Poor Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) adversely affects the performance and health of building users. Building users are an important source of information regarding IEQ and its influence on users' wellbeing and productivity. This paper... more
Educational buildings are buildings with special social importance and their energy consumption requires particular attention. Since the majority of educational buildings in Serbia were built between 1950-1990, with concrete frame, brick... more
Building retrofitting is the most feasible and cost-effective method to improve building energy efficiency. The paper presents a comparative analysis of two different strategies to enhance the energy performance of an existing building,... more
Geçmişte yaşanan afetlerde, yaşanan tecrübelerden çıkarılan dersler, afet yönetiminin günümüze kadar geliştirilmesine katkı sağlamıştır. Yakın tarihte Türkiye'de yaşanan en büyük afetlerden biri olan 2011 Van depremlerinde, kentin tek... more
The present society utilizes the electrical energy for their comfort. This electrical energy is majorly obtained by burning the fossil fuels. These fuels are decreasing in a dramatic rate and it is also contributes to the pollution.... more
The service sector remains the only economic sector that has recorded an increase (3.8%) in energy consumption during the last decade, and it is projected to grow more than 50% in the following decades. Among the public buildings,... more
This research discussed the importance of daylight as one of the major factors in sustainable architectural design and highlights the significant role of daylight in energy consumption reduction and enhancement of human health and... more
In this paper, the complex modernizations of existing educational buildings are examined from energetic aspect. A case study based research was conducted between 2010 and 2017 with the involvement of architect student groups. The selected... more
In this study, a regional boarding school building in Elazig was examined in the scope of Bioharmological Conformity Assessment (BCA) according to 18 basic criteria of Projection Level of Spatial Features (PLSF). BCA Certificate Class of... more
Throughout the human experience, various memory systems code the environmental context with selective processes and transfer these coded information to the long term memory. Long term spatial memory relates merely to the spatial... more
This article tries to get to the bottom of the history of the building of Santa Cruz de Cañizares College, recently recovered for a Professional Music-School. This reconstruccion takes in from the acquisition of the site in the beginning... more