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I provide a systematic treatment of the asymptotic properties of weighted M-estimators under variable probability stratified sampling. The characterization of the sampling scheme and representation of the objective function allow for a... more
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      MarketingEconometricsEconometric TheoryEconomic Theory
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      EconometricsEconometric Theory
The paper provides a survey of the work that has been done in financial econometrics in the past decade. It proceeds by first establishing a set of stylized facts that are characteristics of financial series and then by detailing the... more
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      EconometricsEmpirical FinanceAsset PricingEconometric Theory
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      MarketingEconometricsEconometric TheoryOperations Research
In this paper, new fully nonparametric estimators of the diffusion coefficient of continuous time models are introduced. The estimators are based on Fourier analysis of the state variable trajectory observed and on the estimation of... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryDiffusion CoefficientNonparametric Estimation
Time series merupakan salah satu jenis data yang sering kita jumpai. Karakteristik data time series melibatkan lebih dari satu titik waktu dengan unit analisis dapat berupa kota, kabupaten, perusahaan, negara dan sebagainya. Sedangkan... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsEconometric TheoryFinancial Econometrics
Unit root tests for time series with level shifts of general form are considered when the timing of the shift is unknown. It is proposed to estimate the nuisance parameters of the data generation process including the shift date in a... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryTime SeriesUnit Root
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      Stochastic ProcessEconometricsStatisticsEconometric Theory
Analisis regresi adalah analisis statistika yang bertujuan untuk memodelkan hubungan antara variabel independent dengan variabel dependent. Istilah regresi pertamakali dikenalkan oleh Francis Galton (1886) melalui artikelnya yang berjudul... more
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      Development EconomicsEconometric TheoryEconometrics Models - Panel Data
This paper extends the Integrated Conditional Moment (ICM) test for the functional form of nonlinear regression models to tests for para- metric conditional distributions. This test is formed on the basis of the integrated squared... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryCompetition PolicyHuman Capital
Bu çalışmada çok kategorili, nitel değişkenlerin sırasız bir şekilde kullanıldığı ve bağımlı değişkenin ikiden fazla değer aldığı Multinomial Logit Modeli üzerinde durulmuştur. Kavramsal açıdan çok değişkenli modellerin arasındaki farklar... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsEconometric TheoryFinancial Econometrics
This paper proposes a nonparametric simultaneous test for parametric specification of the conditional mean and variance functions in a time series regression model. The test is based on an empirical likelihood (EL) statistic that measures... more
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      EconometricsEconometric Theory
This paper shows that if the errors in a multiple regression model are heavy-tailed, the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimators for the regression coefficients are tail-dependent. The tail dependence arises, because the OLS estimators... more
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      MathematicsEconometricsEconometric Theory
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryIndirect InferenceContinuous Time Models
The least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) is a widely used statistical methodology for simultaneous estimation and variable selection. It is a shrinkage estimation method that allows one to select parsimonious models. In... more
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      EconometricsEconometric Theory
Our paper introduces a new estimation method for arbitrary temporal heterogeneity in panel data models. The paper provides a semiparametric method for estimating general patterns of cross-sectional specific time trends. The methods... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryMonte Carlo SimulationPrincipal Component Analysis
The paper provides a survey of the work that has been done in financial econometrics in the past decade. It proceeds by first establishing a set of stylized facts that are characteristics of financial series and then by detailing the... more
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      EconometricsEmpirical FinanceAsset PricingEconometric Theory
By pointing out the spurious regression problem, Granger and Newbold~1974! have shown the importance of stochastic trends in time series data in the context of linear regression models+ At the time, removing trends by differencing was... more
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      MathematicsEconometricsEconometric TheorySpurious Regression
We consider several issues related to Durbin-Wu-Hausman tests, that is tests based on the comparison of two sets of parameter estimates. We first review a number of results about these tests in linear regression models, discuss what... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryMonte CarloParameter estimation
The authors thank the two referees and the co-editor for their valuable suggestions. Thanks to Professor Qiwei Yao for helpful discussion on programming of bootstrap method. Oliver Linton was supported by the ESRC (UK), and Jiazhu Pan was... more
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      EconometricsEconometric Theory
This Working Paper is brought to you for free and open access by the School of Economics at Institutional Knowledge at Singapore Management University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Research Collection School of Economics by an... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsEconometric TheoryFinancial Econometrics
We consider cointegration tests when a Vector AutoRegressive (VAR) process of order k is used to approximate a more general linear process with a possibly infinite VAR representation. Traditional methods to select the lag order, such as... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryEconometric
The paper provides a survey of the work that has been done in financial econometrics in the past decade. It proceeds by first establishing a set of stylized facts that are characteristics of financial series and then by detailing the... more
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      EconometricsEmpirical FinanceAsset PricingEconometric Theory
This paper considers a nonparametric time series regression model with a nonstationary regressor. We construct a nonparametric test for testing whether the regression is of a known parametric form indexed by a vector of unknown... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryTime SeriesNonlinear Time Series
This paper establishes several results for uniform convergence of nonparametric kernel density and regression estimates for the case where the time series regressors concerned are nonstationary nullrecurrent Markov chains. Under suitable... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryTime SeriesKernel Density Estimation
An integration test against fractional alternatives is suggested for univariate time series. The new test is a completely regression based, lag augmented version of the LM test by Robinson (1991, Journal of Econometrics 47, 67-84). Our... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryTime SeriesLong Memory
In this paper nearly unstable AR(p) processes (in other words, models with characteristic roots near the unit circle) are studied. Our main aim is to describe the asymptotic behaviour of the least squares estimators of the coecients. A... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryLimit DistributionContinuous Time Systems
This examination has four parts. Weights applied to the four parts will be 15, 15, 30 and 40. This is an open book exam. You may use any source of information that you have with you. You may not phone or text message or email or Bluetooth... more
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      MathematicsEconometricsEconometric TheoryPanel Data
Most model selection mechanisms work in an 'overall' modus, providing models without specific concern for how the selected model is going to be used afterwards. The focussed information criterion (FIC), on the other hand, is geared... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryModel SelectionInformation Theoretical Criteria
We consider the problem of hypothesis testing in a modified version of the stochastic integration and cointegration framework of Harris, . This nonlinear setup allows for volatility in excess of that catered for by the standard... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryMonte CarloInterest Rate
In this paper we introduce a linear programming estimator (LPE) for the slope parameter in a constrained linear regression model with a single regressor. The LPE is interesting because it can be superconsistent in the presence of an... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsEconometric TheoryFinancial Econometrics
The main uniform convergence results of are generalized in two directions: Data is allowed to (i) be heterogenously dependent and (ii) depend on a (possibly unbounded) parameter. These results are useful in semiparametric estimation... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryTime SeriesKernel Density Estimation
We study some methods of combining procedures for forecasting a continuous random variable. Statistical risk bounds under the square error loss are obtained under mild distributional assumptions on the future given the current outside... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryEmpirical StudyDiscrete random variable
In this paper we propose an estimation procedure for a censored regression model where the latent regression function has a partially linear form. Based on a conditional quantile restriction, we estimate the model by a two stage... more
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      Econometric TheorySimulation StudyNonparametric EstimationAsymptotic Properties
This paper derives the limiting distributions of alternative jackknife IV (JIV ) estimators and gives formulae for accompanying consistent standard errors in the presence of heteroskedasticity and many instruments. The asymptotic... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryInstrumental VariableLimit Distribution
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryMoving average
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryMissing DataProduction Function
We consider a model $Y\_t=\sigma\_t\eta\_t$ in which $(\sigma\_t)$ is not independent of the noise process $(\eta\_t)$, but $\sigma\_t$ is independent of $\eta\_t$ for each $t$. We assume that $(\sigma\_t)$ is stationary and we propose an... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryARCH modelDensity Estimation
The hat matrix maps the vector of response values in a regression to its predicted counterpart. The trace of this hat matrix is the workhorse for calculating the effective number of parameters in both parametric and nonparametric... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryNonparametric StatisticsNonparametric Econometrics
The matrix that transforms the response variable in a regression to its predicted value is commonly referred to as the hat matrix. The trace of the hat matrix is a standard metric for calculating degrees of freedom. The two prominent... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryNonparametric modelsLocal Polynomial Regression
We propose an efficient semiparametric estimator for the coefficients of a multivariate linear regression model -with a conditional quantile restriction for each equation -in which the conditional distributions of errors given regressors... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryQuantile RegressionConditional Quantile
I provide a systematic treatment of the asymptotic properties of weighted M-estimators under variable probability stratified sampling. The characterization of the sampling scheme and representation of the objective function allow for a... more
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      MarketingEconometricsEconometric TheoryEconomic Theory
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryTime varying
In this paper, we propose a new diagnostic test for residual cross-section uncorrelatedness in a nonparametric panel data model. The proposed nonparametric cross-section uncorrelatedness (CU) test is a nonparametric counterpart of an... more
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      EconometricsEconometric Theory
This paper shows how large-dimensional dynamic factor models are suitable for structural analysis. We argue that all identification schemes employed in structural vector autoregression (SVAR) analysis can be easily adapted in dynamic... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsEconometricsEconometric Theory
Here, G is a known link, a, J3 are unknown parameters, and ml, ... , I1ld are unknown (smooth) functions of possibly higher dimensional covariates T}, ... , T d. Estimates of m}, ... , 11ld, a and J3 are presented and asymptotic... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryGeneralized Additive ModelBias Correction
Colin Blyth's paradox <<of three pies>>: setwise vs. pairwise event preferences The pairwise independence of events does not entail their setwise independence (Bernstein's example, 1910-1917). The probability distributions of all pairs... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryQuantum ComputingQuantum Physics
Bootstrap tests are tests for which the significance level is calculated by some sort of bootstrap procedure, which may be parametric or nonparametric. We provide a theoretical framework in which to study the size distortions of bootstrap... more
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryMonte Carlo
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      EconometricsEconometric TheoryNegative FeedbackCovariance Matrix