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Hydrothermal black chert veins intruding the 3.46 Ga Apex Basalt contain some of Earth's oldest microfossil-like objects, whose biogenicity has been questioned. Whilst these black chert veins have been studied in great detail, relatively... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyGeobiologyAstrobiology
Primordial silicate differentiation controlled the composition of Earth’s oldest crust. Inherited 142Nd anomalies in Archean rocks are vestiges of the mantle-crust differentiation before ca. 4300 Ma. Here we report new whole-rock... more
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      GeochemistryEarly Earth
Cyanobacteria and similar organisms produced most of the oxygen found in Earth’s atmosphere, which implies that early photosynthetic organisms would have lived in an atmosphere that was rich in CO2 and poor in O2. We investigated the... more
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Stresses acting on cold, thick and negatively buoyant oceanic lithosphere are thought to be crucial to the initiation of subduction and the operation of plate tectonics, which characterizes the present-day geodynamics of the Earth.... more
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      GeodynamicsArchean geologyEarly Earth
Several lines of evidence such as the basal location of thermophilic lineages in large-scale phylogenetic trees and the ancestral sequence reconstruction of single enzymes or large protein concatenations support the conclusion that the... more
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      BioinformaticsEvolutionary BiologyMolecular BiologyComputational Biology
Both primary mantle differentiation and early extraction of oceanic and continental crust can have resulted in a chemically heterogeneous Archean mantle. Evidence for heterogeneity of the Archean mantle is preserved in the correlated Hf... more
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      Radiogenic Isotope GeochemistryEarly EarthMantle heterogeneities
Despite the robust nature of zircon in most crustal and surface environments, chemical alteration, especially associated with radiation damaged regions, can affect its geochemistry. This consideration is especially important when drawing... more
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      GeologyTectonicsZirconEarly Earth
Melting and solidification are fundamental to geodynamical processes like inner core growth, magma chamber dynamics, and ice and lava lake evolution. Very often, the thermal history of these systems is controlled by convective motions in... more
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      ConvectionNumerical ModelingEarly Earth HistoryDeep Earth Structure
Plate tectonics plays a vital role in the evolution of our planet. Geochemical analysis of Earth's oldest continental crust suggests that subduction may have begun episodically about 3.8 to 3.2 billion years ago, during the early Archaean... more
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      Nitrogen CycleMantle PetrologyDiamondsEarly Earth
This study investigates the impact of Earth’s core formation on the metal–silicate partitioning of Sm and Nd, two rare-earth elements assumed to be strictly lithophile although they are widely carried by the sulphide phases in reducing... more
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      Early EarthMetal-SilicateChondritesEnstatite Chondrites
Keywords: core formation meteoritical impacts early earth numerical modeling differentiation
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      Numerical ModelingEarly Earth HistoryDifferentiationEarly Earth