Educational Innovation
Recent papers in Educational Innovation
Generations of Chinese Muslims believe that the Ming emperors, starting with its founder Zhu Yuan-Zhang, were Muslims. Using historical facts and artifacts, this presentation discusses the evidence gathered by a few researchers. The... more
The metaphor of scaling up is the wrong one to use for describing and prescribing educational change. Many of the strategies being employed to achieve scaling up are counter-productive: they conceive of practitioners as delivery agents or... more
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 2019 Este libro que he podido coordinar recoge las colaboraciones de los compañeros y compañeras del Departamento de Historia del Arte y Musicología de la Universidad de Oviedo, en... more
Innovation is essential to the improvement of public sector services, yet restrictive regulations may constrain this process. This paper draws on the school autonomy literature to advance our understanding of the effect of regulatory... more
Toronto boasts a large and diverse system of public alternative schools: schools where democratic practices, student access and a commitment to public education are fundamental. There are academic schools; schools with thematically... more
El objetivo de este estudio, que forma parte de una investigación más amplia sobre la innovación educativa y la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en el aula [1], es conocer el grado de «bienestar... more
Reproductive Learning is an umbrella term for a form of education based on rote memorization and reproduction of existing knowledge. It reproduces the content, process, social structures, power relations, and individuals that conform to... more
In deze bijdrage wordt ingegaan op het beroepsonderwijs als werkterrein. Er worden enkele kengetallen gepresenteerd die de omvang van deze onderwijssector aanduiden, daarmee verwijzend naar het relatieve belang van deze sector. Vervolgens... more
Las políticas educativas para la integración de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en las aulas han mejorado el equipamiento y la infraestructura de los centros educativos, sin embargo, aún no se ha experimentado el... more
The aim of the present article is to reveal the repercussion that educational innovations carry out by the Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapy Unit, University of Barcelona, have had in the pharmacists' learning process, mainly in... more
This paper shares some of the experiences in online coordination and teacher development which have emerged in the English Language Department at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. The advantages and disadvantages of coordination in an... more
Ettersom konkurransen om verdens økonomiske ressurser har tilspisset seg og blitt stadig mer omfattende, blir det å kunne innovere og skape nye løsninger på dagens og gjerne også morgendagens problemer bare viktigere og viktigere. Alle... more
Este trabajo desarrolla un análisis descriptivo de 10 universidades en el mundo respecto a la innovación pedagógica y la formación de sus profesores que se desarrollan en sus áreas o centros especializados con miras a establecer las... more
Este libro aporta conocimiento acerca de la innovación educativa en cuatro líneas de investigación: estudios psi¬copedagógicos, estudios socioculturales, estudios sobre el desarrollo y uso de la tecnología y estudios sobre gestión... more
Welke scholen hebben we nodig voor de 21ste eeuw? Hoe moeten die toekomstige schoolgebouwen eruitzien? Misschien wel als één grote open werkruimte – met zithoeken, labo’s, vergaderlokalen voor groepswerk, een immer toegankelijke media- en... more
Creative Inquiry frames learning and education as a larger manifestation of the creative impulse rather than as the fundamentally instrumental acquisition, retention, and reproduction of information, or Reproductive Learning. Montuori, A.... more
This paper examines three teachers' implementation of a new communicative English language curriculum in Libyan secondary schools. The teachers were observed for two weeks teaching a unit of material from this curriculum and subsequently... more
Notre proposition souhaite interroger l'écart, en apparence irrémédiable, qui peut exister entre le projet (présenté, valorisé et parfois financé) d'une innovation et sa réalisation effective. Dans le domaine de la pédagogie universitaire... more Láskavosť ako emocionálna angažovanosť je v Preventívnom systéme dona Bosca neustále osvietená a očisťovaná rozumom a vierou. Nie je to sentimentálna slabosť, alebo precitlivelosť. Metodologický... more
A growing research base has examined the possibilities of makerspaces in education; however, there has been little exploration of how such innovations are folded into formal school structures, like English language arts classrooms. This... more
The appropriate implementation of innovation is a crucial factor in improving educational practice. In the implementation process, there is, however, often a lack of interaction between designers and practitioners that would enable the... more
Mainstream education needs to be more engaging and relevant to young people, the knowledge and skills being fostered need to change in tune with the world of the 21st century, and they need to be learned deeply so that young people can... more
This classroom action research aimed to 1) study the student’s classroom engagement before and after using the gamification techniques and 2) compare the average number of student’s classroom engagement before and after using the... more
Resumen La creatividad es necesaria en la investigación educativa, y hay que estimularla. El fenómeno de fragmentación subjetiva no es exclusivo de las subjetividades individuales sino que, paradójicamente, repercute en la misma noción y... more
This paper details some of the failings of the US Education System and offers 3 specific suggestions that would most definitely change things up for the better; those being a more laser focus on physical education as it has been conducted... more
Otra educación musical en entornos escolares es posible. Yamaha, con su metodología ClassBand, nos acerca nueva y diferente forma de impartir música en colegios e institutos. ¿Quieres saber más sobre este método? He preparado este... more
El Portal de Mosaicos es una pequeña escuela en San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, que trabaja con grupos muy reducidos. Un gran porcentaje de los estudiantes presentan alguna condición o situación especial tal como TEA, TDA/ TDAH,... more
El siglo XXI se podría caracterizar por la inestabilidad institucional, política, económica y social. El ámbito de la educación no escapa a esa inestabilidad y podría decirse que la enseñanza hoy en día presenta numerosos desafíos tanto... more
Knowmad Society explores the future of learning, work, and how we relate with each other in a world driven by accelerating change, value networks, and the rise of knowmads. Knowmads are nomadic knowledge workers: Creative, imaginative,... more
Esta investigación cualitativa busca conocer el impacto que tuvo un movimiento de desarrollo tecnológico en la trayectoria educativa de jóvenes en educación media superior. La investigación consta de 4 capítulos y las conclusiones, en el... more
Principalmente, este ensayo está destinado a lectores del sector educativo, tales como profesores, estudiantes de educación, políticos o, en general, otros colectivos ligados al sector. Quizá, puede que también haya un gran número de... more
ABSTRACT The mother child relationship plays a crucial role in developing the overall personality and determining success in the later life of the child. The present study aims to determine the effect of gender and academic achievement... more
Can academia be a place where engage our creativity and experience the joy of inquiry? I reflect on my educational experiences as a starting point for an exploration of the way that education can be a joyful process if framed as an... more
Spaced Learning: A new era in instruction Is memorization of facts the biggest stumbling block in your classroom? Do you wish there was a magic bullet that could just inject all those facts into your students’ brains in a matter of... more
Nursing faculty members are responsible for assuring competence and safety in the preparation of prelicensure students who are preparing to deliver care in diverse settings. The growing complexity of care and the rapid expansion of... more
Presented during the APO Training Course on KM and Innovation in Public Sector Organizations held in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 2-6 December 2013
The COVID-19 pandemic is putting new and unforeseen pressures and has resulted in substantial disruption in the lives of the people across the globe. Although there is a budding body of literature on the impact of COVID-19 on mental... more
La presente obra en colaboración pretende aportar al debate en torno a cómo estructurar procesos educati-vos para las nuevas generaciones, especíícamente para los millennials y los centennials. Así, en un primer momento se delimitan las... more