Early Cretaceous
Recent papers in Early Cretaceous
Wang, Y., Shih, C., Szwedo, J. & Ren, D. iFirst article. New fossil palaeontinids (Hemiptera, Cicadomorpha, Palaeontinidae) from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou, China. Alcheringa, 1–12. ISSN 0311-5518.A new genus and species assigned to... more
Although fossils of Trionychidae are found as far back as the Early Cretaceous, their evolutionary history, including the origin of the crown clade, is poorly understood. Here, we use a microCT scan of the skull of ‘Trionyx’ kyrgyzensis... more
Plate tectonic reconstructions for the Cretaceous have assumed that the major continental blocks-Eurasia, the Late Cretaceous the Atlantic-Indian Ocean complex was a long, narrow, sinuous ocean basin extending off the Tethys and around... more
AbstractPelagic carbonate rocks possess many suitable characteristics for paleomagnetic and magnetostratigraphic studies. Paleomagnetic results are summarized for seven lengthy sections of pelagic limestones and marls from Umbria and the... more
Mesozoic continental arcs in the North American Cordillera were examined here to establish a baseline model for Phanerozoic continent formation. We combine new trace-element data on lower crustal xenoliths from the Mesozoic Sierra Nevada... more
Bertoni, G., Picotti, V., Bernoulli, D. and Castellarin, A., 1993. From rifting to drifting: tectonic evolution of the South-Alpine upper crust from the Triassic to the Early
Augmentation and revision of the relatively diverse Valanginian brachiopod faunas from NorthEast Greenland confirm the existence of two mutually exclusive but broadly coeval assemblages, associated with two contrasting facies types. A... more
During the evolution of the Calpionellidae , the calcite composition of their loricas , hitherto considered as one of the major taxonomic criteria of this family , changed several times. During periods of calcium carbonate hypersaturation... more
Three-dimensional seismic mapping of interpretative sub-surface time slice sections, incorporating age data and detailed structural observations places constraints on the structural architecture and stratigraphic evolution of the Icotea... more
Two specimens of Thysanoptera with forked sensilla on third and fourth antennal segments were described from the Lebanese Neocomian and the Spanish Albian ambers, and attributed to the new genus Tethysthrips n. gen. in the family... more
A detailed sedimentological study of the first synrift deposits recorded in the Galve sub-basin of NE Spain during the Early Cretaceous aided in the reconstruction of climatic and tectonic influences. The El Castellar Formation is... more
A mammal from the Early Cretaceous of the western United States, represented by a lower jaw exceptional in its completeness, presents unambiguous evidence of postcanine dental formula in an Early Cretaceous marsupial-like mammal, and... more
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2014.10 This Atlas of Early Cretaceous Paleogeographic Maps shows the changing paleogeography from the Berriasian (143 Ma) to the late Albian (101.8 Ma). The maps are from volume 2 of the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS (Scotese, 2014).... more
Microremains of various sharks, actinopterygians and crocodiles have been recovered from two sites in the Douiret Formation and three sites in the Aïn el Guettar Formation in southern Tunisia. The presence of an actinistian is also... more
The Willow Springs quadrangle lies along the west edge of the Colorado Plateau physiographic province and the east edge of the High Plateaus, a transition zone between the Colorado Plateau to the east and the Basin and Range Province... more
Recent field mapping has refined our understanding of the stratigraphy and geology of southeastern Bohol, which is composed of a Cretaceous basement complex subdivided into three distinct formations. The basal unit, a metamorphic complex... more
The Aptian-lower Albian succession of the Vocontian Basin (SE France) consists of marine hemipelagic sediments including several black shale horizons. The latter are partly of regional and partly of global distribution. This sedimentary... more
Mesozoic brackish-water bivalve faunas in Japan diversified in three steps: at the beginning of the Early Jurassic, Early and Late Cretaceous. The Hettangian Niranohama Fauna in northeastern Honshu represents the establishment of a... more
The Bengal Basin, in the north-eastern part of the Indian subcontinent, contains a thick (± 22 km) early Cretaceous-Holocene sedimentary succession. The Neogene succession in the Sylhet Trough of the basin reaches a thickness of more than... more
The Laramide orogeny is the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene (80 to 55 Ma) orogenic event that gave rise to the Laramide block uplifts in the United States, the Rocky Mountain fold-and-thrust belt in Canada and the United States, and the... more
The position of the central axis of deposition over Colombian and Venezuelan continental crust has varied markedly through time. The axis migrated from west to east from Late Cretaceous to Oligocene but at times, secondary drainage... more
The study provides a regional seismic interpretation and mapping of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic succession of the Lusitanian Basin and the shelf and slope area off Portugal. The seismic study is compared with previous studies of the... more
Chamber elongation is a recurring morphological character in Cretaceous and Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal evolution suggesting that the clavate body-plan takes advantage through particular environmental conditions. Cretaceous... more
Iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposits, defined primarily by their elevated magnetite and/or hematite contents, constitute a broad, ill-defined clan related to a variety of tectono-magmatic settings. The youngest and, therefore, most... more
A correlation of tectonic units of the Alpine-Carpathian-Dinaridic system of orogens, including the substrate of the Pannonian and Transylvanian basins, is presented in the form of a map. Combined with a series of crustal-scale cross... more
Thirteen time interval maps were constructed, which depict the Triassic to Neogene plate tectonic configuration, paleogeography and general lithofacies of the southern margin of Eurasia. The aim of this paper is to provide an outline of... more
With 4 plates, 16 text-figures, 2 tables and 1 appendix Zusammenfassung Die aus der Umer-Kreide (Aptian) stammenden Schadel-und Postcranialiiberreste von Slidost-Australien scheinen die letzten Glieder der Labyrothodomen (Amphibia) zu... more
The dinosaur skeletal record from the Early Cretaceous of Spain indicates a diverse fauna, including the richest assemblage known from continental Europe for the Hauterivian–Aptian interval. The Spanish record consists of theropods (all... more
1] The Rhodope Metamorphic Province in the area around the Mesta Graben (SW Bulgaria) exposes a structurally lower complex, the Pangaion-Pirin Complex of Variscan continental crust and its cover (mostly orthogneiss and marble), and a... more
Recent focus on plant-insect associations during the angiosperm radiation from the last 30 million years of the Early Cretaceous has inadvertently de-emphasized a similar but earlier diversification that occurred among gymnosperms. The... more
The closure of the western part of the Neotethys Ocean started in late Early Jurassic. The Middle to early Late Jurassic contraction is documented in the Berchtesgaden Alps by the migration of trench-like basins formed in front of a... more
The Jabalpur Formation of Jabalpur series, named after Jabalpur city in Central India, is exposed along the Narbada River, in Satpura Basin. The series is divided into the lower Chaugan and the upper Jabalpur stages. The Jabalpur beds... more
The Mesozoic and Cenozoic positions of the continents that formed Pangea in the Triassic-Jurassic were derived from paleomagnetic and intraplate volcanic data, paleoclimatic observations, such as reef and fossil flora distribution, and... more
This work characterizes the source rock potential of the Tarfaya Basin and enabled us to reconstruct its geochemical history. Outcrop samples covering different stratigraphic intervals, plus the northwestern part of the Zag/Tindouf Basin... more
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The Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform (ADCP) was one of the largest and relatively well preserved Mesozoic platforms in the Mediterranean region (central Tethys). The peninsula Istria, in the northwestern part of the ADCP, is built up... more