We provide a condition for an individual preference ordering to be represented by a function measured in terms of a commodity, i.e., for the commodity to be transferable utility. We also consider the relationships between conditions of... more
In the paper there is studied an optimal saving model in which the interest-rate risk for saving is a fuzzy number. The total utility of consumption is defined by using a concept of possibilistic expected utility. A notion of... more
Attachment values Allais paradox Insurance paradox Ellsberg paradox Coalescing paradox Violations of stochastic dominance Cash segregation paradox Risk preferences for losses paradox a b s t r a c t The expected utility (EU) model is... more
The first axiom of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) states that the pairwise comparison judgments are reciprocal. Here we explore the relationships between the reciprocal property and preference relations with and without the axiom of... more
This paper addresses the impacts of degree of risk aversion on optimal farm plans in Kazakh agriculture. The results obtained during the field research in the region of Northern Kazakhstan are presented. Calculations were carried out... more
Risk aversion plays a crucial role in understanding how individuals make financial decisions and allocate their resources. This study analyzes the influence of risk aversion on behavioral intentions and explores the mediating role of... more
We study a Black-Scholes market with a finite time horizon and two investors: an honest and an insider trader. We analyze it with anticipating stochastic calculus in two steps. First, we recover the classical result on portfolio... more
The decision to transfer or share an insurable risk is critical for the decision maker's economy. This paper deals with this decision, starting with the definition of a function that represents the difference between the expected utility... more
We model the notion of a "small world" as a context dependent state space embedded into the "grand world". For each situation the decision maker creates a "small world" reflecting the events perceived to be relevant for the act under... more
We formulate a new theory of expected utility in which risk and uncertainty is modelled by the usage of a so called event space which is a natural generalisation of a state space. The basic idea is that the decision maker for each group... more
We model the notion of a "small world" as a context dependent state space embedded into the "grand world". For each situation the decision maker creates a "small world" reflecting the events perceived to be relevant for the act under... more
We formulate a new theory of expected utility in which risk and uncertainty is modelled by the usage of a so called event space which is a natural generalisation of a state space. The basic idea is that the decision maker for each group... more
Risk management lies at the core of information security. Professionals need to assess risk and make decisions on how to treat risk. Risk perception and judgement of individuals are inherently involved in this process. This paper examines... more
Several approaches have been proposed for evaluating information in expected utility theory. Among the most popular approaches are the expected utility increase, the selling price and the buying price. While the expected utility increase... more
People violate expected utility theory and this has been traditionally modeled by augmenting its weight-and-add framework by nonlinear transformations of values and probabilities. Yet individuals often use one-reason decision-making when... more
In this work, we examine the combined problem of optimal portfolio selection rules for an insurer in a continuous-time model where the surplus of an insurance company is modelled as a compound Poisson process. The company can invest its... more
First, I show that the expected consumer's surplus is equivalent to ex ante compensating variation if and only if the consumer is risk neutral, and the consumer's income elasticity of demand for the commodity is zero. Moreover,... more
There is a long standing discussion of whether expected utility theory (EU) or prospect theory (PT) best explains the behavior with respect to risky choices. Often these two approaches are compared by putting questions to students in... more
Stochastic multi-armed bandits solve the Exploration-Exploitation dilemma and ultimately maximize the expected reward. Nonetheless, in many practical problems, maximizing the expected reward is not the most desirable objective. In this... more
Strategic decision-making over valuable resources should consider risk-averse objectives. Many practical areas of application consider risk as central to decision- making. However, machine learning does not. As a result, research should... more
La prise de decision strategique concernant des ressources de valeur devrait tenir compte du degre d'aversion au risque. D'ailleurs, de nombreux domaines d'application mettent le risque au cœur de la prise de decision.... more
We use data from 298 showings of the television program "Affari Tuoi," which involves contestants making decisions between risky prospects with possible prizes of up to half a million euros, to estimate three models of... more
For helpful commments on an earlier version, we thank participants at a conference at Princeton, particularly Cli¤ Carrubba and John Patty. We further thank Sepher Shahshahani, Ben Johnson, and students in the Spring 2016 class "Courts"... more
The riskiness of random processes is compared by (a) employing a decision-theoretic equivalence between processes and lotteries on pathspaces to identify the riskiness of the former with that of the latter, and (b) using the theory of... more
We provide a general method for extending social preferences defined for riskless economic environments to the context of risk and uncertainty. We apply the method to the problems of managing unemployment allowances (in the context of... more
In the context of extreme climate change, we ask how to conduct expected utility analysis in the presence of catastrophic risks. Economists typically model decision making under risk and uncertainty by expected utility with constant... more
In searching for an appropriate utility function in the expected utility framework, we formulate four properties that we want the utility function to satisfy. We conduct a search for such a function, and we identify Pareto utility as a... more
We investigate the application of classification tech niques to utility elicitation. In a decision problem, two sets of parameters must generally be elicited: the prob abilities and the utilities. While the prior and condi tional... more
Obtaining utility maximizing optimal portfolio in closed form is a challenging issue when the return vector follows a more general distribution than the normal one. In this note, we give closed form expression, in markets based on... more
An investment opportunity whose return is perfectly predictable, hardly exists at all. Instead, investor makes his decisions under conditions of uncertainty. Theory of expected utility is the main analytical tool for description of choice... more
Empirically, co-skewness of asset returns seems to explain a substantial part of the cross-sectional variation of mean return not explained by beta. This finding is typically interpreted in terms of a risk averse representative investor... more
We consider an extended two-stage risk-averse stochastic optimization problems in several formulations. Risk-aversion is reflected by risk constraints in form of stochastic-order relations, which are imposed in a time-consistent manner.... more
This paper extends our earlier work on reverse Bayesianism by relaxing the assumption that decision makers abide by expected utility theory, assuming instead weaker axioms that merely imply that they are probabilistically sophisticated.... more
We consider a rm that is faced with an uncontrollable stochastic cash ow, or random risk process. There is one investment opportunity, a risky stock, and we study the optimal investment decision for such rms. There is a fundamental... more
We consider a firm that is faced with an uncontrollable stochastic cash flow, or random risk process. There is one investment opportunity, a risky stock, and we study the optimal investment decision for such firms. There is a fundamental... more
A rigorous reconstruction of scenario-based real choice making reveals the incompleteness of decision-modeling and the practical prevalence of uncertainty. Theoretically complete models conceal it. As a remedy a scenario-based procedure... more
Possibilistic de cision theory has be e n propose d twe nty years ago and has had se ve ral extensions since the n. Even though ap pe aling for its ability to handle qualitative decision proble ms, possibilistic decision the ory suffe rs... more
We develop a new version of prospect theory that employs cumulative rather than separable decision weights and extends the theory in several respects. This version, called cumulative prospect theory, applies to uncertain as well as to... more
Acts are functions from states of nature into finite-support distributions over a set of "deterministic outcomes". We characterize preference relations over acts which have a numerical representation by the functional J(f) = min(. 1 uofdP... more
Acts are functions from states of nature into finite-support distributions over a set of "deterministic outcomes". We characterize preference relations over acts which have a numerical representation by the functional J(f) = min(. 1 uofdP... more
This paper explores a particularly simple model of choice under risk, based on geometric means and entropy. Despite its simplicity, it satisfies various prudence and risk aversion conditions, is consistent with the Allais paradox, and... more
The standard power utility function is widely used to explain asset prices. It assumes that the coefficient of relative risk aversion is the inverse of the elasticity of substitution. Here I use the Kihlstrom and Mirman (1974) expected... more
We discuss a central question in the study of courts: What do judges want? We suggest three di¤erent domains that might serve as the basic preferences of a judge: case dispositions and rules, caseloads and case mixes, and social... more
Purpose. To determine current tendencies of the effect of science on economic growth of certain countries in the world and to formulate theoretical and methodological approaches to their explanation in the context of social and economic... more