagement and learning. Advances in technology amplify the... more
Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Commons, Educational Leadership Commons, Educational Methods... more
Learners of the 21st-century engage and learn differently than ever before. Policymakers and teachers are now challenged to makeshift into the 21st-century education model and adapt their approaches to better prepare the students for the... more
Given the current climate for social and political change in relation to identity and being, traditional high school texts like To Kill A Mockingbird are being rejected as degrading, out of touch, and even regressive and are being taken... more
This paper is based on a qualitative case study designed to answer the following research question: “What learning about justice resulted from this collaboratively created service-learning class driven by a community-based research... more
Healthcare providers need cultural competence to effectively address healthcare needs and disparities. Experiential learning about culture through domestic study away programs is one accessible means for students to explore a variety of... more
Inservice teachers’ influence and power are vital components for academic success among Black children. Previous research has shown that when teacher/student interactions are culturally responsive, engaging, and equitable, student... more
This paper, reports on an aspect of a large inter-institutional research project on the use of emerging technologies in selected South African Higher Education institutions. It sets out to interrogate the research team's... more
Abstract Coronavirus is known worldwide due to its widespread prevalence; In fact, the physical and psychological damage from the virus has attracted worldwide attention. Generally people who have experienced the crisis some of the... more
The article deals with a three year collaboration program between the Filmoteca de Andalucía (The Film Institute of Andalusia) and Philosophy faculties of the University of Córdoba (UCO). The aim of this educational project, entitled "To... more
This presentation is the outcome of student-initiated research that provided pedagogical insights for aligning course learning outcomes and delivery with university strategic planning. Participants will learn the following: how to foster... more
Children of migrant farmworkers drop out of school more than any other group. They need and deserve academic support that is socioculturally relevant to their lives. This article describes an innovative summer literacy program for... more
Helen Walker - More Apt, Connected Title Sheryl Lain - Hey, Teach! Do You Love Me? Matthew B. Ittig - Ask Me Tomorrow Laurence Musgrove - Writing Program Julie O’Connell - The Power of a Slave Narrative Leslie A. Werden - Embracing Chaos... more
Current and former doctoral students share how their participation in a graduate course entitled "Media Literacy across the Curriculum" inspired their own interest in media literacy and enabled them to integrate media literacy concepts... more
In recent years, there has been a considerable rise in prevalence rates for autism/autism spectrum disorders (ASD) around the globe. Understanding the patterns of prevalence is essential for policy development at national and local levels... more
This presentation explores the use of a systems-based pedagogical approach and creative methodologies for teaching multicultural counseling course. As current diversity pedagogy can unintentionally perpetuate stereotypes, this pedagogical... more
As an alternative to recent misreadings of boundary politics, a more responsible, outsider pedagogy needs to be cultivated
A multidisciplinary research team describes lessons learned through a SoTL study: identifying a research question, designing the study, collecting data, analyzing data, and presenting findings (Bishop-Clark and Dietz-Uhler). The team... more
Solution-focused (SF) approaches are widely used in schools. The present study examined the effects of a central SF technique-"scaling"-on female secondary students' improvement expectancy (IE) and commitment to improvement (CTI). Popular... more
About 65 percent of family law litigants in Washington State come to court without a lawyer. 1 Plain language forms will give many of these pro se litigants the ability to conduct their lawsuits without legal representation or with... more
The purpose of the current study was to examine student and teacher physical activity-related behavior using the theory of planned behavior and self-efficacy theory. Although teachers reported an overwhelmingly positive attitude toward... more
Due to the lack of standards set forth by South Dakota, sex education is varied and non-standardized across the state. The goal of this study is to understand what a typical sex education class in South Dakota looks like. A survey was... more
This paper aims to provide ideas regarding implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in computer programming, where practical activities are included in order to generate interaction between software and hardware. The details... more
This presentation explores the use of a systems-based pedagogical approach and creative methodologies for teaching multicultural counseling course. As current diversity pedagogy can unintentionally perpetuate stereotypes, this pedagogical... more