by İrem Girgin
2021, Journal of Theory and Practice in Education
Looping tekniği, bir eğitimcinin aynı sınıf ile birkaç sene boyunca çalışmasını ifade eden bir öğretim yöntemidir. Öğrencilerde okula aidiyet, sosyalleşme becerilerinde gelişme ve akademik becerilerin gelişmesi gibi alanlarda fayda... more
Looping tekniği, bir eğitimcinin aynı sınıf ile birkaç sene boyunca çalışmasını ifade eden bir öğretim yöntemidir. Öğrencilerde okula aidiyet, sosyalleşme becerilerinde gelişme ve akademik becerilerin gelişmesi gibi alanlarda fayda sağladığı ifade edilen Looping eğitimi, uzun yıllardır kullanılmakta olan bir teknik olarak literatürde belirtilmiştir. Bu derleme çalışmasının amacı, Looping yönteminin öğrenciler üzerine etkisini incelemiş olan araştırmaların bir araya getirilmesi olarak belirlenmiştir. Makalelerin bir araya getirilmesi için sistematik derleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Sistematik derleme, literatüre ilişkin çalışmaların seçilip eleştirel olarak değerlendirilmesi, bu çalışmalardan veri toplanması ve analiz edilmesini ifade eden bir araştırma yöntemi olarak tanımlanmıştır. Derleme kapsamında belirlenen anahtar kelimeler ProQuest, Google Scholar, ERIC ve Semantic Scholar veri tabanlarında taranmış, 2000-2020 yılları arasında yayınlanan makaleler kabul edilmiştir. Derleme sürecinde belirlenen kriterlere uygun olarak 16 adet çalışma incelenmesine karar verilmiştir. İncelenen araştırmalar (a)yayınlanma yılları, (b) kullanılan ölçme metodolojisi, (c) kullanılan ölçme araçları ve (d) çalışmaların yürütüldüğü okul kademesi (e)çalışmanın yürütüldüğü ülke ve (f) çalışmanın türü olmak üzere altı temel alanda incelenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda en sık tercih edilmiş olan ölçme metodolojisinin nicel desen, en fazla kullanılan ölçme aracının başarı testleri olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Literatürdeki çalışmalar yayınlanma yıllarına göre ele alındığında 2007 ve 2009 yıllarında yapılmış olan çalışmaların ağırlıkta olduğu bulunmuştur. Derlenen çalışmalar türleri bakımından sınıflandırıldıklarında, alana ilişkin tez çalışmalarının ağırlıkta olduğu bulunmuştur. İlgili konuda çalışma yapan ülkeler Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD) ve Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti olduğu görülmüştür, en çok çalışma yapan ülke ABD olarak belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca ilişkili alanyazında en çok çalışmanın 2,3,4 ve 5.sınıf ve 8.sınıf öğrencileriyle yapılmış olduğu belirlenmiştir. Looping tekniğinin, öğrencilere sosyal, bilişsel ve akademik alanlarda birçok yararı olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.
by Veterinaria Italiana and
The aim of this study is to analyse and evaluate the knowledge concerning risk communication acquired by veterinarians during a national training course. The study analyses 694 press releases written during the training course. Textual... more
The aim of this study is to analyse and evaluate the knowledge concerning risk communication
acquired by veterinarians during a national training course. The study analyses 694 press
releases written during the training course. Textual variables and indexes were considered to
identify the linguistic structures used by veterinarians. At first, the analysis of press releases
focused on the descriptive demographic variables, then stylistic and editorial variables were
considered, and finally a lexicographic analysis was performed on the textual variables.
The texts were found to have a moderate level of readability due to the use of scientific
and technical terms. This study shows the need to improve training activities to develop
effective risk communication, especially in terms of the language used, in order to facilitate
interactions among veterinarians, mass media, and citizens
acquired by veterinarians during a national training course. The study analyses 694 press
releases written during the training course. Textual variables and indexes were considered to
identify the linguistic structures used by veterinarians. At first, the analysis of press releases
focused on the descriptive demographic variables, then stylistic and editorial variables were
considered, and finally a lexicographic analysis was performed on the textual variables.
The texts were found to have a moderate level of readability due to the use of scientific
and technical terms. This study shows the need to improve training activities to develop
effective risk communication, especially in terms of the language used, in order to facilitate
interactions among veterinarians, mass media, and citizens
2021, EDULEARN21 Proceedings
In 2021, economics is more than just a subject some choose to study in college. Most people find themselves in a situation where they need to understand a concept, a theory, or an idea, related to this rich field, with spill overs in... more
In 2021, economics is more than just a subject some choose to study in college. Most people find themselves in a situation where they need to understand a concept, a theory, or an idea, related to this rich field, with spill overs in history, political science, philosophy, business, and law. For these people but also for future economists, the internet is a never-ending source of information and inspiration. Today, most of that information comes from video sources. Online economics is taught through a variety of methods that range from chalk-and-talk, to animations, and to storytelling. The aim of our paper is to provide an overview of the most appreciated methods used for teaching economics online through video content. An analysis of the type of e-learning providers in the field of economics will be performed, while a comparison between them will offer a classification of the methods used with respect to the topics taught. We will further use econometric methods to determine whether there is any correlation between the methods employed, the topics covered, and the relative success of the providers in our assessment group. Based on the comparative information mentioned above we will endeavour to classify e-learning providers based on their teaching models. Devising a new classification of online economics e-learning models will be necessary in order to allow us to develop an analysis of both the structure and the form of the content that can form the basis of an assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of the teaching process.
2020, OSF Preprints
Medicine is a competitive field, where postgraduate and residency programs are scarce and highly demanded. A key element taken in consideration for the admission to these programs is the number of papers the applicant has published.1... more
Medicine is a competitive field, where postgraduate and residency programs are scarce and highly demanded. A key element taken in consideration for the admission to these programs is the number of papers the applicant has published.1 Although nowadays many students are involved in research projects, few publish in scholarly journals.2
For instance, a recent article explored the status of the teaching methodology and medical student research statistics in a South Indian Medical Institute.3 A central finding was that medical students considered that innovative teaching methods and discussions should be an important part of the teaching methodology. Furthermore, students felt that research and clinical skills training should also be implemented during their medical formation. Nonetheless, 75.43% of the surveyed students believed that there was not enough guidance or encouragement to conduct research. Consequently, although not directly measured, the student’s publishing rate might also be low. This is a worrying situation that demands a coordinated response from both students and teachers.
From a medical student viewpoint, doing research and publishing is an exciting but time-consuming process. A strategy to help palliate this dissonance would be to encourage students to publish the written components, or final extended academic assignments, that they produce for some curricular subjects (Figure 1).4 This could range from the documentation of classroom activities to more thoroughly elaborated reviews of basic or clinical topics.
For instance, the authors of the present letter had the chance to collaborate in a systematic review about iron deficiency anaemia.5 The later started as a final assignment and was, after an exciting editorial process, accepted for publication. We believe these types of experiences are valuable, since they encourage the student to directly apply what he or she has learned in class. Moreover, publishing is a powerful strategy to teach abilities that are not part of traditional research courses, such as communicating with the editors and answering the reviewers.4 In addition, medical teachers should also actively encourage their students to do research and publish, since writing an article demands a careful consideration of the previously published literature, which is a central step in the practice of evidence-based medicine.
A helpful recommendation would be to work alongside local scientific journals or student journals, since they often seek for the so-called ‘back to the basics’ articles. These are mini-reviews of molecular, physiological or clinical topics, and represent a potential opportunity for students to publish.
In summary, publishing is a unique experience that both ensures the achievement of significant learning and strengthens the student’s curriculum. It is the job of medical teachers to apply this new approach, and others like it, to help students transform into the health professionals and researchers our society deserves.
Authors: José Manuel González-Rayas, Rosa del Carmen López-Sánchez.
For instance, a recent article explored the status of the teaching methodology and medical student research statistics in a South Indian Medical Institute.3 A central finding was that medical students considered that innovative teaching methods and discussions should be an important part of the teaching methodology. Furthermore, students felt that research and clinical skills training should also be implemented during their medical formation. Nonetheless, 75.43% of the surveyed students believed that there was not enough guidance or encouragement to conduct research. Consequently, although not directly measured, the student’s publishing rate might also be low. This is a worrying situation that demands a coordinated response from both students and teachers.
From a medical student viewpoint, doing research and publishing is an exciting but time-consuming process. A strategy to help palliate this dissonance would be to encourage students to publish the written components, or final extended academic assignments, that they produce for some curricular subjects (Figure 1).4 This could range from the documentation of classroom activities to more thoroughly elaborated reviews of basic or clinical topics.
For instance, the authors of the present letter had the chance to collaborate in a systematic review about iron deficiency anaemia.5 The later started as a final assignment and was, after an exciting editorial process, accepted for publication. We believe these types of experiences are valuable, since they encourage the student to directly apply what he or she has learned in class. Moreover, publishing is a powerful strategy to teach abilities that are not part of traditional research courses, such as communicating with the editors and answering the reviewers.4 In addition, medical teachers should also actively encourage their students to do research and publish, since writing an article demands a careful consideration of the previously published literature, which is a central step in the practice of evidence-based medicine.
A helpful recommendation would be to work alongside local scientific journals or student journals, since they often seek for the so-called ‘back to the basics’ articles. These are mini-reviews of molecular, physiological or clinical topics, and represent a potential opportunity for students to publish.
In summary, publishing is a unique experience that both ensures the achievement of significant learning and strengthens the student’s curriculum. It is the job of medical teachers to apply this new approach, and others like it, to help students transform into the health professionals and researchers our society deserves.
Authors: José Manuel González-Rayas, Rosa del Carmen López-Sánchez.