We present a model with pre-marital schooling investment, endogenous marital matching and spousal specialization in homework and market production. Investment in schooling raises ages and generates two kinds of returns in our framework: a... more
Labor market presence of cancer survivors has been significantly improved as medical technology revolutionized cancer-specific diagnoses and treatments. However, less understood are post-cancer variations in job market outcomes of racial... more
This paper applies the panel fixed effects with vector decomposition esti-mator to three FDI data sets to estimate the impact of time-invariant variables on FDI while including fixed effects. We find that the omission of fixed effects... more
Economists who study the family acknowledge the importance of altruism and resource allocation that occurs between family members, and have developed a number of novel approaches to modelling this behaviour. This article suggests a new... more
I examine charitable giving behaviors by married and permanently cohabiting couples. Looking first at differences between married, cohabiting, and single households, I find that married couples are more likely to give and to give more... more