Despite being a treaty ally of the US and a key stakeholder in the emerging regional order, South Korea's approach to the Indo-Pacific has been a policy of 'strategic ambiguity'. It entails a cautious engagement with Indo-Pacific... more
This article studies the formation of Japanese ventures in family planning deployed in various villages in Asia from the 1960s onward in the name of development aid. By critically examining how Asia became the priority area for Japan's... more
We are living at a time when people appear to have become more aware of the power of narratives in international politics. Understanding how narratives exercise power is therefore more pertinent than ever. This special issue develops the... more
We are living at a time when people appear to have become more aware of the power of narratives in international politics. Understanding how narratives exercise power is therefore more pertinent than ever. This special issue develops the... more
Japan’s recent steps to heighten its security are pathbreaking and important, because they suggest an expansion of its security remit to potentially include kinetic contingencies across the Taiwan Strait. This policy article explores the... more
When and why does a perpetrator state take a contrite stance on its past wrongs? More specifically, why do Japanese behaviors differ over time in addressing apology and compensation with regard to the comfort women issue? In this article... more
Using the framework of centripetal and centrifugal force, this article analyzes alternating periods of peace and conflict in South Korea-Japan mutual perceptions since 1998 when the two nations took unprecedented conciliatory actions.... more
1 The question of reconciliation amongst East Asian countries, particularly between Japan and its neighbors, has long been a source of tension and debate. Many assert that the region’s past, as well as disputes over that history, have... more
Confronting an ugly past is often regarded as essential not only to achieving some justice for the victims but also for allowing those held historically responsible to move on. This is sometimes a prerequisite for the 'normalization' of... more
Korea and Japan, neighboring democratic countries in Northeast Asia, announced their first COVID-19 cases in January 2020 and witnessed similar patterns of disease spread but adopted different policy approaches to address the pandemic... more
This dissertation could not have been completed without the generous help of many people. I want to first express my special gratitude to Professor Mike Mochizuki, who served both as my academic advisor and dissertation director with... more
The present paper investigates the latest developments in the Japan-South Korea economic and political relationship, reviewing the recent (2019) far-reaching consequences of the conflict over the compensation for forced labour. The paper... more
“Stop the war” “Make apologies and reparations to the victims” “Record the crime in the history textbooks and educate the public” “Disclose the truth, find and punish those responsible” Through 30 years of activities, we have seen,... more
We are living at a time when people appear to have become more aware of the power of narratives in international politics. Understanding how narratives exercise power is therefore more pertinent than ever. This special issue develops the... more
This study investigates the causes of Japan's failure to reconcile the matter of South Korean "comfort women" from World War II. It draws on reconciliation theory to determine the cause of failure by Japan. After a review of the... more
A nation's memory is a reconstruction of the past. Accordingly, this study explores how South Korean television (TV) dramas Eyes of Dawn (1991) and Snowy Road (2015) helped shape the collective memory of Japanese colonial rule. Both... more
Pre-publication proof of review of Frey & Spakowski (eds.) Asianisms: Regionalist Interactions & Asian Integration.
The differing confluences of historical memory, identity, and nationalism in South Korea and Japan have prevented the two countries from resolving their history disputes in order to achieve reconciliation. How the Koreans and the Japanese... more
Using the framework of centripetal and centrifugal force, this article analyzes alternating periods of peace and conflict in South Korea-Japan mutual perceptions since 1998 when the two nations took unprecedented conciliatory actions.... more
When and why does a perpetrator state take a contrite stance on its past wrongs? More specifically, why do Japanese behaviors differ over time in addressing apology and compensation with regard to the comfort women issue? In this article... more
Niv Horesh and Emilian Kavalski, eds., Asian Thought on China's International Relations (Palgrave, 2014), 230-248
This article addresses the question of what gets transmitted in cross-national diffusion and why. It does so by analyzing the spread of rights-based activism from Japanese to South Korean leprosy (Hansen's disease) survivors in the 2000s.... more
How and to what extent did both transnational activist networks and Japanese conservative forces affect Japanese historical narrative and textbook policy during the period of 1995-2010? Addressing this question, this article first... more
This thesis has two main aims. The first of these is to study available methodologies for researching the future in the social sciences, and particularly in political science and international relations (IR). To be more specific, it... more
This article looks at the characteristics of "frictions over history" in ROK-Japan relations since the 1990s, with a focus on Korea's responses. It addresses some hypotheses on the characteristics and trends shown in the political process... more