Most downloaded papers in Ebola
An increasingly asked question is ‘can we confidently link bats with emerging viruses?’. No, or not yet, is the qualified answer based on the evidence available. Although more than 200 viruses – some of them deadly zoonotic viruses – have... more
Helpdesk question: What are the political, economic, social and security implications of the Ebola crisis, with a particular focus on Sierra Leone? Helpdesk response Key findings: •Political impact and implications: Initial analysis... more
This essay appears as the Preface to: *Pandemic Disease in the Medieval World: Rethinking the Black Death*, ed. Monica H. Green (Kalamazoo, MI, and Bradford, UK: Arc-Medieval Press, 2015), pp. ix-xx. This is the HARDBOUND edition of... more
Trust and denial during a transboundary bio-quake / Factors and vulnerabilities that led to a disaster.
With increased focus on results in the humanitarian sector over the last 20 years, effectiveness has been understood as ‘doing what works’ as efficiently as possible. Significant energy and resources have been invested in technocratic... more
Anthropology's response to the West African Ebola epidemic was one of the most rapid and expansive anthropological interventions to a global health emergency in the discipline's history. This article sets forth the size and scale of the... more
İnsanlık, ilkel yaşamdan bugünkü uygarlığa erişim sürecinde yalnız gözle görebildiği varlık ve maddi dünya ile değil, aynı zamanda gözle göremediği; yüzyıllarca insana saldıran, tehdit eden, öldüren bir dünya ile de mücadele etmiştir.... more
This post, on the Arc-Medieval, Global Medieval Studies blog, recounts my experiences teaching my undergraduate course, "The Black Death: Pandemic Disease in the Medieval World." Over the course of the past decade and a half, there has... more
dari Prespektif Human security, kekuatan militer (perang dan konflik) bukanlah ancaman, kini sudah bergeser pandangan bahwa penyakit adalah ancaman yg mngangu berbagai kestabilan ekonomi, sosail, psikis, dan Politik, , dan Ebola kini... more
This is an early draft of a paper initially written in 2015, reflecting on my experiences as a historian trying to create a basic historical narrative for Ebola as an emerging disease with potential to have global impact. In summer 2014,... more
These are notes I've put together in the past two weeks (building on news links I started collecting in April) as a way of creating an understanding of the current Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in West Africa. Beyond the fact that Ebola... more
This is a REVISED version of the notes I've been collecting on the West African Ebola outbreak, in the context of my undergraduate course, "Global History of Health." The current version is a Word document that has live links to most of... more
Risk perceptions can be far more meaningful in a tourist's decision-making process than the objective conditions at the proposed destination. As a result of the recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa, many African destinations that are... more
Digitizing disaster response invites the problems of digital systems into the most fragile and vulnerable environments in the world. It is often humanitarian organizations that lead the charge, underestimating the practical and legal... more
The 2014-2016 West African Ebola epidemic was a multinational outbreak that resulted in over 28,000 cases, of which greater than 11,000 were fatal. The epidemic primarily occurred in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. Many have asked why... more
Medical geographers specialize in creating visual representations of the spatial‐temporal layout for medical services within a nation and they also identify rates of mortality in different regions of a country due to diseases, e.g.,... more
This paper presents a hypothesis for understanding how Ebolavirus disease (EVD) has moved differentially through Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, following culturally and socially distinctive patterns of transmission. This document... more
EVD is a disease of humans and other non-human primates caused by Ebola viruses, which was first discovered in 1976. Between 1976 and 2013 there had been 24 outbreaks of the disease. The recent outbreak is the 26th and has seen more... more
In this paper I examine how responses to COVID-19 by Ghana’s creative arts communities shape public understanding of the pandemic. I focus on comedy, music, textile designs and murals created between March and August 2020, through... more
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently declared: "Diagnosing Ebola in a person who has been infected for only a few days is difficult, because the early symptoms, such as fever, are nonspecific to Ebola infection... more
The 2014 West African Ebola epidemic prompted reconsideration of West African health systems’ resilience to external shocks. To understand the post-conflict histories of West Africa’s health systems reconstruction, it is necessary to... more
This is an invited guest blogpost to mark the 5th anniversary of the inaugural issue of *The Medieval Globe*. This was a special issue, devoted to the topic *Pandemic Disease in the Medieval World: Rethinking the Black Death* (2014, with... more
The essay reacts to the early details of a recent mass-quarantine imposed on West Point, a district of Monrovia, and the capital of Liberia. Because of an outbreak of Ebola fever there, this military-led action prompts some historical... more
Sierra Leonean production of knowledge about Ebola was, in large part, production of knowledge about " who ate the Ebola money. " This paper traces people's responses to the Ebola crisis through a number of different moments, at each... more
This article is part of the series Ebola in Perspective (/fieldsights/585-ebola-in-perspective) In late July 2014, one story from the Ebola outbreak caught my eye in a Friends of Liberia newsfeed. During a visit to a family of Ebola... more
Interview with Jason Steinhauer of the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress (re-printed on TIME online, Feb. 13, 2015)
The 2014–2016 Ebola crisis in West Africa was the deadliest Ebola outbreak in history. Humanitarian aid workers from around the world joined the effort to fight this devastating disease, and this work exposed them to countless traumatic... more
Le sujet de « la santé en tant qu'élément de sécurité collective » n'est rien moins que la passerelle spatio-temporelle entre les deux colloques de la SFDI de Rennes, celui de 1994 sur Le chapitre VII de la Charte des Nations Unies, et... more
Background: Bushmeat has for time immemorial been a staple food and source of dietary protein for indigenous people around the world. Products from wildlife have enormous economic and medicinal value and native people use animal artefacts... more