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      Early Modern HistoryJewish HistoryNobilityCourt history
La obra que refleja la apertura hacia un nuevo modelo de saber que, incorporando la tradición, aborda la labor del conocimiento de sí y de la responsabilidad del hombre. Un antideterminismo que convive durante el siglo II a.C. con otras... more
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      History Of The Bible/Biblical CanonProphetsBen SiraEclesiastical History
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      Medieval HistorySecond Bulgarian EmpireVlachsMedieval Diplomacy
Chap. 5. In the Northern Netherlands, the biblical portrait historié for sacral and devotional purposes was contextually separated from the secular variant for domestic use, notwithstanding its religious subject matter. However, also... more
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      Art HistoryTheologyTridentine Catholicism17th Century Dutch Republic
En esta comunicación hemos querido presentar la documentación recientemente inventariada y clasificada dentro de la Sección de Gobierno: Serie Órdenes y Congregaciones Religiosas Masculinas, relativa a Desamortización y Exclaustración en... more
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This paper is preliminary study of the complex item of mystic marriage of saint Rose of Lima. This devotion was very spread since her beatification (1668) until 18th century. For its dissemination, the representation’s number was huge.... more
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      Cultural HistoryLatin American StudiesArt HistoryReligious History
Resumo: Neste artigo estuda-se o sujeito da caridade episcopal na Castela do século XVI através da contraposição entre a doutrina católica estabelecida e a prática quotidiana, a partir do estudo de caso dos arcebispos Fernando de Valdés e... more
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      PovertyEarly modern SpainCharityHistory of Charity
En este trabajo abordaremos dos contribuciones eclesiásticas, subsidio de galeras y excusado, en el arzobispado de Sevilla durante el reinado de Felipe II. Ambos impuestos comenzaron a cobrarse con Felipe II, institucionalizando así una... more
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      Economic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryFiscal HistoryHistoria de la fiscalidad medieval
El presente trabajo analiza las vacantes y los nombramientos episcopales que se produjeron en Castilla entre el fallecimiento de Felipe el Hermoso en septiembre de 1506 y el regreso de Fernando el Católico desde Nápoles en agosto de 1507.... more
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      Early Modern HistoryMedieval Church HistoryChurch HistoryPatronage (Medieval Studies)
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      Historia eclesiásticaEclesiastical History
A brief overview concerning the life of Saint Pantaleon (c.AD 275 - ?AD 307). We first analise his early origins and the route in which he became a physician of roman emperor Galerius (AD 284 – 305). Then, we proceed to to analyse his... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryChurch HistoryEarly Church Fathers
Las operaciones desarrolladas en el marco de las obras de restauración de la iglesia de Santa María de Calatayud (Zaragoza), han permitido descubrir los restos de la sepultura de Pedro Cerbuna, fundador de la Universidad de Zaragoza, tal... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissanceRenaissance ArtHistory of Art
Sobre Pedro Salazar de Mendoza, historiador, mecenas y escritor, y sobre el retrato suyo que fue encargado para la antigua Biblioteca Arzobispal de Toledo / About Pedro Salazar de Mendoza, historian, patron and writer, and about his... more
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      Modern HistoryArt HistoryLocal HistoryLibraries
The present text consists of a series of reflections on an unpublished document elaborated by the scholar priest Sebastian Stanca and conserved in the collections of the National Archives from Alba referring to the bishop Vasile Moga's... more
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      Local HistoryEclesiastical History
L'interior de les cases dels eclesiàstics de Lleida. Vida quotidiana, cultura i religiositat.
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      Modern HistoryHistory of Everyday LifeHistoria SocialHistoria del Arte
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval tradeBeekeepingEclesiastical History
Sobre Pedro Chacón, matemático y filólogo en la Roma de Gregorio XIII, y sobre el retrato suyo que fue pintado para la Biblioteca Arzobispal de Toledo./ About Pedro Chacón, mathematician and philologist in the Rome of Gregorius XIII, and... more
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      Modern HistoryArt HistoryLibrariesEclesiastical History
Esta aportación estudia las curias diocesanas, centrando el análisis tanto en la secretaría episcopal como en la audiencia. Aunque hubo una especialización del trabajo en ambas instituciones, la colaboración entre ellas fue continua.... more
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      Canon LawChurch HistoryBishopsEclesiastical History
Por uma carta régia lavrada em 15 de outubro de 1796 1 , ordenou a rainha D. Maria I a todos os bispos portugueses que estes contribuíssem para as despesas da guerra que se avizinhava com a nação francesa com a décima 2 de todos os seus... more
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      HistoryHistoria SocialHistoriaCoimbra (Portugal)
 M ű hely  Ac ta Pa pensia xv ii 3-4. szám  181  PÁTKAI ÁDÁM SÁNDOR
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      Medieval Church History18th CenturyChurch architectureEclesiastical History
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      Medieval HistoryEclesiastical History
Biographical and curricular information about Father Jaume Barrera i Escudero, member of RABLB, and presentation of his activity as a censor of books of the Episcopal Curia of Barcelona. He did this activity with responsibility and... more
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      Cultural StudiesCensorshipCatalan HistoryCensura
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    • Eclesiastical History
Vasile Moga (1774-1845), the first Romanian Orthodox hierarch after the incorporation of Transylvania into the Habsburg empire, is one of those figures who are insufficiently represented in Romanian historiography. His image, almost... more
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    • Eclesiastical History
GOUVEIA, Jaime Ricardo - “Rendimentos”, in PAIVA, José Pedro (coord.) – História da Diocese de Viseu. Viseu: Diocese de Viseu e Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 3.º vol., 2016, p. 219-229 [ISBN – 978-989-98269-1-5].
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      History of the ClergyHistoria eclesiásticaClergyViseu History
Cruciada este exemplul caracteristic al unei instituţii care de-a lungul timpului s-a dezvoltat, s-a alterat şi s-a stins. Modificările şi devierile, superficiale la început, apoi din ce în ce mai maligne, produse în urma succesului său... more
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      History of CrusadesIstoria bisericiiEclesiastical History