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The problems dealing with the design and origin of some early basilicas in the young just Christianized states formed in Central Europe in the 10th century: in the lands of the Piasts in Poland, the Přemyslids in Bohemia (Czech) and the... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryEarly Medieval ArtEarly Medieval Architecture
Wie stellt sich die Institutionalisierung von Herrschaft und Religion in den archäologischen Quellen des 10./11. Jahrhunderts in Polen dar? Hier bedarf es aus Sicht des Archäologen, der sich als Historiker versteht, welcher zusätzlich mit... more
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      ChristianityArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval History
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      Early Medieval HistoryOstrogothsGreat Migration periodBarbarians and Romans in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages
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      Early ChristianityCentral and Eastern EuropeEarly and Medieval ChristianityGregory the Great
* Opširnija verzija ovog rada s potpunim katalogom svih spomenika pripremljena je za objavu u monografiji o rano srednjovjekovnoj skulpturi Kvarnera tijekom ljeta 2009. Veći broj fotografija koje donosim u radu izradio je Damir Krizmanić,... more
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      Early Christian Art and IconographyEarly Medieval Christian Art and Society