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      BusinessEconomics and culture
This essay explores the subject of the aversion of intellectuals to the market economy. It does so by studying a selection of Italian films of the early 1960s whose themes are centered upon the economic boom of those years. The films... more
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      Italian CinemaItalian CinemaIntellectualsIntellectual and cultural history
In accordance with generally accepted accounting standards, most intangibles are not accounted for and not reflected in the traditional financial accounting. For this reason, most companies account intangible assets (IAs) as expenses. In... more
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    • Economics and culture
Research purpose. Traditionally used communication mix as a part of company’s marketing strategy, including advertising, sales promotion, personal sales and public relations, is gradually changing and expanding. Thanks to the development... more
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    • Economics and culture
Internationalisation of education and student mobility (incoming and outgoing) has become a significant factor in the sphere of higher education. These processes lead to interaction between local students and exchange students, as well as... more
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    • Economics and culture
Research purpose. Currently, higher education institutions (HEIs) are faced with new challenges. They have to compete globally and take into account modern trends in education and science. Human capital becomes one of the most significant... more
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    • Economics and culture
The aim of this paper is to analyze the dynamics and structure of the Brazilian film industry and the public policies applied in the period 1995-2012. The study identifies the different firms operating in the sector - production,... more
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      Industrial OrganizationEconomics of CultureEconomics and culture
Purpose. This study aimed to explore the relationship between organisational justice and commitment and how the combined influence of organisational justice and perceived organisational support (POS) impacts on commitment. Research... more
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    • Economics and culture
Brand value building and managing is an interdisciplinary issue with serious impact on company's effective market performance. Knowing this, more and more companies try to extract the competitive advantage of a valuable brand. But... more
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    • Economics and culture
Research purpose. Stocks as well as other securities are a crucial part of the financial market that helps to redistribute financial resources amongst market participants, which in a modern economy include not only professional stock... more
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    • Economics and culture
The topic of organisational pathology is surprisingly absent in literature on management, especially when bearing in mind the theoretical and practical import of such questions. The intention of the author is to fill in this gap, at least... more
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    • Economics and culture
This article demonstrates the size of the budget gap that arises in a household after the death of that member who was the breadwinner of the family. It also describes how this gap can be covered by motor vehicle liability insurance. One... more
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      BusinessEconomics and culture
In the contemporary situation of ever-growing market internationalisation, local and global competition different company leadership aspects, especially ethical leadership, gain a special importance. It is possible to say that in... more
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    • Economics and culture
Traditionally a large role has been attributed to the spread of clocks and watches in fostering a ‘modern’ awareness of time. Yet, little research is available that empirically enables signs of growing time awareness to be linked to the... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyCultural History
Research purpose. With the current and progressive ageing of the population globally, in Europe over the past three decades, the urgency of creating a specific theoretical and educational model for older adults, in which the professional... more
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    • Economics and culture
This paper discusses paradigm shifts in economic geography, relevant aspects of the history of ideas (on relations between culture and economy particularly), and the study of entrepreneurship in geography. It advocates a "demographic"... more
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      EntrepreneurshipHuman GeographyEconomic GeographyEvolutionary Economics
Borrowers default risk is one of the most relevant types of risk in commercial banking and its assessment is important to secure business profitability and avoid huge losses during economic turbulences. This leads to necessity to... more
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    • Economics and culture
Human knowledge and creative potential has become one of the most important driving forces of humanity progress. In the context of the twenty-first century, in order to create a high-quality culture environment, it requires a paradigm... more
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    • Economics and culture
In this paper, the extended framework of the IS-MP-IA model has been tested. Since the appearance of the Romer’s (2000) model, a bulk of studies with its extensions have been published. Perhaps, the most notable amongst them were those... more
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    • Economics and culture
A brand is one way to distinguish products from each other, while simplifying consumers’ decisions in choosing an appropriate product. Brand building is not just about design but also strategy, which is even more important in the process.... more
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    • Economics and culture
Teacher is a key figure in the implementation of reforms in higher education. Pedagogical research of the professional identity (PI) of teacher, her/his priority values, self-evaluation of performances and professional knowledge and the... more
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    • Economics and culture
Mit Hans C. Artmanns (fast) klassischer Frage 1 lässt sich ein Thema spielerisch erschließen, das die Grenzen eines Artikels oder die Kompetenz des Autors leicht überschreiten könnte. Denn die Suche nach dem Ort des Ökonomischen in der... more
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      Social and Cultural HistoryEconomics and culture
Research purpose. The quality means a core attribute of the product. Based on empirical assessment of the consumer, it is ascertained if the products are of high quality. However, there may be considerable counterarguments against this... more
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      BusinessEconomics and culture
Tax reliefs are optional, but a very important element of the taxation system. This element is used for different purposes by a country’s government institutions. Tax reliefs are a form of tax expenditure that helps to reduce budget... more
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    • Economics and culture
The aim of the article is to present and compare the major sources of financing of physical investments in Poland and Latvia and to attempt to identify their determinants. The subject of the diagnosis is the corporate sector in Poland and... more
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    • Economics and culture
The performed scientific studies show that proper and skilful use of modern technologies can contribute to significant development of companies. Growth of technologies occurs rapidly, and the electronic environment continuously develops... more
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    • Economics and culture
The article presents the results of the international study of the professional identity of schoolteachers of Russia and Latvia. In the study, the six component model of the content of the teacher professional identity (TPI) is used.... more
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    • Economics and culture
Constructive Episode. The Culture Development Fund 1983-1990 The main goal of the article is to present the first comprehensive and universal mechanism of financing of culture in Poland-state-earmarked fund, the Culture Development Fund.... more
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      Cultural PolicyEconomics and culture
The following volume is a compilation of student-produced texts written over the course of a semester-long Q-Team research-based learning class at the Humboldt University of Berlin. The aim of this course was to explore the various... more
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      Cultural HistorySports HistoryYugoslaviaYugoslavia (History)
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      Higher EducationSingaporeGlobalization And Postcolonial StudiesGlobalization And Higher Education
It has frequently been presumed that the ability of the Mondragón group of co-operatives to achieve a remarkable degree of trust and loyalty amongst its members while maintaining relatively bureaucratic workplaces is due to the uniquely... more
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      Organizational TheoryOrganizational CultureCooperatives (Development Studies)Cultural Economics