Ecological Theology
Recent papers in Ecological Theology
A response to transhumanism from the standpoint of our combined social and ecological crisis.
The present paper connects nature with religious understanding in regard to Christianity and Islam. Many studies show that religious beliefs and practices were shaped and reshaped, to many points, being influenced by a specific... more
Interview with Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis (Archdeacon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate)
One of our fundamental tasks is to anticipate the way forward. This short paper offers a reflection for this task which will examine the value and praxis of anticipation, as it is framed in the space of the anticipatory community. Drawing... more
Anabaptist environmental theologies and ethics could and should do more to engage issues of environmental racism and environmental justice. Since most Anabaptist environmentalisms center on efforts to witness to God’s peace within... more
The primary question that is addressed in an analysis of method is "how." The "how" looks at the tools, techniques, approaches and sources brought to the method of study. Because the "how" of method is influenced by a person's... more
In recent years, rewilding has become an increasingly popular proposal for combatting climate change. Yet rewilding continues to be a contested concept. While the re-prefix in 'rewilding' means to go back, to return, with the breadth of... more
生態危機是關切地球上每一個人的課題,且已迫在眉稍。然而,信理神學中... more
The Book of Revelation’s strict dualistic and world-renouncing theology has been blamed as the major influence behind Western Christianity's inability to develop intimacy with the natural world and to take responsibility for the Earth's... more
For at least as long as the birth of environmentalism, discourses of ecological crisis have adopted, both consciously and unconsciously, themes and concepts derived from Jewish and Christian Apocalypses. These are ancient texts remembered... more
Abstract This article focus on the holistic ecology of Leonardo Boff in the context of a proposed environmental ethics, specifically indicates the contribution of the religious realm on this ethics. The first part of the article... more
According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nation, every year about one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption — approximately 1.3 billion tonnes — gets lost or wasted. Fruits and... more
Perichoresis safeguarded the consubstantiality of the Trinitarian persons. The model of perichoresis does not locate the divine unity either in the divine essence or in the person of the Father; it locates unity in a communion of... more
ВВЕДЕНИЕ I.ОСНОВАНИЕ ДЛЯ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ПРОЧТЕНИЯ БИБЛИИ Введение 1. История и методы экологической герменевтики 2. Древний Израиль и эсхатологическая надежда Заключение II.БОГ И ТВОРЕНИЕ В КНИГЕ ОТКРОВЕНИЯ Введение 1. Титулы Бога и... more
Breve biografia intelettuale di J. Moltmann. I. Dio trinitario come un Dio comunitario. 1. La critica del monoteismo astratto. 2. Dio come Triunità pericoretica. a) Dall'essere alla vita: livelli di divisione. b) L'unificazione... more
My undergraduate thesis for which I received a First Class mark
Dumitru Stăniloae and Jürgen Moltmann are recognizes as two world-famous theologians, that contribute in an unique way to the ecumenical encounter between the Orthodox and the Evangelical theologies of the 20th century. Stăniloae’s... more
This paper explores the cosmology of St Maximus the Confessor and its relevance for contemporary ethics. It takes as it’s starting point two papers on Maximus’ cosmology and environmental ethics (Bordeianu, 2009; Munteanu, 2010) and from... more
The shift to organic modes of thought undergirding Whitehead’s “philosophy of organism” continues to blossom fresh possibilities for rethinking the world of nature, the place of human beings, and our current ecological precarity. This... more
Argument : Laudato si’ fait référence à saint Thomas d’Aquin à trois reprises (n° 80 note 51-52; n° 86 note 60-61; n° 240 note 171). On évaluera la portée de ces citations dans l’encyclique et dans le corpus thomasien, en se demandant si... more
deeply struggles to live up to the ecological integrity prescribed in its fundamental teachings and praxis. At the core of this ecological understanding is the living concept of sanatanadharma, which literally means "eternal duty," but... more
According to ecofeminist cosmological insights, a holistic theology needs to realize a God/world relationship consistent with contemporary views of reality. If we realize that together with all humans we must live responsibly, we can see... more
Just as there are multiple stratums that form the bedrock of the earth so there are multivalent layers of deep meaning that add richness to the soil of our understanding of what it means to be simultaneously human and part of the greater... more
Chapter in a Festschrift for Elizabeth Johnson. Argues for apophatic theology as way to reconfigure the relationship between human language and nonhuman communication.
The environmental crisis is producing an increasing number of both physical and psychological impacts. This article studies the challenge of eco-anxiety for pastoral care, drawing from both interdisciplinary research and ecological... more
I fenomeni complessi possono essere adeguatamente affrontati solo con un pensiero complesso. L’articolo presenta tre esempi di ecologia filosofica che inquadrano la crisi ambientale in una più ampia crisi dell’uomo: l’ecologia sociale di... more
Paul Tillich (1886 –1965) was a thinker of international charisma and worldwide repute. His works provide important impulses for debates on theology, philosophy of religion and cultural theory. The series Tillich Research refl ects on... more
If the human can no longer be considered central to the world, how is the question of knowing affected? How does one know when one is thrown into the box of the Anthropocene, where being everywhere cannot be equated to being central to... more
is a philosopher, writer and tutor with a first degree in the field of the Social Sciences (History, Economics, Politics and Sociology) and a PhD in the field of Philosophy, Ethics and Politics. Peter works in the tradition of Rational... more
The ecological crisis is almost forcing different disciplines to search together for a better world. This places the paper in the midst of the so-called science and religion dialogue in which theology increasingly takes cognizance of... more
This dissertation offers a new systematic interpretation and retrieval of the theology and spirituality of the 12 th century master Hugh of St. Victor, an interpretation centered on the Triune LORD's unifying and reforming work in history... more
Both Judeo-Christian traditions and western philosophical traditions are commonly criticized for anthropocentrism and dualism, which are regarded as issues central to the global environmental crisis. However, western dualistic... more
Wilderness is commonly understood as referring to areas significantly untouched by human modifications, even if indigenous peoples may have lived in these areas. In economically developed countries, wilderness also refers to "land where... more
St. Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179), a Benedictine nun, was proclaimed a Doctor of the Universal Church in 2012, over 800 years after her death. Since she was a child, she had experienced God in the light of visions, which were holy... more
The article provides a biographical and theological portrait of the Romanian Orthodox theologian Dumitru Stăniloae (1903-1993). A particular attention is given to the doctrine of creation and its place within his theological project.... more
This study seeks to articulate the universality of the eschatological expectation, in its specifically Christian form, by interpreting it from the perspective of a radical embodiment. This can be understood in a twofold manner. Firstly,... more