E Participation
Recent papers in E Participation
Electronic Participation (e-Participation) initiatives, seen as the use of information and communication technology (ICT) for facilitating citizen participation in the policy decision making process, have often had a limited success of... more
The objective of this research paper is to assess the e-governance maturity of state governments in India. A case study research design has been adopted. Five Indian states viz. Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and... more
To what extent is political participation deepened and enriched by the Internet? Is the Internet more inclusive—especially towards the young—than traditional forms of participation requiring physical contact? Do people learn more by... more
Référence: GUELDICH (H.),« L’Open-Gov et l’e-Participation en Tunisie : un nouveau défi pour la bonne gouvernance », in Mélanges Mohamed Saleh Ben Aissa, CPU 2019, en cours de publication.
The subject of this paper is an examination of the connection between the most quoted and widely used indexes of the e-government and e-participation presented by the United Nations and the actual use of basic e-government activites of... more
W przeciwieństwie do zasad zwykle stosowanych w przypadku słowników biograficznych, zespół redakcyjny niniejszego tomu postanowił pozostawić autorom stosunkowo szeroki zakres swobo- dy w kwestii konstrukcji biogramów. Zasadnicza struktura... more
Resumen: El término Gobierno abierto no es nuevo. a fines de los años 70 del siglo XX se usó por primera vez en el espacio político británico y en su concepción original, trataba diversas cuestiones relacionadas con el secreto de Gobierno... more
This paper investigates determinants of online deliberation by way of a comparative study of 28 online forums initiated by the EU-commission as a part on the 2009 European Citizens Consultations. The cases analyzed in this paper share the... more
What is the state of the research on crowdsourcing for policymaking? This article begins to answer this question by collecting, categorizing, and situating an extensive body of the extant research investigating policy crowdsourcing,... more
Models of public governance are changing profoundly due to global and digital transformations and various context-specific societal pressures. One direction of development is the increased utilisation of ICTs (Information and... more
O estudo faz uma análise das iniciativas civis brasileiras que têm como pretensão oferecer transparência online e participação política através do ambiente digital. O objetivo é avaliar a atuação da sociedade civil na criação e... more
O artigo está sistematizado em três seções principais, além das considerações e recomendações finais. Em um primeiro momento, contextualizar-se-á a adoção de iniciativas de governo digital como resposta às demandas por modernização e... more
The emergence of the digital revolution has obligated governments all over the world to be more accessible, effective and accountable in the provision of public services. The South Africa government has implemented various Information... more
Decentralized civic engagement, i.e. engagement which is not initiated and managed by government, has been often used as a popular slogan in various public speeches to highlight the importance of genuine civic interests in governance, yet... more
Electronic Participation (e-Participation) initiatives, seen as the use of information and communication technology (ICT) for facilitating citizen participation in the policy decision making process, have often had a limited success of... more
The Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Book Series is for people working in the CSCL fi eld. The scope of the series extends to 'collaborative learning' in its broadest sense; the term is used for situations ranging from two... more
The aim of this study then is to move beyond politically oriented discussion forums by also examining the communicative practices of participants within fan-based forums. The focus is on how participants talk politics in online informal... more
D’une part, la « démocratie électronique » peut être conçue comme l’ensemble des expérimentations et réalisations conduisant à accroître la participation des citoyens « en greffant des formes de démocratie directe sur les mécanismes... more
Einordnung elektronischer Partizipation.
This article analyses the presence and activity on the field of social media in the countries that belonged to the same state in the past: Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH), Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia... more
Nowadays “education for citizenship” is presented as a solution for many of the political, social, and co-existential issues in Western democratic societies in order to tackle dysfunctionalities produced by globalization, populism,... more
La presente ponencia se publicó en el libro "Reestructuración y vigencia del modelo neoliberal en América Latina" editado por la Universidad de Zacatecas. Ésta, tiene como objetivo mostrar los resultados de una investigación denominada... more
The objective of this article is to provide an initial assessment of Facebook use by Western European municipalities considering two aspects: citizens’ engagement and municipalities’ activity. Data on 75 local governments in 15 countries... more
Abstract There is a very limited empirical research examining the impact of media and content types on stakeholders' engagement on social media platforms, and basically none within the public sector. The purpose of this study is to... more
This report aims at providing an overview of the normative and institutional state of art of ICT-mediated citizen participation in Spain. The first section provides an overview of the political and civic liberties framework in... more
As we start our journey through the twenty-first century, we will continue to be faced with two divergent trends, the rise of the Internet and the steady decline in the public sphere, and in political participation in general. The hopes... more
Many researchers have assumed that social media will reduce inequalities between elite politicians and those outside the political mainstream and that it will thus benefit democracy, as it circumvents the traditional media that focus too... more
The aim of this chapter is to see whether online discussion forums dedicated to popular culture (reality TV) provide a communicative space, content and style for politics that extends the public sphere. Given their typically casual,... more
Whilst the idea of utilizing social media to advance government-led e-Participation initiatives has proliferated significantly in recent years, mostly such initiatives do not meet the intended expectations, as the majority of them fail to... more
It is widely acknowledge that many of e-Participation initiatives often attract wider audience and face serious limited citizens’ involvement. The use of social media has been seen as a hope to remedy such limitation. However, despite the... more
Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for politically-orientated discussion forums, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. People talk politics just about anywhere online from reality TV... more
How social media can enable opportunities for collaboration between citizens and governments is an evolving issue in theory and practice. This paper examines the dynamic aspects of collaboration in the context of the 2011 riots in... more
Crowdsourcing is rapidly evolving and applied in situations where ideas, labour, opinion or expertise of large groups of people are used. Crowdsourcing is now used in various policy-making initiatives; however, this use has usually... more
The aim of this paper is to propose a novel framework of E-Participation which covers complexity factors capturing technological and non-technological aspects. This paper is based on desk research collating together previous... more
Over the last decade, the European Commission has supported and initiated participatory engineering projects to foster the participation of European citizens in EU affairs. The 2009 European Citizens Consultations (ECC) is the... more
The objective of the paper is to introduce the first Hungarian scientifically developed online voting advice application project Vokskabin (www.vokskabin.hu). It was established on the occasion of the Hungarian super election year 2014,... more