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The information age has changed many of the "classical" business activities by altering the core values and management principles. Human resources management has also changed and has adapted to the new challenges of the 21 st-century... more
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      Value TheoryEconomic Value AddedEconomic Value
This paper develops some results regarding the economic value added and real options. We use Merton's (1987) model of capital market equilibrium with incomplete information to introduce information costs in the pricing of real assets.... more
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      BusinessEconomicsStandard ModelIncomplete Information
Dodatkowe zobowiązanie podatkowe w podatku od towarów i usług nie może być kwalifikowane jako kara w rozumieniu przepisów prawa karnego. Jest ono publicznoprawnym zobowiązaniem podatkowym. Dodatkowemu zobowiązaniu podatkowemu przyświecają... more
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      Criminal LawTax LawInternational Tax LawInternational Criminal Law
The valuation of a company is difficult, even for companies which evolve ill a well-known, mature industry. The problem is far more complex, when the firm is a new born start-up company, where the traditional methods based on future tree... more
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      Information SystemsApplied MathematicsBusiness and ManagementProfitability
Research on Activity-Based Costing and its applications has mainly been focused on organisations in developed countries. Little has been learnt as to whether ABC techniques can be implemented successfully in organisations in developing... more
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      BusinessAction ResearchOrganisational ChangeManagement Accounting
Accordingly with the financial theory which has suggested that every company's final purpose is to maximize the wealth of its shareholders, two of the most popular value based measures are the Economic Value Added (EVA) and the... more
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      Economic Value AddedMarket Value AddedFirm
Many financial institutions assess portfolio decisions using RAROC, the ratio of expected return to risk (or 'economic') capital. We use asset pricing theory to determine the appropriate hurdle rate, finding that this varies with the... more
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      Asset PricingPerformance MeasurementCorporate FinanceRisk Management
This paper proposes a framework for analysing the operation of management control systems structured around five central issues. These issues relate to objectives, strategies and plans for their attainment, target-setting, incentive and... more
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      SociologyManagement AccountingPerformance ManagementBalanced Scorecard
La Cadena láctea argentina se caracteriza por una marcada heterogeneidad, manifiesta en todos los eslabones, y particularmente en la industria. Si bien esta última es una de las más dinámicas del sector agroalimentario, su performance se... more
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      Economic Value AddedValue addedEconomia AgroindustrialValor Agregado Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial
The increasing emphasis on supply chain management is creating a greater focus on the supply management link in the supply chain. This focus will become even more intense as firms continue to adopt e-procurement strategies to leverage the... more
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      MarketingSupply Chain ManagementSupply ChainCompetitive advantage
La sfera economica legata al mondo del calcio tocca punti salienti dell'imprenditorialità al punto da trasformare una semplice passione sportiva in un vero e proprio business con differenti stakeholders. L'esempio della Juventus F. C.... more
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      Football (soccer)StakeholdersSportsContabilità E Bilancio D'Impresa
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      MarketingInternational BusinessApplied EconomicsInternal Control
This paper discusses the sensitivity analysis of valuation equations used in investment decisions. Since financial decision are commonly supported via a point value of some criterion of economic relevance (net present value, economic... more
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      Sensitivity AnalysisMultidisciplinaryProduction economicsProject evaluation
This article introduces a theory of stock valuation based on cash-flow analysis to price stocks, where the cash receipts and the cash payments of the firm is projected for each time period for ever where a continuous adjustment of the... more
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      Economic Value AddedFinance Accounting
After considering the economic state of the oil industry, particularly its structure and competition, Part One of this Case Study looks at BP Amoco's competitive planning in the last ten years within a framework of shareholder value... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingStrategic PlanningCompetitive strategy
I would like to creat an open-source R package that makes working with Eurostat and OECD symmetric input-output tables very easy. The aim is to make various comparisons, for example in backward linkages or employment multipliers accross... more
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      R programming languageInput-Output AnalysisCreative and Cultural IndustriesStatistical software
In this paper, the author investigated the influence of management decisions like capital structure, dividend policies, remunerations, credit policy decisions and investment decisions on shareholder wealth maximization. The main objective... more
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      AccountingFinancial AccountingManagement AccountingFinancial management
This paper is a summarized compendium of all the methods and theories on company valuation using discounted cash flows. It illustrates ten methods: free cash flow; equity cash flow; capital cash flow; APV (adjusted present value);... more
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      Managerial FinanceProfitabilityDesign MethodologyEconomic Value Added
Resumen -El siguiente artículo científico fue elaborado con una cuidadosa y minuciosa recopilación de información para poder brindarle al lector una experiencia del análisis financiero, del pasado y del presente; de la década de una de... more
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      Economia Y FinanzasFinanzasReturn on InvestmentEconomic Value Added
Purpose: This paper demonstrate why big is better for shared value creation, we provide Ayala group model to create shared value using professional approach, in addition to that we aims to provide a theoretical and practical contributions... more
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityEnvironmental Management
This paper proposes a framework for analysing the operation of management control systems structured around five central issues. These issues relate to objectives, strategies and plans for their attainment, target-setting, incentive and... more
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      SociologyManagement AccountingPerformance ManagementPerformance Measurement
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    • Economic Value Added
This study evaluates the relevance of cash flow activities to profitability of manufacturing firms in Nigeria. Whereas the specific objectives were to: Examine the relationship between net cash flow from operating activities and profit... more
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      Firm PerformanceFirm SurvivalEconomic Value Added
The increasing emphasis on supply chain management is creating a greater focus on the supply management link in the supply chain. This focus will become even more intense as firms continue to adopt e-procurement strategies to leverage the... more
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      MarketingSupply Chain ManagementSupply ChainCompetitive advantage
In times of uncertainty and crisis the performance measurement instruments should be reanalyzed. Thus, alongside the classic indicators of performance, in business financial analysis can be used modern indicators which offer a greater... more
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      Performance MeasurementFinancial managementFinancial Decision MakingFinancial Analysis
Berisikan materi tentang : 1. Return On Invesment adalah rasio yang menunjukkan hasil dari jumlah aktiva yang digunakan dalam perusahaan atau suatu ukuran tentang efisiensi manajemen. Rasio ini menunjukkan hasil dari seluruh aktiva yang... more
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      AkuntansiReturn on InvestmentEconomic Value AddedEkonomi Akuntansi
To create value for shareholder is demand of today's scenario. It is focused in most of the Indian industries. For measuring shareholder value economic value-based models is adopted. It helps to align managerial decisionmaking with the... more
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      FinanceAccountingEconomic Value AddedValue added
Valuation is a method used to determine the correct market value of an asset, the most common methods used are: valuation through discounted cash flow, relative valuation through similar companies comparison and real options valuation.... more
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      Real Estate FinanceREITSReal estate valuationAsset and investment valuation
Imputing the economic value-added (EVA®) at publicly-traded, container
shipping groups, with empirical testing of the relationship between their
value-added results and share price
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      Strategic ManagementShippingStock Market EfficiencyEconomic Value Added
In the 21 st century, investors, creditors, analysts and other stakeholders are now requiring much more insight about company " s performance, strategic direction and exposure to risk. This paper explains the concept of Economic Value... more
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    • Economic Value Added
Değer zinciri, bir malın üretimiyle başlar, nihai ürünün tüketimiyle sona erer. Çalışmanın amacı, tarımsal değer zincirini açıklayarak, tarımsal değer zincirinde değer yaratan faaliyetleri ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmada literatür taraması... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsAgricultureValue chain analysisValue Chain
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      Financial managementFinancial PerformanceEconomic Value Added
This study investigates the importance of economic value added for the shareholders wealth maximization. Economic value added (EVA) is a value based performance measurement tool that inclines the agency conflict issues between managers... more
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      AccountingFinancial AccountingManagement AccountingCorporate Finance
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      FinanceManagerial EconomicsAsset PricingManagement Accounting
Performance measurement matters in today’s complex business arena irrespective of the type, nature, and volume diversity in business. If the result of the performance measurement goes wrong due to the faulty or inaccurate selection of... more
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      Financial PerformanceEconomic Value Added
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      Economic Value AddedValue addedEconomia AgroindustrialValor Agregado Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial
Kinerja keuangan perusahaan yang optimal merupakan tujuan perusahaan yang dapat dicapai melalui pelaksanaan fungsi manajemen keuangan, dimana satu keputusan keuangan yang diambil akan mempengaruhi keputusan keuangan yang lainnya dan... more
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      Investment DecisionsEconomic Value AddedFinancial Performance AnalysisDividend policy
ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC VALUE ADDED PERFORMANCE IN MINING SECTOR PUBLIC COMPANIES LISTED ON THE IDX PERIOD 2014-2018 This study aims to determine the financial performance using the Economic Value Added (EVA) method in Mining Sector Public... more
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      Financial PerformanceEconomic Value AddedWeighted Average Cost of CapitalMining sector
ABSTRAK Salam Digital Image merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa Fotografi dan Videografi. Saat ini, Sistem Penjualan jasa masih menggunakan cara yang manual, cara ini dinilai kurang efisien dan efektif sehingga... more
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      Information TechnologyEconomic Value AddedPHP Yii Framework
This paper examines the relation between earnings management and corporate governance in China by introducing a tunneling perspective. We document systematic differences in earnings management across the universe of China's listed... more
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      Corporate GovernanceEarnings ManagementPerformance MeasurementCorporate Finance
This study investigates the importance of economic value added for the shareholders wealth maximization. Economic value added (EVA) is a value based performance measurement tool that inclines the agency conflict issues between managers... more
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      AccountingManagement AccountingCorporate FinanceFinancial management
With increased emphasis on shareholder value addition, there has been an ongoing debate on choosing the right measure of corporate financial performance. There is need for a single measure of financial performance that not only measures... more
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    • Economic Value Added
This study aims to provide shared value as a new business model for Algerian economic companies to create economic value that improve the competitiveness of companies while simultaneously create value for societies. Based on descriptive... more
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      Social & Economic ValueCreating Shared ValueEconomic Value AddedCorporate Social Strategy

Jorge Cojal
Sonia Mines
Carla Jugo
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      FinanceCorporate FinanceAsset and investment valuationEconomic Value Added
Dalam setiap aktivitas bisnis suatu perusahaan harus menunjukkan kinerja yang baik terutama kinerja keuangan, berdasarkan konsep keuangan sangat diperlukan alat untuk mengukur hasil usaha dan perkembangan perusahaan dari waktu ke waktu,... more
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    • Economic Value Added
The objective of this study is to examine Finance Performance. Financial performance is done to evaluate economic value added, profitability, growth and financial risks of the companies that we chose according to example in this research.... more
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      Financial Risk ManagementGrowthProfitabilityFinancial Performance
This research assesses the importance of financial access on value added in three economic sectors in 25 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa using data for the period 1980-2014. The empirical evidence is based on the Generalised Method of... more
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      African StudiesEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsManufacturing
Here we estimate the values of ecosystems and the industries they support in the marine and coastal waters of the Northern Territory. The marine waters of the Northern Territory extend from the high water mark out to 3 nautical miles... more
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      Coastal ManagementMarine Protected AreasMarine EcosystemsEconomic Value Added
Africa and India each have a big island off their south-eastern tips – Madagascar and Sri Lanka respectively. These two islands share many commonalities: their populations today are 22 and 24 million respectively 1 ; each has multi-ethnic... more
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      FinanceDevelopment EconomicsEnvironmental EconomicsGreen Economics
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      Performance MeasurementFinancial managementFinancial Decision MakingFinancial Analysis