Educational methods

3,422 papers
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Educational methods refer to the systematic approaches and techniques employed in teaching and learning processes. These methods encompass various strategies, practices, and pedagogical theories aimed at facilitating knowledge acquisition, skill development, and critical thinking among learners in diverse educational settings.
Looping tekniği, bir eğitimcinin aynı sınıf ile birkaç sene boyunca çalışmasını ifade eden bir öğretim yöntemidir. Öğrencilerde okula aidiyet, sosyalleşme becerilerinde gelişme ve akademik becerilerin gelişmesi gibi alanlarda fayda... more
The aim of this study is to analyse and evaluate the knowledge concerning risk communication acquired by veterinarians during a national training course. The study analyses 694 press releases written during the training course. Textual... more
In 2021, economics is more than just a subject some choose to study in college. Most people find themselves in a situation where they need to understand a concept, a theory, or an idea, related to this rich field, with spill overs in... more
Medicine is a competitive field, where postgraduate and residency programs are scarce and highly demanded. A key element taken in consideration for the admission to these programs is the number of papers the applicant has published.1... more