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A common ground is emerging for social and cultural studies of design. Design history is exploring the socially constructed and networked nature of our material surroundings; at the same time, STS is investigating design as the interface... more
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      History of Science and TechnologySustainable Production and ConsumptionDesign HistoryHistory of Technology
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      ArchitectureHistory of TechnologyClimatologyEcological Design
Business is increasingly employing sustainability practices, aiming to improve environmental and social responsibility while maintaining and improving profitability. For many organizations, profit-oriented business models are a major... more
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      OntologyDesign ScienceCorporate Social ResponsibilitySocial Entrepreneurship
Permakültür Bahçeleri, hayal gücünüzü harekete geçirerek, permakültürün en temel mesajını okurlara ulaştırıyor: Doğaya karşı değil onunla birlikte çalışırsak daha güzel, daha bereketli ve daha bağışlayıcı bahçeler yaratabiliriz. Toby... more
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      Plant EcologyEcological DesignCommunity EcologyEcology
This research essay examines the target audience’s profile and preferences for the development of the garment brand Gaia & Dubos, which creates and produces ecological and ethical high-end garments for women in the province of Quebec, and... more
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      EntrepreneurshipFashion designSocial EntrepreneurshipEcological Design
By accepting periodic flood as an unavoidable circumstance, urban communities in eastern Pampanga can adapt to flood flows from the Pampanga River better during high-intensity storms by creating a more ecologically-resilient... more
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      Landscape EcologyGeographyLandscape ArchitectureEcological Design
Das Design wird gerne als Paradebeispiel einer Gestaltung aufgefasst, die transformierend in natürliche wie soziale Wirklichkeiten eingreift, eine unmittelbare Umgestaltung der Wirklichkeit leistet, während künstlerischen Praktiken gerne... more
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      Ecological DesignDesign TheoryEnvironmental AestheticsSustainable Design
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      Ecological DesignChinaGreen architectureEnvironmental Sustainability
Despite growing interest, rhetoric and research on ecological design in landscape architecture, practitioners in the US are not implementing as many ecological design strategies as might be expected. To better understand this phenomenon,... more
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      EngineeringLandscape ArchitectureEcological DesignWastewater Treatment
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      Environmental EngineeringLandscape EcologyEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Education
MA thesis that analyses the semiotic qualities of ecological design in architecture of the Loodusmaja, the school of environmental education in Tartu, Estonia.
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      SemioticsDesignArchitectureIndustrial Ecology
The paper presents proper criteria for ecological housing estates, relating to the lanscape. The main thesis of article is that: housing estate can be regarded truly ecological if it is friendly for the landscape. Hierarchical criteria... more
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      Ecological DesignSustainable DevelopmentUrban PlanningUrban Design
The recent rapid increase in human population over the last two hundred years has raised concerns that humans are beginning to overpopulate our planet, while the available natural resources may not be able to sustain present or larger... more
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      Future StudiesMaterials ScienceArchitectureBiomaterials
=Purpose This conceptual paper alerts the reader to the urgent need to address the most pressing challenge and opportunity of the 21st century, namely leadership that enables flourishing for all forever. =Design/methodology/approach This... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilitySocial EntrepreneurshipEcosystem ServicesBusiness Modeling
Interactive Institute, Sweden '3Ecologies' makes visible factors affecting the sustainability of consumer products. Within engineering and economics, there are a variety of models for analyzing and 'predicting' the environmental factors... more
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      Ecological DesignVisual CommunicationComplex and Social Ecological Systems
Extensive literature, research and projects are dedicated to identifying solutions for coastal communities in Australia to achieve long lasting sustainability, and to be resilient against extreme hazards and natural disaster events,... more
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      Landscape EcologyArchitectureClimate ChangeEcological Design
Interactive Institute, Sweden '3Ecologies' makes visible factors affecting the sustainability of consumer products. Within engineering and economics, there are a variety of models for analyzing and 'predicting' the environmental factors... more
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      EngineeringAestheticsDesignFashion design
This paper explores various integrative frameworks that are contributing to anemerging transdisciplinary meta-perspective on sustainable development. It proposes a holistic/integral strategy based on scale-linking design for human and... more
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      Health CommunicationHealth PromotionDesignSustainable Communities
Community-Based Climate Change Adaptation in Tobago. Winners in the second category of the international design competition titled “Planetary Urbanism – Critique of the Present in the Medium of Information Design”, which was initiated by... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationEcological DesignLandscape UrbanismCommunity Based Adaptation to climate change
Contemporary challenges of climate change, population growth, resource scarcity, and environmental decline prompt designers to envision new relationships between nature and culture. Infrastructure design and adaptation are key to... more
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      Climate ChangeLandscape ArchitectureClimate Change AdaptationSocial-Ecological Systems
Livestock is the largest driver of landscape change in the world, depleting land and water resources, negatively impacting biodiversity and contributing significantly to climate change. Though the environmental impact of livestock farming... more
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      Ecological DesignFood and Agricultural Technology
by Aran Baker
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      Integral TheoryEcological DesignGreen architectureSustainable Architecture
In 1968 Robert Smithson wrote: "The 'pastoral,' it seems, is outmoded. The gardens of history are being replaced by sites of time." 1 Yet the pastoral landscape, with its bucolic imagery and its associated discourse of nature as a... more
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      ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureEcological DesignGarden History
The Transition Design Symposium at Dartington Hall was a resounding success. A wonderfully diverse group of practitioners, academics and cultural creatives gathered at Dartington, from June 17th to 19th, to explore the role of design in... more
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      SociologySocioeconomicsDesignEducational Leadership
This paper is the complementary, written component for my Masters Thesis in Ecological Design thinking. The documentary can be found on Vimeo - The thesis was an attempt to try and complement both rational... more
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      Indigenous StudiesConservation BiologyComplexity TheorySocial-Ecological Systems
Designed by means of a unique participatory process within the frameworks of William McDonough's "Hannover Principles" and the United Nations Agenda 21, Kronsberg was planned as a model sustainable urban district for 15,000 people as a... more
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      Landscape EcologyArchitectureClimate ChangeLandscape Architecture
There are a myriad of problems confronting society in the 21st century (Starke and Mastny, 2010) that threaten the possibility of a sustainable future, in which both design and business are implicated. Understanding the complex,... more
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      Design for Social InnovationEcological DesignSustainable BusinessDynamical systems and Chaos
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      DesignEcological DesignEnvironmental SustainabilitySustainable Design
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      Ecological DesignSelf-SufficiencyGreen architectureSustainable Architecture
One of the major premises of this thesis is that fragmentary thinking is an obstacle to sustainability and reductive attitudes towards knowledge cannot address problems associated with complex ecological systems, or social and economic... more
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      PerceptionDesignLearning and TeachingEcological Design
Quantum theory, complexity theory, and ecosystems theory, along with anthropogenic climate change and ecosystem collapses are confronting humanity with insights that will crucially inform the re-design of products, processes, services and... more
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      DesignConservation BiologyEcological DesignDesign Theory
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      DesignEcological Design
In Japanese architecture tradition, the concept of multilayered building envelope with soft boundaries, allowing occupancy environmental control; constitute design strategies where the integration of micro-local ecosystems may be... more
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      Japanese StudiesEcosystem ServicesEcological DesignVernacular Architecture
In the third stage of a two-decade vision for a sustainable mixed-use village, DFJ Architects has combined an industrial material palette, the subtropical landscape and shared facilities to create a hub with characteristics bound to Byron... more
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      ArchitectureEcological DesignIntentional CommunitiesUrban Design
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      Ecological DesignWood ScienceSustainable ArchitectureWooden Building
A partir de una revisión de literatura especializada publicada entre 1970 y 1991, se caracteriza y analiza el término "tecnologías apropiadas", su vinculación con el medio ambiente y el papel que juegan en una estrategia de desarrollo y... more
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      History of Science and TechnologySociology of KnowledgeEcological EconomicsEcological Design
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      Ecological DesignSustainable DesignDesign Process (Design Multi Disciplinary Practice)Transition Design
Forschungsprojekt "Nachhaltige Güter erfolgreich gestalten". Projektleitung: Ursula Tischner, econcept, Köln. Projektförderung Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
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      Ecological DesignSustainable DesignProduktsprache
This toolkit provides templates and examples for running a Transition Design Workshop similar to the one held in Ojai, California, May 2017. This workshop brought together Ojai residents to frame the wicked problem of water security in... more
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      Design educationDesign for Social InnovationEcological DesignDesign Theory
Ecology of Building Materials is considered as a reference work. In many cases it is used as a basic source for education, research and development work in public institutions, in schools and universities. The revision primarily consisted... more
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      Ecological DesignEnvironmental SustainabilitySustainable ArchitectureGreen Construction
Prof. Hassan Fathy was a noted Egyptian architect who pioneered appropriate technologies for buildings in Egypt. He worked to reestablish the use of traditional building methods and materials. He primarily applied a working knowledge of... more
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      Art HistoryDevelopment StudiesDesignArchitecture
This research examines the 21st century’s future urban planning theories and in this context future housing projects and housing models. In the beginning of the 20th century, İstanbul city first planned by the French planner Henri Prost... more
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      Ecological DesignHousingGreen urbanism (Architecture)Green architecture
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      Ecological DesignEnvironmental SustainabilityPeri-Urban expansion and ecosystems healthUrban Ecosystem
Anthropogenic degradation of the environment is pervasive and expanding. Human construction activities destroy or damage habitats of non-human lifeforms. In many cases, artificial replacement habitats become necessary. However, designing... more
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      ArchitectureConservation BiologyConservationEcological Design
The following paper contains introductory information about Sustainable production and Consumption and the basic concepts around it, including cleaner production, eco-eficiency and Factor-4 Production. The common goal of the main... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionIndustrial EcologyEcological DesignSustainable Development
In 1908 Vienna has been the capital from which the modern architecture movement in Europe had been initiated. Adolf Loosèssay "Ornament und Verbrechen" (Ornament and Crime) called the avant-gardists to a more "civilised" and cultured... more
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      ArchitectureEcological DesignGreen architectureVienna
Presented at the 6th International Sustainability Transitions (IST) Conference, August, 2015, Sussex. The paper argues that design (and designers) have a key role to play in the emerging fields of transition management and sustainability... more
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      Design educationService DesignDesign for Social InnovationEcological Design
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      Social-Ecological SystemsEcological EconomicsEcological DesignCapitalism
The rising global consciousness of environmental degradation brings with it an opportunity to rethink current practices in cultural sectors. In the performing arts, many design methods have little regard for their environmental impact,... more
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      Ecological DesignScenographyStage Design (Theatre Studies)Site-Specific Art and Performance