Economic and Social History
Recent papers in Economic and Social History
Los Encuentros Internacionales del Medievo de Nájera se vienen planteando como un congreso internacional en el ámbito de estudio y difusión de la Historia Medieval desde su creación en el año 2003. Debido a la pandemia del COVID’19 la... more
This paper examines evidence, both documentary and archaeological, for state interest in Indo-Mediterranean trade via the Red Sea, focusing on the creation of infrastructure to facilitate trade, measures taken to protect trade and... more
This book presents the history of the Higher School Of Commerce – Varna in the context of the economic and cultural development of Bulgaria (Varna in particular) at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. In the present... more
由私口到小口: 晚清臺灣地域性港口對外貿易的開放 林玉茹 一、前言 二、由島內沿岸貿易港至私口 三、清中葉以降臺灣沿海小口的出現 四、小口對外開放的原因 五、結論 ________________________________________________________________________ 一、前言 1978 年,Samuel P. S. Ho(何寶山)出版的 Economic Development of Taiwan,... more
In early modern times, Ontagnano was a border village between the Venetian and Austrian territories of Friuli. Since the late 16 th century, it hosted a group of Jews. In the following centuries, the settlement grew up with families from... more
Montánna história / Die Montangeschichte : Ročenka o dejinách baníctva a hutníctva / Jahrbuch für Geschichte des Berg- und Hüttenwesens 2 (2009), s. 358-365
This paper presents the scienti c and cultural motivations behind the desire, in such a dif cult period for the Italian higher education system, to found a new journal on economic and social history. The scope of this editorial initiative... more
Although largely absent from modern accounts of the Industrial Revolution, watches were the first mass produced consumer durable, and were Adam Smith’s pre-eminent example of technological progress. In fact, Smith makes the notable claim... more
The Boko Haram first siege in Kano in systematic, coordinated attacks on the security personnel and government institutions on January 20 2012, leftover 250 people dead and colossal amounts of property destroyed. Those affected cut across... more
总体而言,经济史的热门议题,土地和农业生产的议题很多开始让位于海洋生产和海洋经济,货币问题渐由货币政策和铸造转向跨区域流通和多国多地比较,GDP核算、国民数据库等议题已渐次让位于平均工资核算(以及算法的优化)。在比较经济史领域,西欧、中东、东亚的比较经济史仍为热门,但重点已由二十年前的“大分流”转变为近八九年流行讨论的“小分流”,因而在中国史层面而言对16世纪以降尤其是1800年以后清代中国与西欧的“分流”更重视,兼以宗教与社会变迁、家庭生活和由粮食及工资估算的生活水平、政府... more
In this year of 2001, the University of Sydney continues to celebrate its sesquicentenary. Established by an act of Parliament in 1850, Sydney University was Australia’s first university. In 1852 it had three professors and 24 students;... more
REGISTER DER HUFENABGABE DER WOJEWODSCHAFT BEŁZ AUS DEM JAHR 1472 Seit über einhundert Jahren werden in der polnischen Historiographie die Abgabenregister verwertet, also die Listen der erhobenen Sondersteuer, die vor allem in den... more
ÖZET Osmanlı taşrası çoğunlukla merkez ile olan ilişkileri sıklığında görünür olmuştur. Taşrada idari ve hukuki anlamda tutulan kayıtlar dışında daha fazla bilgi edinebilmek güçtür. 1866 Yılında yayınlanmaya başlanan vilayet salnameleri... more
The paper shows the impact of hyperinflation on the everyday lives of the inhabitants of Warsaw in 1923, focusing specifically on the situation of those population groups who earned their income. It analyses the problem of a drop in the... more
In diesem Artikel wird der Wanderhandel als Ausdruck gesellschaftlicher Konflikte des 19. Jahrhunderts am Beispiel des oberlausitzer Grenzraums beleuchtet. Die Modernisierungsprozesse des 19. Jahrhunderts hielten auch und gerade für die... more
We propose that the “historically relevant” comparison of the Danish and Russian Empires from the early eighteenth century until the First World War presents a useful starting point for a promising research agenda. We motivate the... more
Since its creation in 1903, the Tour de France has remained the biggest of all professional cycling events. This chapter aims to present three aspects of the economic history of the Tour de France and what they tell us about the economic... more
Maria Christina Chatziioannou, “Towards a History of the Collective Organisation of Athens Shop Assistants in the First Half of the Twentieth Century: Questions and Debate” The Association of Shop Assistants of Athens (1889-) aspired from... more
Данный коллективный труд посвящен малоизученным вопросам экономики принудительного труда, использовавшегося в ГУЛАГе в 1930-х – 1950-х гг. Авторы (историки из России, Великобритании, Германии и США) основывают свои исследования на больших... more
Among all rural infrastructures, roads are considered of prime importance to poverty reduction. This is due to the widely accepted consensus that the transport infrastructure has a significant position and substantial impact on economic... more
Русский перевод (на правах рукописи) книги Turchin P., Nefedov S. Secular cycles. Oxford and Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009. 349p. История Древнего Рима, Англии, Франции и России анализируется и объясняется в рамках... more
This article attempts to historicise the concept of "folk art" using the example of wooden toys from the Erzgebirge mountains to show that it was invented by cultural élites as a marketing concept at the beginning of the twentieth century... more
This paper explores the construction of the Cross Bronx Expressway and describes the socioeconomic effects on Bronx residents as a result. The argument links the construction of the Cross Bronx and other highways built in the borough to... more
This paper sets out to address the lack of research in this area by focusing primarily on the significance of the alcohol industry in Limerick and its hinterlands in the nineteenth century particularly the period 1801-1860, and... more
With Taiwan incorporated under Qing rule in 1684, there was a massive influx of Han immigrants from the China Proper. They invaded the living space of the aborigines, resulting in constant disputes and conflicts. There were even major... more
Raento, P.auliina(Guest Editor) (2011). The Value of Gambling and Its Research. Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Anthropological Society of Finland 36: 1, 76–91. CONTRIBUTIONS Pauliina Raento: The value of gambling and its research.... more
In de heemkundige en lokaalhistorische literatuur is weinig te vinden over veldwachters. Nochtans kan het minutieus uitpluizen van deze instelling en een micro-onderzoek naar deze politiedienaars ons veel wijzer maken over het... more
A research paper containing an analytical reconstruction of the accounts of the city of Maastricht (NL) 1680-1794. Maastricht was the main stronghold of the Dutch Republic in the South and the presence of the troops dominated city life... more
Since the second half of the 13th century, Cilician Armenia had established commercial and economical relations with the Kingdom of Aragon and with the cities of Southern France. Merchants from Montpellier, Marseilles, Nîmes, Narbonne and... more
Supply and demand in the formal and informal economy from the 13 th to the 18 th century Selezione di ricerche Firenze University Press 2015 Il commercio al minuto. Domanda e offerta tra economia formale e informale. Secc. XIII-XVIII =... more
LACKO, Miroslav et al. Montánno-historický výskum na Slovensku a v strednej Európe [Mining-Historical Research in Slovakia and in Central Europe]. Montánna história/The Mining History 10. Bratislava : Slovenská spoločnosť pre sociálne a... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
Монография посвящена анализу исторического процесса в странах Востока в контексте совокупного действия трех факторов: демографического, технологического и географического. Действие демографического фактора рассматривается в контексте... more
Surveying the Chetham Society aims, activities, and publications (since 1843): ◈ 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐏𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬 Biographies, Autobiographies, and Genealogies; Family Deeds, Papers, and Letters; and Heralds, Visitations, and Wills. ◈... more
La manifattura dei battiloro e la tessitura dei drappi auroserici, entrambe introdotte a Milano verso la metà del secolo XV, avevano riscosso uno straordinario interesse da parte del ceto nobiliare/mercantile milanese che si era... more
LACKO, Miroslav. Baníctvo a hutníctvo na Spiši v rokoch 1526 – 1918 (Mining and Metallurgy in Scepusia in 1526 – 1918). In HOMZA, Martin – SROKA, Stanisław A. et al. Historia Scepusii. Vol. II. Bratislava; Kraków : Katedra slovenských... more
СЪДЪРжАНИЕ: УВОД / 15 ГЛАВА І. МЕТОДИ, ИзТОчНИцИ, АГРЕГАТИ / 18 Национален доход/БНП/БВП / 18 Хронологични граници / 20 Базови оценки/Дълги редове / 21 Предходни опити и ползвана методология / 22 "Верен сбор от неверни цифри"? Източници /... more
Economic and social history: concept, approaches and value.