Purpose: ERP implementation comes with huge business competitive advantages nevertheless it also has its difficulties and challenges. This paper presents the findings of field work and interview conducted on issues and challenges of ERP... more
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system implementation necessitates substantial organizational and technological changes. These will have an impact on system stakeholders with various viewpoints and interests. It is crucial to analyze... more
Purpose-This research examines the enterprise resource planning system (ERP) SAP implementation in SMEs. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are challenged by their use of manual working style and operations preparations. Human errors in... more
Original scientific paper Recently, studies about the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) have been increased and this research area has attracted more attention. Especially, in the global competition environment, enterprises have to focus... more
Background: Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is critical to enhancing the ability to control commercial activities and results in a competitive advantage when combined with an organisation's existing competitive advantages. However, our... more
The Influence of Top Management Support on Knowledge Sharing during the Implementation of ERP Systems in Kenya 1. Introduction Many organizations today are looking for ways in which they can improve their businesses in response to the... more
Various sources point out very high percentages of failures to implement ERP systems. In this work, the main difficulties for this task are analyzed and a systematic classification of fundamental reasons is intended. By considering the... more
This study focuses on documenting the barriers of knowledge integration between the organizational culture and the bestpractices supported by an ERP system using an Action Research approach. The findings contribute to the ERP literature... more
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of project management on enterprise resource planning (ERP) system integration. A model was developed, and data gathered through a survey instrument to test the hypothesized model... more
Competitive pressures are forcing organizations to be agile and flexible. Response to changing environmental conditions is an important factor in determining corporate performance. Organizational flexibility is in turn closely related to... more
Organizations have made significant investments in ERP systems with the strategic expectation that employees will utilize this technology to enhance organizational performance. However, research indicates that ERP systems are... more
A review of the literature on successful implementation of ERP reveals that there are many case studies undertaken by researches, but very few have empirically examined the success factors of ERP implementation. While most of those... more
Organizational processes today are markedly different than they were several years ago. Processes are what organizations do. When processes become old and inefficient and can‟t deliver results that they were originally designed to, they... more
he notion that a company can and ought to have an expert (or a group of experts) create for it a single, completely integrated supersystem-an 'MIS'-to help it govern every aspect of its activity is absurd." (Dearden, 1972, p. 101) 173 For... more
Though several key enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation factors, including top management commitment and support, change management, and consultantsÕ support haven been broadly discussed in literature, other factors such as... more
This paper examines the recent evolution of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and explores the critical success factors (CSFs) for project implementation in the digital age. Adopting a qualitative inductive approach, the article... more
In the present study we aimed to fulfill two main goals. The first was to adapt the WRQoL-2 Scale among Portuguese workers and the second was to verify the associations between WRQoL-2 dimensions and perceived organizational performance... more
The issue of success or failure of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems has been under discussion for many years. This manuscript reviews the current status of ERP implementation success. In addition, it reviews progress made over... more
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) went through many development cycles since its beginning in the 1970s until it established itself as a backbone of most major enterprises in the world. In spite of its countless advantages, most ERP... more
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are highly complex information systems. The implementation of these systems is a difficult and high cost proposition that places tremendous demands on corporate time and resources. Many ERP... more
In this research, we evaluated user participation and involvement in the context of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Since ERP systems are enterprisewide in scope, these systems have a high level of complexity, and require a... more
While a significant number of organizations have attempted to build relationships with their upstream and downstream business partners through inter-organizational systems, not many have been able to successful leverage their investments... more
In this research, we evaluated user participation and involvement in the context of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Since ERP systems are enterprisewide in scope, these systems have a high level of complexity, and require a... more
There is evidence that organizations are increasingly acquiring software packages rather than developing them in-house to meet their information systems needs. However, there is no systematic approach to managing projects under this... more
UCC Library and UCC researchers have made this item openly available. Please let us know how this has helped you. Thanks! Title Understanding the impact of enterprise systems on management decision making: an agenda for future research... more
Some consulting projects are carried out in virtual teams, which are networks of people sharing a common purpose and working across organizational and temporal boundaries by using information technologies. Multiple investigations covering... more
This study examines empirical evidence from a survey conducted in Omani organizations to determine whether the importance of individual CSFs varies across the ERP implementation life-cycle. The CSFs included in the survey were derived... more
Preliminary results of case studies will be presented in this session to provide an initial set of "best practices" and "lessons learned" about year 2000 and euro conversion project management. The cases reveal both similarities and... more
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have emerged as the core of successful information management and the enterprise backbone of organizations. The difficulties of ERP implementations have been widely cited in the literature but... more
Lanţul logistic este un sistem coordonat de organizaţii, oameni, activităţi, informaţii şi resurse implicate în mişcarea unui produs într-o manieră fizică sau virtuală de la furnizor la client. Activităţile din lanţul logistic transformă... more
Sage X3 is a comprehensive Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution designed to streamline and optimize business operations across various industries. With its robust features and customizable modules, Sage X3 empowers organizations to... more
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to discuss the impact of an Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) system on the role of accountants, to provide job qualifications for their reference.Design/methodology/approachThis research adopts the... more
This paper studies the differential practices of change management in organizations of western origin and compares it with the best practices prevalent in Indian organizations, with special emphasis on social and cultural challenges faced... more
While academic jobs generally provide a good degree of flexibility, academics also tend to work extra hours which can then lead to a poorer work-life balance. In this study, we compare academic vs. non-academic staff and anticipate that... more
A predominant understanding in information systems research (ISR) is that technology has institutionalizing, routinizing, and socializing effects in its interaction with users in the human enterprise. Subscribing to these effects from an... more
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) implementation has been a daunting and exhaustive experience for many organisations. Managers and decision makers find that there is no one 'fixed formula' to guarantee its success. This paper draws... more
ERP system implementation allows organisations to integrate different departments working in silos, while allowing them to have real-time business visibility and access to centralised information. ERP implementation is fraught with... more
Various sources point out very high percentages of failures to implement ERP systems. In this work, the main difficulties for this task are analyzed and a systematic classification of fundamental reasons is intended. By considering the... more
This study examines the relationship between management accounting and integrated information systems by investigating the existing literature on the subject. The current research has been uncovered, classified and interpreted in order to... more
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are used by universities to handle the academic services and business processes while providing enhanced experience and services to students. This study begins with a background review of ERPs in... more
ERP systems integrate all processes and soŌware users in one computerized environment reshaping organizaƟon to fit into system’s funcƟonaliƟes. ERP system implementaƟon is a complex process with technical and socio‐organizaƟonal issues.... more
This interpretive case study of FoxMeyer Drugs' ERP implementation is based on empirical frameworks and models of software project risks and project escalation. Implications of the study offer suggestions on how to avoid ERP failure.
This study deals with the factors that influence diffusion of the Internet market. In order to explain diffusion of the Internet market, innovation-IT-diffusion theory is used. Internal factors and external factors influence the adoption... more