For positive integers k and d such that 4 ≤ k < d and k = 5, we determine the maximum number of rainbow colored copies of C 4 in a k-edge-coloring of the d-dimensional hypercube Q d . Interestingly, the k-edge-colorings of Q d yielding... more
We describe here a simple probabilistic model for graphs that are lifts of a fixed base graph G, i.e., those graphs from which there is a covering man onto G. Our aim is to investigate the properties of typical graphs in this class. In... more
In this study, a new Hamiltonian loop construction algorithm is proposed for planar 3-regular diagrams of specific structures. Based on the original element theory and the perfect matching algorithm I proposed earlier, the algorithm... more
Indicated coloring is a type of game coloring in which two players collectively color the vertices of a graph in the following way. In each round the first player (Ann) selects a vertex, and then the second player (Ben) colors it... more
We consider edge colorings of graphs. An edge coloring is a majority coloring if for every vertex at most half of the edges incident with it are in one color. And edge coloring is a distinguishing coloring if for every non-trivial... more
In the minimum sum edge coloring problem, we aim to assign natural numbers to edges of a graph, so that adjacent edges receive different numbers, and the sum of the numbers assigned to the edges is minimum. The chromatic edge strength of... more
In a previous work, we proposed a new integer programming formulation for the graph coloring problem which, to a certain extent, avoids symmetry. We studied the facet structure of the 0/1-polytope associated with it. Based on these... more
In this work we study the polytope associated with a 0,1-integer programming formulation for the Equitable Coloring Problem. We find several families of valid inequalities and derive sufficient conditions in order to be facet-defining... more
Precedence constraints are a part of a definition of any scheduling problem. After recalling, in precise graph-theoretical terms, the relations between task-on-arc and task-on-node representations, we show the equivalence of two distinct... more
A structural condition is given for finite maximal antichains in the homomorphism order of relational structures to have the splitting property. It turns out that non-splitting antichains appear only at the bottom of the order. Moreover,... more
A structural condition is given for finite maximal antichains in the homomorphism order of relational structures to have the splitting property. It turns out that non-splitting antichains appear only at the bottom of the order. Moreover,... more
A rectangular partition is a partition of a plane rectangle into an arbitrary number of nonoverlapping rectangles such that no four rectangles share a corner. In this note, it is proven that every rectangular partition admits a vertex... more
Many NP-hard graph problems become easy for some classes of graphs, such as coloring is easy for bipartite graphs, but NP-hard in general. So we can ask question like when does a hard problem become easy? What is the minimum substructure... more
Poset game, which includes some famous games. e.g., Nim and Chomp as sub-games, is an important two-player impartial combinatorial game. The rule of the game is as follows: For a given poset (partial ordered set), each player intern... more
A star edge coloring of a graph G is a proper edge coloring of G such that every path and cycle of length four in G uses at least three different colors. The star chromatic index of a graph G, is the smallest integer k for which G admits... more
A star edge coloring of a graph $G$ is a proper edge coloring of $G$ such that every path and cycle of length four in $G$ uses at least three different colors. The star chromatic index of a graph $G$ is the smallest integer $k$ for... more
The Berge-Fulkerson conjecture states that every bridgeless cubic graph can be covered with six perfect matchings such that each edge is covered exactly twice. An equivalent reformulation is that it's possible to find a 6-cycle 4-cover.... more
An edge-coloring of the complete graph K n we call F -caring if it leaves no F -subgraph of K n monochromatic and at the same time every subset of |V (F )| vertices contains in it at least one completely multicolored version of F . For... more
The dominated coloring of a graph G is a proper coloring of G such that each color class is dominated by at least one vertex. The minimum number of colors needed for a dominated coloring of G is called the dominated chromatic number of G... more
We extend the definition of sandwich line-graphs, a class of auxiliary graphs the stable sets of which are in 1-to-1 correspondence with the colorings of the original graph, from graphs to partitioned graphs, this way, we obtain a... more
We consider maximum properly edge-colored trees in edge-colored graphs G c. We also consider the problem where, given a vertex r, determine whether the graph has a spanning tree rooted at r, such that all root-to-leaf paths are properly... more
We introduce a number of problems regarding edge-color modifications in edge-colored graphs and digraphs. Consider a property π, a c-edge-colored graph G c not satisfying π, and an edge-recoloring cost matrix R = [rij]c×c where rij ≥ 0... more
This paper deals with the existence and search of properly edgecolored paths/trails between two, not necessarily distinct, vertices s and t in an edge-colored graph from an algorithmic perspective. First we show that several versions of... more
Sufficient degree conditions for the existence of properly edge-colored cycles and paths in edge-colored graphs, multigraphs and random graphs are inverstigated. In particular, we prove that an edgecolored multigraph of order n on at... more
In this paper we deal from an algorithmic perspective with different questions regarding monochromatic and properly edge-colored s-t paths/trails on edge-colored graphs. Given a c-edge-colored graph G c without properly edge-colored... more
This paper deals with problems on non-oriented edge-colored graphs. The aim is to find a route between two given vertices s and t. This route can be a walk, a trail or a path. Each time a vertex is crossed by a walk there is an associated... more
In this article, I have tried to provide a comprehensive understanding of fundamental differences, historical evolution, and societal implications of analog and digital technologies. Analog technology, characterized by continuous signal... more
This note is a report on a computer investigation of some small classical Ramsey numbers. We establish new lower bounds for the classical Ramsey numbers $R(3,11)$ and $R(4,8)$. In the first case, the bound is improved from $46$ (a record... more
The lower bound for the classical Ramsey number $R(4,6)$ is improved from 35 to 36. The author has found 37 new edge colorings of $K_{35}$ that have no complete graphs of order 4 in the first color, and no complete graphs of order 6 in... more
We show that 28 s r(K4-e; 3) G 32. The construction used to establish the lower bound is made by using the strongly regular Schllfli graph for one of the colors, and then by partitioning its complement into two isomorphic graphs. The... more
Given a collection of matchings M = (M 1 , M 2 ,. .. , M q) (repetitions allowed), a matching M contained in M is said to be s-rainbow for M if it contains representatives from s matchings M i (where each edge is allowed to represent just... more
A semi-proper orientation of a given graph G, denoted by (D, w), is an orientation D with a weight function w : A(D) → Z + , such that the in-weight of any adjacent vertices are distinct, where the in-weight of v in D, denoted by w − D... more
In many clique search algorithms well coloring of the nodes is employed to find an upper bound of the clique number of the given graph. In an earlier work a non-traditional edge coloring scheme was proposed to get upper bounds that are... more
A Grünbaum coloring of a triangulation is an assignment of colors to edges so that the edges about each face are assigned unique colors. In this paper we examine the color induced subgraphs given by a Grünbaum coloring of a triangulation... more
Let K,, be the complete graph with vertex set {u,, u2,. . . , u,,) and let g = (gl, . . . , g,,) be a sequence of positive integers. Color each edge of this K, red or blue. In this paper necessary and sufficient conditions are given which... more
We use the results of , to discuss the counting formulas of network flow polytopes and magic squares, i.e. the formula for the corresponding Ehrhart polynomial in terms of residues. We also discuss a description of the big cells using the... more
A strong edge-coloring of a graph $G$ is a coloring of the edges such that every color class induces a matching in $G$. The strong chromatic index of a graph is the minimum number of colors needed in a strong edge-coloring of the graph.... more
We show efficient algorithms for edge-coloring planar graphs. Our main result is a linear-time algorithm for coloring planar graphs with maximum degree ∆ with max{∆, 9} colors. Thus the coloring is optimal for graphs with maximum degree ∆... more
We introduce classes of graphs with bounded expansion as a generalization of both proper minor closed classes and degree bounded classes. Such classes are based on a new invariant, the greatest reduced average density (grad) of G with... more
We present a definition of the class NP in combinatorial context as the set of languages of structures defined by finitely many forbidden lifted substructures. We apply this to special syntactically defined subclasses and show how they... more
Let G n,m be the grid [n]×[m]. G n,m is c-colorable if there is a function χ : G n,m → [c] such that there are no rectangles with all four corners the same color. We ask for which values of n, m, c is G n,m c-colorable? We determine (1)... more
A star edge-coloring of a graph G is a proper edge coloring such that every 2-colored connected subgraph of G is a path of length at most 3. For a graph G, let the list star chromatic index of G, ch ′ st (G), be the minimum k such that... more
Given a Lie algebra of finite dimension, with a selected basis of it, we show in this paper that it is possible to associate it with a combinatorial structure, of dimension 2, in general. In some particular cases, this structure is... more
The main aim of decision support systems is to find solutions that satisfy user requirements. Often, this leads to predictability of those solutions, in the sense that having the input data and the model, an adversary or enemy can predict... more
The anti-Ramsey number ar(G, H) with input graph G and pattern graph H, is the maximum positive integer k such that there exists an edge coloring of G using k colors, in which there are no rainbow subgraphs isomorphic to H in G. (H is... more
It is shown that every simple graph with maximal degree 4 is 5-edgechoosable.
We study the minimum number of weights assigned to the edges of a graph G with no component K 2 so that any two adjacent vertices have distinct sets of weights on their incident edges. The best possible upper bound on this parameter is... more
We study the exact square chromatic number of subcubic planar graphs. An exact square coloring of a graph G is a vertex-coloring in which any two vertices at distance exactly 2 receive distinct colors. The smallest number of colors used... more
In a proper edge-coloring the edges of every color form a matching. A matching is induced if the end-vertices of its edges induce a matching. A strong edge-coloring is an edge-coloring in which the edges of every color form an induced... more