implementing the CCSS-M, districts faced several common "roadblock" conditionsspecific challenges related to how to provide effective, scalable PD to staff, administrators, and teachers in support of CCSS-M implementation. Despite the... more
An experiment examined whether metalinguistic awareness involving the detection of semantic ambiguity can be taught and whether this instruction improves students' reading comprehension. Lower socioeconomic status third graders (M age = 8... more
Despite the popularity of e-readers and the enthusiasm of some for their use in secondary education, their utility in elementary education has not yet been systematically explored. Some advantages and disadvantages to teaching elementary... more
Employing the descriptive multiple case study method, this qualitative study explores the experiences of ten faculty members involved in learning about technology at a Major Pubic University in the United States. Participants shed light... more
The challenges of the increasingly diverse U.S. college class room may at first seem problematic. However, when educators become aware of the broad range of cultural and linguistic be haviors that can inform their particular classroom... more
Last summer, a group of participants in ABO’s #WriteWithAphra program joined a co-writing group that continues to meet each weekday. When presented with ABO’s call for reflections in early 2020, we wanted to reflect as we have worked this... more
In this article, reflecting critically on past school food studies and considering the landscape of qualitative methods, notably youth participatory action research methodologies, the authors share methodological suggestions for centering... more
Virtual microscopy (VM) has been widely available for more than a decade, especially in clinical settings and medical schools. In recent years the movement away from conventional optical microscopy (OM) and towards VM has been... more
Providing culturally competent and culturally congruent care to patients leads to better outcomes and reduction of poor outcomes due to health disparities. Providing care that is not culturally congruent can contribute to communication... more
Australia was one of nine countries and economies to participate in the 2018 TALIS-PISA link study, together with Cuidad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Colombia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Georgia, Malta, Turkey and Viet Nam.... more
The readability tools allow us to measure the readability of a text. The previous studies have elaborated the use of readability tools to analyze reading materials, but it is relatively sparse regarding the teaching of readability tools... more
The structure of accounting education in Greece is facing nowadays many significant challenges since the GFC (Global Financial Crisis) has left behind many critical educational burdens. At the same time, there is an increase in accounting... more
Animated handwriting in multimedia video lessons, such as those popularized by the Khan Academy, has reimagined the classic teaching technique of writing on a chalkboard while lecturing for online delivery. This digital chalk talk effect... more
Photo-elicitation as a qualitative research technique has attracted considerable attention. It is generally agreed that photo-elicitation is not applicable to all topics, and it is seldom the researcher's only tool, however, there are... more
Chapter 2 In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the quest to enhance teacher productivity remains a paramount concern. Nowhere is this challenge more pressing than in the senior secondary schools of the Komani District in South... more
A transdisciplinary team of candidates with teacher and social work educators describe their perspectives of trauma-informed teaching and intentions to use evidence-based practices in classrooms. We studied classroom management from a... more
Although I often read history, especially books regarding pre-, during, and post-World War II and Germany, and I've been a European Holocaust researcher since I was ten years old, memoirs, collected memories, analysis into the various... more
The Early Years STEM (EYES) Curriculum integrates inquiry-based learning and hands-on STEM exploration, aligning with international curriculums to foster critical thinking, creativity, and lifelong learning.
A. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course introduces education leadership candidates interested in serving at the school district level to the concepts and methods of action research. Participants learn to develop skills for problem diagnosis... more
In this age of rising animosity to newcomers in host societies, study abroad students are often reported to receive maltreatment and discrimination. To this end, I conducted a critical autoethnographic study that responds to the... more
In this age of rising animosity to newcomers in host societies, study abroad students are often reported to receive maltreatment and discrimination. To this end, I conducted a critical autoethnographic study that responds to the... more
Course Description Honors 101 is a humanities-based interdisciplinary course designed to explore itineraries pertinent to a life of public engagement and ethical respon-sibility. The theme for the current academic year is East Meets... more
Sophistication of the integrated world of work and increased recognition of business processes as critical corporate assets, require graduates and employees to develop ‘process orientation’. Responding to these dynamic changes in business... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of two professional development models in increasing family child care providers' frequency of linguistic inputs in conversations with young children. The first professional... more
Stereotype threat (ST) is implicated as a contributory factor to attrition in Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) fi elds. One of the mechanisms by which ST degrades performance is by impairing metacognitive monitoring... more
This research investigated high school students' experiences of informed learning in a literacy development workshop. It was conducted in the library of an Australian high school with a low socio-economic population. Building upon... more
Students' task interpretation is a critical first step in the process of self-regulated learning and a key determinant in students setting their learning goals and selecting strategies to approach assigned work. Laboratory activities... more
for DBER Group Discussion on 2017-02-09 Authors and Affiliations: Presentacion Rivera Postdoctoral Researcher Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln Title Self-regulated learning in engineering... more
Aim: This study aimed to examine the mediating roles of cognitive avoidance, negative problem orientation, and positive beliefs about worry in the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and chronic pain in patients with multiple... more
This exercise teaches students how expanding twodimensional shapes, when stacked on top of each other, create a three-dimensional topographic map. This exercise uses a recursive algorithm, a concept key in Computer Science.
A general problem of Colombian education is the low performance of students in the national tests of the Colombian Institute for the Evaluation of Education; condition that accentuates the need to promote significant and innovative... more
The COVID-19 pandemic—coupled with ongoing prominent injustice related to race, poverty, healthcare, and education—has highlighted the interlocking and reinforcing nature of systemic oppression. Now more than ever, facilitators of... more
Stunting -indicator of chronic malnutrition manifested by shortness for one's age (WHO, 2010) 2 Underweight -indicator of present and chronic malnutrition, manifested by low weight for one's age (WHO, 2010) 3 Competence -in clinical... more
Present-day issues facing the US National Park Service (NPS) pose complex challenges for future management. Multidimensional pressures on a single park can include urban population growth emerging at the wildland–urban interface,... more
This study explores the personality traits and academic performance of early childhood pre-service teachers at Western Mindanao State University using the NERIS Type Explorer Instrument. Respondents were 114 early childhood preservice... more