Recent papers in Ecospirituality
Guest contribution for the blog 'Urban-rural migration and rural revitalization in Japan' funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and hosted by Professor Cornelia Reiher from the Institue of Japanese Studies at Freie Universität... more
Si bien la pandemia nos muestra la importancia de renovar nuestra conexión con la Tierra, esta reconexión requiere cuestionar el valor de la “acción” en nuestros imaginarios. Inspirados por el ecofeminismo, prácticas indígenas y otros... more
Contemporary ideas of nature were largely shaped by schools of thought from Western cultural history and philosophy until the present-day concerns with environmental change and biodiversity conservation. There are many different ways of... more
Alice Walker, a proponent of eco-spirituality, endeavors to usher the flourishing spirit of solidarity and Justice through little acts of earthly functions which may transform our environment and adorn the surroundings with heavenly touch... more
As Marina Warner observes in her introduction to its 2004 Vintage Classics edition, Coleridge’s life-long obsession with themes of enchantment comes to one of its fullest expressions in his 1798 poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. In... more
This chapter analyzes the spiritual quest in Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina in the context of eco-spirituality and creative energy. Thus, it adds to the more traditional readings of the novel an ecocritical element by stressing the intimate... more
issue is an exploration of a theme that was very close to the heart of the founder of our research centre-the relationship between ecology and religious experience. Indeed, Sir Alister Hardy (1896-1985) started his academic career as a... more
This research investigates the potential of the Japanese belief system Shinto as to responding to ecological issues. It situates itself within the research field of spirituality and ecology. Shinto is an indigenous belief which promotes... more
Religion (dharma) plays a vital role in the Hindu (Sanatana) quest for understanding and practicing harmony between nature and humanity that result into the formation of a cosmological awakening, i.e. ‘transcending the universe.’ The... more
Today, humanity stands at a historic crossroads. Deepening poverty and accelerating ecological destruction challenge us to act with wisdom and maturity: How can we move toward a future where meaning, hope, and beauty can truly... more
Permaculture is a design process for creating sustainable and regenerative garden systems with maximum yields by following the principles of ecology, and embodies a cosmology of interconnectedness and interdependence. It was developed in... more
Quel est le monde des écologistes ? Cette thèse cherche à dépasser les explications réduisant leur engagement à de simples stratégies sociales en plongeant dans les représentations d’un réseau informel d’écologistes vivant en France et en... more
This study searches within Pauline Theology, Christology, Cosmology and Eschatology for resources and seeks to answer how a faith articulation that addresses the question of value of creation in the light of the impending massive... more
Le catastrophisme né des enjeux écologiques peut-il être pensé comme apocalyptique ? Tel semble être le cas pour un réseau franco-suisse de « collapsologues » qui anticipent non pas la fin du monde mais la fin d’un monde ouvrant sur une... more
Berkeley, CA – The Center for the Arts & Religion at the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) celebrates the publication of "Gestures to the Divine: Reflections on Eco-Spirituality," a book that brings together the nature-focused artwork of... more
At the turn of the twentieth century, a cohort of Irish advanced nationalist women coalesced into Inghinidhe na hÉireann, an organization founded in 1900 to realize Irish independence in the political, economic, social, and artistic... more
L’exemple d’un réseau d’« intellectuels de l’écologie » montre donc qu’il existe des formes de résistance alternatives, alternatives parce que ces acteurs refusent en général la confrontation directe avec le « système » en place, ce qui... more
Ce texte se propose d’analyser les différents discours que tiennent les acteurs d’un réseau informel d’écologistes autour de l’idée de « démesure » ; dans un premier temps quand ils utilisent directement le mot « démesure » ou « hubris »,... more
Ecocriticism is the study of the relationship between the literature and environment to understand the vital role of nature in the growth and evolution of everything and it paves ways many to the scholars to examine environmental concerns... more
Winner of the Association for the Study of Literature & Environment UK-I’s annual essay competition, and presented as the Hay Book Festival’s INSPIRE lecture, 2018
ISSR – 34th Conference 2017
Religion, coopération et conflit dans des sociétés diversifiées
Religion, coopération et conflit dans des sociétés diversifiées
When Thomas Berry commented on the contribution of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin to theology, he asserted that “Teilhard . . . (1881–1955) gave expression to the greatest transformation in Christian thought since the time of St. Paul.” Berry... more
The principles that govern eco–spirituality were established between the 1960s and 1980s, coming from various currents and paradigms derived from the counterculture and the New Age movement, and its bases can be traced in philosophical... more
This is a very brief commissioned chapter from The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies at Wiley Online Library (
Ecologists are often depicted as prophets of doom and ridiculed for their apocalyptic views. The study of a French and Swiss network of engaged intellectuals of 'relational ecology' gives a more complex picture. Expecting the end of a... more
This issue is an exploration of a theme that was very close to the heart of the founder of our research centre-the relationship between ecology and religious experience. Full issue available here:... more
In Indian thought the sense of intrinsic value is posed in the basic quest of knowing the place and role of man with respect to interrelatedness of ecological cosmology, i.e. ecospirituality, receiving more attention today under New Age... more
This chapter focuses on the turn towards ecofeminist ideology and praxis among Contemporary Pagans in the West, centering on its emergence during the 1970s and 1980s, as well as providing a description of later developments since the... more
When traditional cultures practice rituals of regeneration, attention is typically paid to united concerns of the inner life and care for nature. In an age of increasing climate change crisis, members of urban societies must recompose... more
Since John Paul II’s 1990 World Day of Peace Message on the ecological crisis, green themes have been a recurring feature of the Vatican’s public teachings. Working with a selection of Catholic Social Teaching documents, this article... more
CHAMEL Jean, 2016, « Visions du monde des écologistes catastrophistes: entre attente de la fin d’un monde et retrait hors du monde », Processus de légitimation entre politique et religion: Approches historico-culturelles et analyses de... more
Through Godfrey Reggio's cinematic work - from "Koyaanisqatsi" (1982) to "Visitors (2013) - we can think about the dialogue between Technology, Ecology and Spirituality and the major global concerns of the contemporary age.
Drawing on insights from Damasio’s somatic marker hypothesis, Buddhism, ecopsychology, and the Beatitudes, this paper explores the role emotions play in influencing our response to the ecological crisis. While invoking fear may actually... more
In Environmental Humanities: Voices from the Anthropocene, editors Serpil Oppermann and Serenella Iovino have assembled 19 essays and interventions by some of the most distinguished names in a now 'multisperspectival' (xi) research field,... more
Abstract: This article, titled Relationality and Reverence: Hindu Ecological Visions, for the Special Issue on “Hinduism, Jainism, Yoga and Ecology”, edited by Christopher K. Chapple, focuses on the relationship of early Hindu texts... more
This paper purports to identify the critical potential of Waldorf education within the context of environmental education and ecospirituality. It sees Steiner's thinking as a further development of early Romantic philosophy and takes both... more
What is the world of the ecologists? This thesis goes beyond explanations reducing their commitment to simple social strategies by plunging into the representations of an informal network of environmentalists living in France and... more
Cette notice est parue dans : Aurélie Choné, Isabelle Hajek, Philippe Hamman (dir.), Guide des Humanités environnementales, Lille, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2016, p. 59-71.
The Ecological Spirituality: The Quest for God Through Relating to Earth and Body. Ecology has been massively discussed in the last one hundred years and the debate has been impacting science and humanities, including theology. The world... more
In Matthew's Sign of Jonah text, Jesus went down into the heart of the Earth at the time of his transformation. The current global ecosystemic crisis represents an urgent call to reclaim the centrality of this solidarity with... more
Moving Through Grief, Reconnecting with Nature is the fruit of the author’s two decades inquiry into the spontaneous expression of grief when connecting with various aspects of the natural world. Dufrechou’s reflective study illuminates... more
Echoing Eco-Spiritual Values for a New World: An Inter-reading of Herman Hesse's Siddhartha i Ah, how glorious! Green leaves, young leaves Glittering in the sunlight. [Basho on visiting the shrine on Mount Nikko] The moving finger writes... more
Guest contribution for the blog 'Urban-rural migration and rural revitalization in Japan' funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and hosted by Professor Cornelia Reiher from the Institue of Japanese Studies at Freie Universität... more
Although a rare fictional exploration by the author, ness plugs seamlessly into what I would call ‘Macfarlanism.’ Though the author might not appreciate such a term, there is a spirituality that appends to this man’s work despite the... more
On the basis of ethnographic conversations and observations made among ecospiritual activists in French-speaking Switzerland, this text aims to locate the discourses and practices regarding gender references, following Linda Woodhead's... more