Economics of the family

26 papers
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The economics of the family is a subfield of economics that studies the allocation of resources, decision-making processes, and the economic behaviors of family units. It examines how families manage their finances, labor supply, consumption patterns, and the impact of policies on family welfare and dynamics.
A customary gender division of labor is one in which women and men are directed towards certain tasks and/or explicitly prohibited from performing others. We offer an explanation as to why the gender division of labor is so often enforced... more
A recent trend in Korea and Japan sees college-graduate women marrying later and at lower rates than less-educated women. In China, "leftover women" have also become a top policy concern. This paper finds however that... more
This paper argues that the economics of the family can be much enriched by incorporating recent developments in evolutionary biology, animal behavior studies, cultural evolution, anthropology, and game theory. Evolutionary foundations of... more
We examine how charitable giving is influenced by who in the household is primarily responsible for giving decisions. Looking first at single-person households, we find men and women to have significantly different tastes for giving,... more
This paper argues that the economics of the family can be much enriched by incorporating recent developments in evolutionary biology, animal behavior studies, cultural evolution, anthropology, and game theory. Evolutionary foundations of... more
Alice and Bob live in the forest. To sustain themselves, they collect fruits and berries and snare an occasional animal. The nights get cold, but Alice is a skillful fire-builder. Bob has never mastered this art. His fires fizzle and he... more
Thanks to Jim Andreoni and Larry Samuelson for stimulating conversations.
If person i preferred a bundle z; that cost no more than ii, then (z1, ... , z', ... en) would be Pareto superior (2l,... , n) and would satisfy the household budget constraint. Notice that because of the linearity of the household budget... more
In this paper we sketch a theory about the role of supernatural beliefs in incentivizing "good" behavior among children by parents. We present a simple theory on the production and the use of certain supernatural beliefs by parents to... more
Economic theory has made several attempts at integrating the Kantian categorical imperative. Mark D. White recently proposed such an analysis. This is a comment on his article. Our commentary on White's article shall be presented through... more
The present paper develops a theoretical model of labor supply with domestic production and public goods. The objective of the paper is to deal simultaneously with these two aspects and thus consider a good that is both produced within... more
We construct a model of household decision-making in which agents consume a private and a public good, interpreted as children's welfare. Children's utility depends on their human capital, which depends on the time their parents... more
I examine charitable giving behaviors by married and permanently cohabiting couples. Looking first at differences between married, cohabiting, and single households, I find that married couples are more likely to give and to give more... more
Labor market presence of cancer survivors has been significantly improved as medical technology revolutionized cancer-specific diagnoses and treatments. However, less understood are post-cancer variations in job market outcomes of racial... more
Per ridare linfa alla natalità non bastano assegni per i figli più generosi, un fisco più leggero o misure più incisive per favorire la conciliazione casa-lavoro. Ogni sforzo deve fare i conti con una cultura che ha trasformato i figli in... more
In this paper we sketch a theory about the role of supernatural beliefs in incentivizing " good " behavior among children by parents. We present a simple theory on the production and the use of certain supernatural beliefs by parents to... more
This article examines the phenomenon of thought insertion, one of the most extreme disruptions to the standard mechanisms for self-knowledge, in the context of Kant's philosophy of mind. This juxtaposition is of interest for two reasons,... more
Economic theory has made several attempts at integrating the Kantian categorical imperative. Mark D. White recently proposed such an analysis. This is a comment on his article. Our commentary on White's article shall be presented through... more
Fixed costs play a crucial role in current models of foreign direct investment (FDI), yet they are almost entirely ignored in empirical treatments of FDI. We fill this gap by using a 1989–2001 panel of FDI flows into Iceland to examine... more
This paper applies the panel fixed effects with vector decomposition esti-mator to three FDI data sets to estimate the impact of time-invariant variables on FDI while including fixed effects. We find that the omission of fixed effects... more
We present a model with pre-marital schooling investment, endogenous marital matching and spousal specialization in homework and market production. Investment in schooling raises ages and generates two kinds of returns in our framework: a... more
We present a model in which couples first match in the marriage markets and, on the basis of their relative spousal endowment levels, decide whether to have children, specialize in market production or homework and determine their... more
The paper develops a theoretical model of labor supply with domestic production and public goods. The objective is to deal simultaneously with these two aspects and thus consider a good that is both produced and publicly consumed by... more
Family is the base for the production of human and social capital. This wisdom is generally acknowledged by the sociology, but it's hardly acceptable by the economic paradigma, despite some spectacular findings in the near past (e.g. by... more
Economists who study the family acknowledge the importance of altruism and resource allocation that occurs between family members, and have developed a number of novel approaches to modelling this behaviour. This article suggests a new... more
The article examines the concept of human person and the moral behavior attached to this concept from the point of view of philosopher Immanuel Kant. The difference between individual and things, and the capacity of humans to recognize... more
As most economists will tell you, markets, under ideal conditions of perfect competition, maximize the allocative and productive efficiency of the economy. Those ideal conditions are familiar to introductory economics students, and... more