Educational Anthropology
Recent papers in Educational Anthropology
Se indaga el sentido de la conferencia de Sloterdijk “Normas para el Parque humano” así como las polémicas por ella suscitada. Se realiza un diagnóstico de la capacidad crítica del humanismo tradicional. En el marco del naufragio del... more
'what literacy does.'' First, the article reviews in-depth the ways in which development discourses define literacy, and the claims made in development discourses about the ''consequences'' of literacy for economic and political... more
Qualitative research provides opportunities to study bullying and peer harassment as social processes, interactions and meaning-making in the everyday context of particular settings. It offers the possibility of developing a deep... more
This article argues that the neoliberal renaissance of the 1980s marketized education, with distinctly negative social consequences. We examine the emergence and promotion of a national-level discourse that positioned schools in the... more
For the last 50 years, researchers have explored differential STEM major declaration and persistence rates among groups in college. Little is known about the specific mechanisms through which social networks affect persistence in STEM... more
Agnieszka Cybal-Michalska (pedagogika młodzieży i kultury) Jarema Drozdowicz (antropologia edukacji, antropologia kultury) Małgorzata Grzywacz (nauki o kulturze) Daria Hejwosz-Gromkowska (pedagogika ogólna, pedagogika zdrowia) Witold... more
"Elinizdeki bu kitap, sosyal psikolojinin konularını en geniş kapsamıyla ele almakta, klasikleşmiş deneysel ve saha araştırmalarını en güncel bilimsel çalışmalarla harmanlamaktadır. Bu bakımdan, akademisyen ve öğrencilerin... more
Education is both an indicator and an instrument of development, and its attainment is a major factor behind the accumulation of human capital. Literacy is a useful indicator of the relative development of a society. The Constitution is... more
The results of the research Dominant and Demotic School Culture: Analysis of Tension Fields (2014-2015) are presented in the paper. Qualitative data analysis using interviews, observation, etc. was chosen for this ethnographically... more
In che modo colui/colei che apprende può essere considerato/a un agente attivo durante una lezione frontale, partecipata o un lavoro di gruppo? A tal proposito, si cercherà di capire fin dove si può spingere la libertà e la responsabilità... more
Title of my PhD-dissertation: "Unregulated spaces: a study of self-organized ways to use the city·" The dissertation examines how people make use of the city, with a focus on the practices people use to organize themselves in unregulated... more
Corporal punishment of children by teachers and coaches is a widespread practice known in many countries, but especially in Japan in spite of its legal prohibition there, where it has become a front-page issue involving Olympic athletes.... more
Compared to the few public higher education institutions in the prewar era, postwar Somalia boasts a large number of academic institutions at the tertiary level, mainly as privately owned universities. Although these community-initiated... more
Sulla scia dell'umanesimo rinascimentale, San Francesco di Sales ha elaborato – non in modo teorico ma pratico e pastorale – un progetto di educazione e di formazione integrale della persona. Ogni essere umano è chiamato a perfezionare se... more
La scuola italiana inizia a rapportarsi con i figli della migrazione a partire dai primi anni ’90 con l’incremento costante dell’immigrazione fino alla crisi economica del 2008 per poi riprendere con altre modalità di ingresso dopo la... more
The aim of this paper is to investigate and describe the content in school rules by developing a category system of school rules, and thus making the logic behind different types of rules in school explicit. Data were derived from an... more
A ella que visita los sueños míos y que inspira mis utopías, maestra que me enseñó a amar mi tierra y mi gente. Eliana, mi madre y amiga, cuya ausencia no pone límite a este infinito amor. Esto y mucho más, todo es gracias a ti.
The present article reviews and relates the transformations and transitional phases of schooling in an institutional ways to draw an outline in Indian Context from anthropological perspectives. The study further tries to explore different... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
В книге на основе широкого круга источников проведен этнологический анализ взаимодействия религии и школы в Республике Башкортостан в условиях введения нового курса «Основы религиозных культур и светской этики». В монографии исследовано... more
This short opinion piece, published in the Fall/Winter 2015 issue of SEM Student News on the trajectories of Music Education and Ethnomusicology, provides some reflections on my integrative research in these two areas. As suggested by the... more
ABSTRAKT Në Shqipëri sapo ka nisur zbatimi i Kurrikulës së re Bërthamë për klasën përgatitore dhe arsimin fillor, e cila është e mbështetur mbi Kompetencat Kyçe të përcaktuara nga Bashkimi Evropian, sipas së cilave çdo shkollë duhet të... more
There is a widespread idea that in grounded theory (GT) research, the researcher has to delay the literature review until the end of the analysis to avoid contamination – a dictum that might turn educational researchers away from GT.... more
i SUMMARY Using ethnographic research-and attendant methods of participant-observation and informal interviewing-at twelve universities in the UK and Germany, Experiencing Ethnomusicology studies the transmission of ethnomusicology, while... more
From an anthropological perspective, (educational) ethnography is much more than just a method in terms of a set of techniques but a way of taking a place in and grasping the world that ethnographers aim to represent and comprehend. With... more
In this chapter, I take up nexus analysis, an ethnographic sociolinguistic approach to the study of discursive flows across scales, and its applicability to educational linguistics research. I begin with a brief discussion that situates... more
Pensar la relación filosofía, política y pedagogía en la obra de Paulo Freire es adentrase en el complejo campo de una filosofía crítica de la educación desde América Latina. Lo anterior consigue evidenciarse en las propuestas del autor... more
Grounded in scholarly analysis and personal reflection, and drawing on a multi-sited and multi-method research design, Momentous Mobilities disentangles the meanings attached to temporary travels and stays abroad and offers empirical... more
Eine Genealogie des schulischen Berufsintegrationsprozesses jugendlicher MigrantInnen in der Schweiz © Beltz Juventa -Korrekturabzug 195 Möglichkeitsbedingungen von Konvertibilität des sprachlichen in soziales und ökonomisches Kapital... more
Agnieszka Cybal-Michalska (pedagogika młodzieży i kultury) Jarema Drozdowicz (antropologia edukacji, antropologia kultury) Magdalena Grzywacz (nauki o kulturze) Daria Hejwosz-Gromkowska (pedagogika ogólna, pedagogika zdrowia) Witold... more
The aim of this field study was to investigate the hidden curriculum of school rules delimited to the moral construction of ‘the good pupil’ embedded in the system of school rules in two primary schools. According to the findings, the... more
along axes of race, class and gender, and current education reform efforts that seek to counteract these imbalances, with a key emphasis on privatized public education reform. While public schooling in the U.S. has marginalized people of... more
La presentación resume el concepto de razón, religión y "amorevolezza" (amabilidad) y asistencia en el pensamiento de Don Bosco. Se sintetiza la actualización de la asistencia salesiana elaborada por Herbert Franta desde un punto de vista... more
Viršeliui panaudota Brolių Černiauskų nuotrauka ISBN 978-609-459-272-0 © Irena Stonkuvienė, 2013 © Jovita Bagdonavičiūtė, vertimas, 2013 © Vilniaus universitetas, 2013 V I L N I U S 2013 VILNIUS UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING HOUSE 3.3.... more
On the basis of conducting ethnographic fieldwork from September to November 2015 at The Drum School of Cabildo in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, this thesis seeks to examine how bodily practices are used for acquiring and transmitting... more
Animals and Society is an exploration of the connection between human socio-cultural development and our attitudes about, behaviors towards, and relationships with the animal world. As a seminar series meeting once a week, we will use... more
Drawing on ethnographic data from fourteen in-depth interviews with individuals who have either taught or plan to teach English abroad, this study uses the English as a foreign language teacher (EFLT) as a departure point with which to... more
The aim of this paper is to investigate children's views and experiences of democracy and pupil participation in relation to everyday school life, and to let their voices be heard on these issues. The data for this paper was derived from... more
Por meio de entrevistas e de depoimentos obtidos em processos de avaliação de componentes da Formação Geral (FG), propomos analisar a experiência de ingresso na Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia (UFSB) a partir das ideias de Paulo... more