Educational Motivation

45 papers
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Educational motivation refers to the internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in students to learn, engage, and persist in educational activities. It encompasses the psychological processes that influence the initiation, direction, intensity, and persistence of learning behaviors.
This study explores the intersection of educational management, societal life, and educational motivation within inland Buddhist communities in Lampung and South Sumatra Provinces, Indonesia. It examines how these communities integrate... more
The psycho-pedagogical and social rehabilitation of individuals before dismissal from the places of imprisonment is currently relevant, as it is a qualitative return to normal life that becomes an acute problem for people who are... more
Das Werk einschließlich seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung außerhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist ohne Zustimmung des Verlags unzulässig und strafbar. Insbesondere darf kein Teil dieses Werkes... more
Introduction. The relevance of the study is due to the importance of studying the factors that determine the students’ involvement in educational and professional activities. A measure here is involvement in activities associated in a... more
Context: Aiming at gaining knowledge about students' thoughts and actions in deciding to stay in or drop out of an educational programme, an empirical study was conducted on dropout among 18-24-year-old students in VET and basic... more
The family environment is the first place of education for children because this is where children first receive education and guidance. The research purpose is to explore the influence of the family environment on the motivation of the... more
Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses Dokuments. Dieses Dokument ist ausschließlich für den persönlichen, nicht-kommerziellen Gebrauch bestimmt. Die Nutzung stellt... more
Jesmo li zadovoljni uspješnošću naših završenih studenata pri zapošljavanju i tijekom njihovog radnog vijeka? Jesmo li svjesni toga da njihov uspjeh osigurava uspjeh ustanove u budućim godinama? Možemo li kao ustanova i kao pojedinci... more
The purpose of the article is to analyze the research activity of students in the context of distance education in order to identify factors that influence its formation. The work highlights the practical aspects of stimulating students'... more
Article history: EDCBMJ 2017; 9(6): 414-423 Background and Aims: the aim of this research was identify roles of motivational factors of personal goal orientations, academic self-efficacy and academic press on academic cheating behavior of... more
Introduction: Conscription is an issue of great importance to young people and even their families in the current situation. Therefore, several studies have addressed various aspects of this subjcet. The most important question of this... more
Age discrimination has become an exceptional problem in rapidly aging societies such as Croatia. The paper aims at analysing the age discrimination issues in scientific and higher education system of the Republic of Croatia, specifically... more
La serie Avances de Investigación impulsada por el Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE) busca difundir los resultados en proceso de los estudios que realizan sus investigadores. En concordancia con los objetivos de la institución,... more
با وجود ادبیات رو به رشد در رفتار اخلاقی پرستاران، توجه کمی به اهمیت رفتارهای بی­صداقتی تحصیلی شده است. ازدیاد این ناسازگاری، مؤسسات آموزش عالی و اعضای هیئت‌علمی را با چالش‌های جدیدی در تضمین نمودن درستکاری تحصیلی مواجه ساخته است. پژوهش... more
U svrhu povećanja učinkovitosti i kvalitete, kao i jačanja položaja osoba s invaliditetom, provedeni su istraživanje i analiza o trenutnom stanju i preporukama za učinkovitiji pristup uključivanja osoba s invaliditetom na tržište rada.... more
In educational psychology, curiosity is defined as a psychological state that focuses on attention by increasing cognitive functions, continuity, and emotional attachment. In this study, the curiosity from intrinsic motivation is... more
Sažetak: U vrijeme demografskih promjena i sve većeg nedostatka radne snage, pronalazak zaposlenika, a prije svega kompetentnih zaposlenika sve je više u fokusu tvrtki. U ovom radu biti će riječi o ljudskim resursima i hrvatskom tržištu... more
Cilj je ovog rada istražiti stavove policijskih službenika o kvaliteti različitih oblika temeljnoga policijskog obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ispitanici su u ovom istraživanju predavači i voditelji obrazovnih skupina u Policijskoj... more
Knjiga obraduje utjecaj financijske inkluzije stanovništva na regionalni razvitak.j.
If teachers and teacher educators are willing to support the learning of students, it is important for them to learn what motivates students to engage in learning. Students have their own preferences on design characteristics of powerful... more
Obrazovanje odraslih dio je jedinstvenog sistema obrazovanja svake države koji odraslima, tokom cijelog života, obezbjeđuje sticanje kompetencija i kvalifikacija potrebnih za lični i profesionalni razvoj, rad i zapošljavanje, kao i... more
Kadrovi su osnovni društveni i gospodarski resurs razvoja svake djelatnosti, pa tako i pojedinih segmenata u strukturi hotelijersko-turističkog gospodarstva. Iz te spoznaje proizlazi potreba ustroja takvog obrazovnog sustava koji će... more
Bei der Analyse der Reproduktionsmechanismen von Bildungsungleichheiten spielen elterliche Bildungsaspirationen sowohl im Kontext von Studien, die dem Rational-Choice-Paradigma verpflichtet sind, als auch im Kontext von Studien, die eine... more
U radu su predstavljeni opći trendovi u visokoškolskom obrazovanju, te razlike u pristupu poduzetničkom obrazovanju i stjecanju poduzetničkih kompetencija na stručnim i sveučilišnim studijima poduzetničke orijentacije. Stručni studiji u... more
بسیاری از معلمان بر این باورند که در کلاس‌های زبان مدرسه یا آموزشگاه‌ها نمی‌توان مهارت نگارش را تقویت کرد. برای برخی دیگر نیز مشخص نیست چگونه می‌توان به روشی کاربردی به ارائه بازخورد در نوشته‌های زبان‌آموزان پرداخت. اختلاف دیدگاه پیرامون... more
The major research problem is the comparative study of circumstances of elderly people's educational activity in Poland and Spain. The object of the research is to pay attention to the issues regarding to educational needs, opportunities... more
Ovo izvješće donosi evaluaciju učinka programa Aktivne politike zapošljavanja u ingerenciji Hrvatskog zavoda za zapošljavanje iz 2009. i 2010. godine. Promatrani ishod kroz koji se evaluira učinak je vjerojatnost da se polaznik mjere... more
Saetak Èlanak govori o zapošljavanju ena u neslubenom gospodarstvu u zemljama u tranziciji (ZUT). Od poèetka tranzicije pojaèani su trendovi fleksibilnoga i neslubenog zapošljavanja, te rastuaeeg osiromašenja kuaeanstava. U središtu... more
Introduction: Diabetes is a serious, progressive, and costly disease that creates many limitations for its patient. Diabetes disrupts a person’s psychological and social adjustment and coping strategies, resulting in psychological... more
Context: Aiming at gaining knowledge about students' thoughts and actions in deciding to stay in or drop out of an educational programme, an empirical study was conducted on dropout among 18-24-year-old students in VET and basic... more
Young people from working class backgrounds remained mostly excluded from the widening educational participation which characterised postwar Britain. Based on 20 semi-structured interviews which were part of a wider study about ‘Social... more
RESUMEN: El descenso de los niveles de practica fisico-deportiva, asi como el aumento del consumo de sustancias saludablemente nocivas repercuten de forma muy negativa en los adolescentes, ademas de influir en factores como el rendimiento... more
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Auswirkungen eines Trainingsprogrammes für pädagogisches Fachpersonal auf Sprechfreude und sprachliche Leistungen der von ihnen betreuten drei-bis fünfjährigen Kinder. 16... more
Background: Academic motivation has always been considered by researchers and specialists in educational psychology as a critical and essential aspect of education. With motivation, students follow the necessary mobility to successfully... more
Introduction: Conscription is an issue of great importance to young people and even their families in the current situation. Therefore, several studies have addressed various aspects of this subject. The most important question of this... more
Tendencija znanja u globalnom okruženju je u povećanju ulaganja u obrazovanje i stalno stručno usavršavanje u svim ovlastima i od strane svih zainteresiranih aktera (uključujući i poduzeća) na takav način da možemo biti bliže nivou... more
Uloge edukatora u obrazovanju odraslih kontinuirano se mijenjaju, a sve ih se češće naziva mentorima, savjetnicima, motivatorima i evaluatorima, odnosno pridaju im se uloge za koje je nužno posjedovanje širokog spektra generičkih i... more
Im Projekt EUROSTUDENT werden Daten zu den sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen des Studierens in Europa erhoben. Der Band präsentiert die Daten und Ergebnisse einer aktuellen Studierendenbefragung in 28 Ländern des... more
Tema ovog rada je uvjetovanost cjeloživotnog obrazovanja i zapošljivosti pojedinca. Cjeloživotno obrazovanje podrazumijeva kontinuirani proces pripreme za zanimanja koja proizlaze iz zahtjeva tehnološkog razvoja i konkretnih potreba... more
The purpose of this study was to describe the living experiences of 12th grade students of academic motivation. The research method was qualitative and data collection tool was interview. The study population was 12th grade students. The... more