Ecological Footprint
Recent papers in Ecological Footprint
Feed efficiency is a trait of enormous importance in any animal production sector including aquaculture. Individuals that are more feed efficient need to use less feed to achieve similar growth rates as compared to less efficient... more
This paper employs ecological footprint analysis as a potential non-monetary metric of human consumption and ecological productivity in a simulation-modeling framework, applied to North America. The ecological footprint provides an... more
This study’s estimate of Canberra’s ecological footprint is consistent with the results of other studies being conducted in Australia, particularly those by Griffith University in Brisbane. In world terms, Australia is among the countries... more
This paper focuses on a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of four waste management strategies: landfill without biogas utilization; landfill with biogas combustion to generate electricity; sorting plant which splits the inorganic waste fraction... more
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of educational drama practices on the ecological footprint awareness of the primary school teachers. In this research, pre-post test single-group quasi-experimental design was used and... more
Bioproductive land is one of the most significant natural resources. People use the land for receiving ecological services. This leads to humans using and favouring certain species, while competing with all other species. Land use can... more
The contribution of the European food sector to the total amount of greenhouse gases emissions is equal to one fifth. Footprint indicators together with Life Cycle Assessment have emerged to be useful tools to analyze and report... more
Pulp production accounts for a major part of the Canadian forest industry. Because of the ecological damage caused by the industry, there has been growing interest in the use of agricultural residues as an alternative or supplementary... more
The concept of rural vitality often used to describe the rural areas as specific areas that are of particular significance not only for the region but also the country as a whole. Depending on the objectives investigated there are... more
امروزه جمعیت کره خاکی از هر زمان دیگري بیشتر است و این روند به صورت افزایشی علی الخصوص در شهرها دیده میشود ولی اندازه محیط زیست بشر ثابت مانده است. آمایش محیط سعی دارد که با روشهاي مختلف مطلوبیت بهینه براي بهره برداران محیط بهینه را ایجاد... more
The study's primary purpose is to examine young children's environmental awareness regarding their ecological footprint and environmental attitudes. The participants of this study are 100 Turkish early childhood children who were 5-6... more
It is commonly expected that informal settlements in developing countries have a smaller ecological footprint than more economically advantaged areas because they consume fewer resources and use less energy. In this paper, we examine this... more
We calculated an Ecological Footprint Analysis (EFA) at a regional scale. EFA captures the human impact on the environmental system by identifying the amount of biologically productive land necessary to support a person's level of... more
Within the Ecological Footprint methodology, the carbon Footprint component is defined as the regenerative forest capacity required to sequester the anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions that is not absorbed by oceans. A key parameter of... more
De kring van moreel relevante wezens (moral patients), die aanvankelijk alleen tot de eigen clan- of stamgenoten beperkt was, werd in de loop van de geschiedenis steeds groter tot ze uiteindelijk de gehele mensheid omsloot, een mijlpaal... more
Currently, most national and sub-national Ecological Footprint analyses report results in "global hectares," hectares with world-average biological productivity for a given year. Yield and equivalence factors are used to express... more
Urban form and lifestyle patterns of a city's residents are determining factors in resource consumption. An urban metabolism study combined with life cycle analysis is used to assess the consumption of Medellin, Colombia. This data in... more
At a time when public and private agencies recognise the importance of sustainable development, the environmental impacts of mega sporting events are commanding increasing attention. However, despite event sponsors often flagging the... more
Scopo di questo articolo è verificare la materialità sociale della cosiddetta società dell’informazione e del capitalismo delle piattaforme, mostrando le contraddizioni tra capitale, lavoro e ambiente naturale. Per farlo, useremo la lente... more
The human society cannot be considered in isolation from nature; and human activities are always in need of environmental analyses. Therefore, communities require tools for determining the biosphere dynamics and the biophysical... more
Within the recent debate about the needs for improving Ecological Footprint (EF) method, Kitzes and colleagues highlighted the necessity of standardised and detailed Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies to support the calculation of... more
This article explores and explains deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. It primarily takes a green criminological perspective and looks at the harm that is inflicted on many of the Amazon’s inhabitants, including indigenous... more
In a world increasingly affected by global environmental changes, Low Income countries will play an ever more central role in determining the future health of the biosphere. While global use of the biosphere's capacity has increased over... more
Recent research has conceptualized sustainability as the environmental efficiency of wellbeing (EWEB). This concept takes into account the benefits societies are able to produce from their demands on the environment. Research along these... more
It is generally recognised that indicator-based research forms a substantial part both of the everyday practice and of the current theoretical pursuits in an extensive set of different scientific fields that relate to the socio-economic... more
To achieve the goal of sustainable development, the utilisation must be balanced with, if not less than the production side. This study thus aimed to investigate ecological security of Thailand in order to be fundamental information for... more
Over the past decade, an increasing number of authors have been examining the nexus of producer versus consumer responsibility, often dealing with the question of how to assign responsibility for internationally traded greenhouse gas... more
Ecological footprints (EF) have been used for more than 15 yr as an aggregate measure of sustainability of geographical regions, but also for certain products and activities. EF analysis measures the bioproductive areas required to... more
Renewable energies are emerging across the globe in an attempt to slow down global warming and to improve national energy security in face of the depleting fossil fuel reserves. However, the general policy of mandating the replacement of... more
Ecological footprint analysis (EFA) has been used since the early 1990s as a measure of sustainability for geographical regions, products, and activities. EFA is used as a measure of land and water ecosystems needed to provide the... more
Pembantaian Marikana di Afrika Selatan mesti dibaca dari kaca mata lain. Bukan sebatas aksi buruh menuntut gaji dan diberondong peluru. Marikana dan sekitarnya merupakan sirkuit kapital yang memastikan industri militer, elektronik,... more
Ecological economics was formally established in 1989 with the ambitious vision of developing a new economic paradigm embedding the social and economic systems in the biophysical world. Ecological economics had its roots in the... more
Yanıltıcı bir zenginlik standartına dayanarak hükme varılırsa, Yeşil bir gelecek şimdikinden “daha yoksul” gözükebilir. Fakat gerçekte, daha yüksek bir yaşam standartımız olacaktır; Daha nitelikli beslenme, daha sağlıklı bedenler,... more
Increasing greenhouse gaseous concentration in the atmosphere is perturbing the environment to cause grievous global warming and associated consequences. Following the rule that only measurable is manageable, mensuration of greenhouse gas... more
Na po cząt ku XXI w. dą że nia do zrów no wa żo ne go roz wo ju osiągnę ły swo ją kul mi na cję po przez re ali za cję kon cep cji tzw. mia sta eko lo gicz ne go. Cho ciaż ter min "eco -mia sto" po cho dzi z po ło wy lat 70. XX w. i uży... more