Early Modern Balkan history
Recent papers in Early Modern Balkan history
A genuine historical testimony of Macedonia before the big geopolitical reshuffle in 1878. „Every nation that has glorious deeds is a glorious nation. However, beside all the glorious deeds, if those deeds remain unknown, the nation... more
The paper examines the akıncıs’ actions and hence the motivation for their raids as essential constituents within the process of Ottoman conquest of the Balkans in the late Middle Ages. Focusing on the raiders and their plundering... more
During the 17th century period, there was a gradual separation of Varaždin Generalate (Slavonnian Military Border) from the eastern part of medieval Križevci County (today: northwest Croatia). Varaždin military and Križevci County, with... more
xyx 17 1 Dio teksta ove knjige koji se odnosi na razdoblje od poËetaka naseljavanja pa do srednjega vijeka trebao bi biti samo niz informacija o tome kako je danaπnje bjelovarsko podruËje bilo naseljeno i prije srednjovjekovlja. Spominju... more
Hiperboreea focuses on the study of Southeastern Europe, broadly defined as the states situated in the Balkan region. Hiperboreea is the official journal of the Balkan History Association and is published biannually by the Penn State... more
This article examines the Turkish threat to Byzantium in the mid-14th century, as seen through the eyes of a critical Byzantine intellectual and political figure of his time, Demetrios Cydones. Cydones was a consistent supporter of a... more
This note on the ktetorship and contribution of women from the Bran ković dynasty to cross-cultural connections in late medieval and early modern Balkans is only the initial step of a broader study intended to reassess the visual... more
This document contains a list of travelers and the relevant accounts, painstakingly composed while researching Habsburg-Ottoman diplomatic relations. It is presented without any guarantee on completeness. On the other hand, it might... more
The attempt to import cattle from the Principality of Moldavia to Florence was due to the initiative of the merchant Domenico Amoroso, brother of Costantino Amoroso, captain of a galley of the fleet of the Duke of Florence Cosimo I de’... more
Les Morlaques de Justine W ynne Rosenberg-O rsini. Le prélude à la fascination rom antique par le m onde des Slaves du Sud et l’influence de Jean-Jacques Rousseau [résumé] En analysant l’importance de l’héritage littéraire et... more
Here is a preview. A hard or PDF copy of the book is available from the Aracne online store, at the price, respectively, of Euro 28.00 and 16.80. See: ---... more
Öz: Osmanlı Rumeli coğrafyasının geniş bir izdüşümü niteliğinde olan vasal devletler, Osmanlı Devleti’ne karşı kimi iktisadi ve askeri sorumluluklara sahiplerdi. Bu askeri yükümlülüklerden şüphesiz ki en önemlisini, Osmanlı seferlerine... more
Key words: The Möbius loop, Hinterwelt, Genius loci Scholae Provincialis Portensis, Nietzsche, Glagolitic, Cyrillic, the Petrinian reform, Lenin´s cultural revolution, the collapse of metaphysics in Slavonic writing Both August Möbius... more
The article deals with the uprisings in Herzegovina and Bosnia in 1875 and their appropriation by Serbian nationalists (which continues to this day). Since the uprisings opened an important chapter in Europe's past and had a significant... more
""Ανάτυπο από τον δεύτερο τόμο της επιστημονικής επετηρίδας ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ του Κέντρου Ιστορίας Θεσσαλονίκης, Δήμος Θεσσαλονίκης, 1990. PREMIERES INFORMATIONS HISTORIQUES CONCERNANT LA LIAISON FERROVIAIRE THESSALONIKI-MONASTIR A LA FIN DU... more
Book Review. Ladislav Hladký (ed.), České a slovenské odborné práce o jihovýchodní Evropě. Bibliografie za léta 1991-2000, Brno: Masarykova universita 2003. In: Slovanský přehled /Slavonic Review, vol. 90, nr. 1, 2004, pp. 91-93.
Book Review of Jaroslav Pánek: Češi a Jihoslované. Kapitoly z dějin vzájemných vztahů /The Czechs and the South Slavs. Chapters from the History of Mutual Relations/, Brno 2015, 425 pgs.
Open 10am-5pm Tue-Sun; closed Mon Admission RSD200,00 (about £1.50) Military Museum,
One of the most sublimed regions with the warfare and relatively stronger and bigger battles fought, the Balkan in itself has been the mighty place for the ones who wished to seal their fate and rule the world with a glowing face with... more
В Учредителното народно събрание вземат участие 230 български "нотабили", които по решенията на Берлинския договор трябва да изработят основния закон на страната. Историографския интерес към тази тема е дългосрочен, но обикновено се... more
Starting from an investigation of the reinvention, the functions and the adaptations of the 'normative image' of the ancient putto in the Renaissance, this conference questions the multiform transmigration, variation, adaptation and use... more
Annotated bibliography of studies on Croatian early modern history (16th-18th centuries). Article consists of following sections: Introduction ; Bibliographies ; Historiographies ; Historical Guides (General Syntheses, Regional... more