Economics and culture
Recent papers in Economics and culture
A brand is one way to distinguish products from each other, while simplifying consumers’ decisions in choosing an appropriate product. Brand building is not just about design but also strategy, which is even more important in the process.... more
It has frequently been presumed that the ability of the Mondragón group of co-operatives to achieve a remarkable degree of trust and loyalty amongst its members while maintaining relatively bureaucratic workplaces is due to the uniquely... more
“Dirty Work: Labor, Dissatisfaction and Everyday Life in Contemporary French Literature and Culture (1975-present),” is an analysis of the representation of everyday activities – namely, of work, leisure, and consumerism – in contemporary... more
Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan dengan wilayah sepanjang 3.000 mil laut berupa hamparan laut luas dari Sabang sampai Merauke yang memiliki jumlah pulau lebih dari 17.500 dengan ini menjadikan Indonesia sebagai Negara Kepulauan terbesar... more
The culture - economy dialectic (CED) -- the opposition of the concepts and phenomena of culture and economy -- is one of the most important ideas in the modern history of ideas. Both disciplinary boundaries and much theoretical thought... more
Oblikovanje novog tržišta piva u Srbiji (tada još Srbiji i Crnoj Gori) zahtevalo je da stare fabrike prođu kroz složeni proces organizacionog restruktuiranja, a ovo je, osim tehničkih, tehnoloških i finansijskih promena, zahtevalo da se... more
This essay explores the subject of the aversion of intellectuals to the market economy. It does so by studying a selection of Italian films of the early 1960s whose themes are centered upon the economic boom of those years. The films... more
In this article, we try to determine what makes a currency reform more or less likely to succeed. We focus on important currency transformations throughout history -starting from roman antiquity to 19th century currency reforms in... more
Mit Hans C. Artmanns (fast) klassischer Frage 1 lässt sich ein Thema spielerisch erschließen, das die Grenzen eines Artikels oder die Kompetenz des Autors leicht überschreiten könnte. Denn die Suche nach dem Ort des Ökonomischen in der... more
Las industrias creativas son aquellas actividades que tienen su origen en la creatividad, habilidad y talento individual. Los espacios públicos pueden ser considerados como reflejo de la creatividad de la sociedad y coadyuvan a mejorar la... more
Tax reliefs are optional, but a very important element of the taxation system. This element is used for different purposes by a country’s government institutions. Tax reliefs are a form of tax expenditure that helps to reduce budget... more
" When people who are actually creating a system start to see themselves as the source of their problems, they invariably discover a new capacity to create results they truly desire. " i " Human endeavors are part of larger systems… bound... more
Numerous economists and analysts from all over the world have been trying to find an appropriate method to assess company health and to predict its eventual financial distress for many years. No economy is a small isolated subject, and... more
INDIVIDUALISM, COLLECTIVISM, AND THE WEALTH OF NATIONS: This article summarizes findings in the contemporary economic literature related to the cultural dimension of individualism-collectivism and its impact on economic growth and... more
The following volume is a compilation of student-produced texts written over the course of a semester-long Q-Team research-based learning class at the Humboldt University of Berlin. The aim of this course was to explore the various... more
Research purpose. The European Union recognizes the importance of information systems for improving the performance of trans-European transport network ports by promoting a set of initiatives focused on their use. The Directive 2010/65/EU... more
Teacher is a key figure in the implementation of reforms in higher education. Pedagogical research of the professional identity (PI) of teacher, her/his priority values, self-evaluation of performances and professional knowledge and the... more
Human knowledge and creative potential has become one of the most important driving forces of humanity progress. In the context of the twenty-first century, in order to create a high-quality culture environment, it requires a paradigm... more
Traditionally a large role has been attributed to the spread of clocks and watches in fostering a ‘modern’ awareness of time. Yet, little research is available that empirically enables signs of growing time awareness to be linked to the... more
In this paper, the extended framework of the IS-MP-IA model has been tested. Since the appearance of the Romer’s (2000) model, a bulk of studies with its extensions have been published. Perhaps, the most notable amongst them were those... more
The topic of organisational pathology is surprisingly absent in literature on management, especially when bearing in mind the theoretical and practical import of such questions. The intention of the author is to fill in this gap, at least... more
Towards Tate Modern provides an interdisciplinary account of Tate’s shifting position as a national arts institution. The book examines how earlier government directives impacted on Tate, which saw the organisation refocusing its aims and... more
The purpose of this book is to investigate the pre-modern economic cultures of (western) Europe with a view to elucidating how pre-capitalist and capitalist modes of economic behavior coexisted, and also how understanding pre-modern... more
Purpose. This study aimed to explore the relationship between organisational justice and commitment and how the combined influence of organisational justice and perceived organisational support (POS) impacts on commitment. Research... more
Brand value building and managing is an interdisciplinary issue with serious impact on company's effective market performance. Knowing this, more and more companies try to extract the competitive advantage of a valuable brand. But... more
Constructive Episode. The Culture Development Fund 1983-1990 The main goal of the article is to present the first comprehensive and universal mechanism of financing of culture in Poland-state-earmarked fund, the Culture Development Fund.... more
En editorial reciente, La Tercera critica propuestas como la condonación del Crédito con Aval del Estado (CAE), indicando que son inconvenientes porque promueven una cultura del no pago, y es injusto deshonrar los compromisos adquiridos... more
O objetivo do trabalho é analisar a estrutura da indústria cinematográfica brasileira e o papel das políticas públicas dirigidas ao setor no período de 1995 a 2012. O estudo identifica as empresas atuantes nos diferentes elos da cadeia... more
Research purpose. Currently, higher education institutions (HEIs) are faced with new challenges. They have to compete globally and take into account modern trends in education and science. Human capital becomes one of the most significant... more
In this paper, the extended framework of the IS-MP-IA model has been tested. Since the appearance of the Romer's (2000) model, a bulk of studies with its extensions have been published. Perhaps, the most notable amongst them were those... more
Research purpose. Traditionally used communication mix as a part of company’s marketing strategy, including advertising, sales promotion, personal sales and public relations, is gradually changing and expanding. Thanks to the development... more
Report on the economic state of the Dutch creative industries based on the methodology developed as part of the cross media monitor project, a bi-annual publication started in 2006 by iMMovator Cross Media Network. The study deals both... more
This paper discusses paradigm shifts in economic geography, relevant aspects of the history of ideas (on relations between culture and economy particularly), and the study of entrepreneurship in geography. It advocates a "demographic"... more