Ecocriticism, art & environment
Most downloaded papers in Ecocriticism, art & environment
Recent years have seen an exponential increase in the number of composers and sound artists directly responding to global environmental issues, such as biodiversity loss, pollution and climate change, through their creative practice. The... more
The sounds of the natural world have served as a key source of musical inspiration for composers throughout history; and for the last century, recording technology has enabled the utilisation of the sounds themselves as compositional... more
Resumen La ecocrítica es aún una escuela de crítica reciente y poco extendida entre los estudios literarios de América Latina y España. Dentro de su alcance, las investigaciones sobre la ecopoesía hispánica contemporánea apenas suman 55... more
The presentation traces the recent establishment and development of the Nordic Network for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies (NIES). Having arisen initially out of the kindred, though largely distinct, scholarly discourses of... more
Après une brève comparaison entre l'écocritique américaine (Glotfelty et Fromm, Buell) et l'écocritique française (Stéphanie Posthumus, Alain Suberchicot), cette communication a pour but d'explorer les plus récents travaux sur le paysage... more
This paper addresses the ‘problem of style’ that curator William Jenkins declared at the beginning of his catalogue essay on the New Topographics was ‘at the center of the exhibition’. It argues that rather than being ‘anthropologically’... more
In the framework of contemporary ecocritical and posthumanist theories, this comparative analysis of works by Paolo Mantegazza, Ouida, and Vernon Lee focuses on the conflictual relationship of proximity and differentiation at stake in the... more
This article deals with the issue of environmental terrorism in Peter Wuteh Vakunta’s Green Rape: Poetry for the Environment. Vakunta uses his poetic practice to engage with the interdisciplinary issues related to the intersection of... more
Published in Guatemala in 1938, Romelia Alarcón de Folgar’s poetry collection, Llamaradas, features a poetic voice who takes the form of a tree, ostensibly the ceiba, or Maya World Tree. Marrying images both from Maya tradition and... more
The contention of the following pages is that the urban has become “natural”: first, that this is a symptom of the dissolution of the city in contradistinction to Nature or the world — urbi et orbi are no longer distinguishable nor can... more
"Soundscape in San Francisco Rivers' expedition Abstract Our paper is about the project contemplated in the Program “Mais Cultura”, whitch Support the Micro Region of San Francisco River and is conducted by the National Foundation of... more
In a special 2014 issue of the Latin American Research Review, scholars Jeffrey W. Rubin (history), David Smilde (human relations), and Benjamin Junge (anthropology) develop the idea of “zones of crisis,” or “spaces of material... more
Caves are explored in three different perspectives: recreation, biology, and meaning. In 2007 the European introduced White-Nose Syndrome started it's rampage on hibernating bat species in North America. In 2009 John Jones tragically dies... more