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Despite significant amount of investment, there seems to be obstacles to technology integration in education. In order to shed light on the nature of perceived obstacles to technology integration, opinions of 117 professionals, who were... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeacher EducationTeacher TrainingTeachers' professional development
In the present era of knowledge explosion, adopting modern tools for teaching is one of the predominant needs of the hour. Instructional technology in the third world is changing rapidly. Knowledge packaging in electronic form is a... more
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      Educational TechnologyEducational content
Este es un libro producto de investigación, el cual no hubiera sido posible sin el soporte decido y solidario de mis compañeros del grupo de investigación "Tecnologías para la Academia -Proventus" del Centro de Tecnologías para la... more
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      Mobile LearningMultimedia LearningDigital ContentEducational content
There are several technological investments by Turkish Ministry of Education within the scope of FATİH Project. An online learning platform called Education Information Network (EIN) was developed. Various inservice courses (IC) were held... more
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      eContent, CurriculumEBAEducational contentFATİH project
The present study analyses education policy in Slovakia and determines the role of the church in education governance and the church-state relationship in education policy. The church-state relationship is also evident in the specific... more
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      Curriculum DesignReligious EducationEducation PolicyEducation and Politics
Günümüzde çok büyük bir kitlenin ilgilendiği bir konumda bulunan eğitim alanına yönelik politika, uygulama ve gelişmelerin bütünsel ve çok cepheli bir bakış açısıyla değerlendirilmesi gerekir. Eğitim Alan İzleme Raporu, bu noktada eğitimi... more
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      EducationEducation PolicyEducational management and leadershipEducational Planning
Visual aesthetic is one of the major considerations in designing instructional contents. The influence of it in the process of learning leads the designers to borrow the classic and routine strategies of applying aesthetic knowledge and... more
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyE-learningDistance Education
This paper focuses on metadata standards for networked information discovery and retrieval of educational resources. Such standards, if they achieve a high degree of interoperability, will support both extant and emergent e-learning... more
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      MetadataStandardizationInteroperabilityEducational content
Problem and goal. The development of new media, new modern IT technologies is also aimed at promoting legal content. New formats of the media sphere create new opportunities for dialogue on legal culture. The aim of the article is to... more
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      PodcastingLegal CultureDigitalizationEducational content
This paper examines the e-content modules of e-PG Pathshala project which is developed by MHRD Government of India under the National Mission on Education through ICT. The data were collected from e-PG Pathshala website... more
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      EducationICT in EducationE ContentEducational content
Аннотация. Рассмотрены особенности преподавательской деятельности в 21 веке. Отмечена ценность учебного контента, адаптируемого к реальным жизненным и профессиональным ситуациям. Отмечена неоднозначная оценка понятия «ценности» в... more
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      E-learningAcademic IntegrityOnline LearningEducation in Finland
The importance of critical thinking for education content is grounded in this paper. Some moments of the importance of critical thinking training are analysed. The lesson model of critical thinking training provided. Also there are... more
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      Teacher Educationteaching StrategiesEducational content
This paper focuses on metadata standards for networked information discovery and retrieval of educational resources. Such standards, if they achieve a high degree of interoperability, will support both extant and emergent e-learning... more
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      MetadataStandardizationInteroperabilityDublin Core
Electronic education is a novel method that plays an undeniable role in education and, indeed, in higher education learning. It can be considered a strategy to boost the quality of educational systems. In the context of new educational... more
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      SemioticsCommunicationE-learningArts Education
Some teachers and e-content producers, based on their experiences, try to produce educational videos using screen recording software. There are many challenges that they may encounter while producing screen-recorded videos. These are in... more
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      Educational TechnologyInstructional TechnologyE ContentEducational content
Introduction. The relevance of the study is due to increased efficiency and accessibility of education in the context of digitalization. Materials and methods. In the research process, general and special methods of scientific knowledge... more
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      Online LearningEdtechDigitalizationEducational content
In this paper, we address the challenges of applying three-dimensional virtual worlds for collaborative work and learning, such as steep learning curve and the demands for computational and network resources. We developed a texture... more
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      Educational TechnologyImage ProcessingComputer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)
Growing democratization of education by means of availability of content anytime, anywhere, innovations and use of ICT in education is manifold worldwide .India is also in efforts of to keep at par with world. Due to globalization, strong... more
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      Digital LibraryEducational content
The centrality of Education to training and development of human resources in any society is  indisputable. However the  type and content of education could be debatable...
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      Human ResourcesEducational contentTraning and Development
The interactive board is one of the most important developments of the educational environments today. It is used at schools especially at the Fatih Project in Turkey. The number of teacher using the interactive board is rising day by day... more
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      Educational contentInteractive Boards
The use of video as a teaching resource stimulates the construction of new knowledge. Although this resource exists in several genres and media, the experience of professionals that use this resource in class is not appreciated.... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyCommunicationEducation
Purpose research is the creation of the effective didactic system of interdisciplinary knowledge of natural science courses of environmental education with special emphasis on professional orientation. The methods of the analysis,... more
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      Environmental EducationEducational content
Introduction. The relevance of the study is caused, on the one hand, by the blogosphere’s dynamic development, and, on the other, by insufficient theoretical understanding of the blogosphere and its role in the formation of the legal... more
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      Legal CultureEngagementBlogosphereEducational content
Networks of pervasive display systems involving public and semi-public displays have allowed experiences to be created that span across multiple displays to achieve a stronger effect on the viewers. However, little research has been done... more
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      Non-Conceptual ContentUsabilityContent-Based Information Retrieval (CBIR)User-Generated Content
The goal of e-learning is to benefit from the capabilities offered by new information technology (such as remote digital communications, multimedia, internet, cell phones, teleconferences, etc.) and to enhance the security of several... more
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      Power System Protection EngineeringMulti MediaEducational contentEncryption and Decryption