Recent papers in EPIDEMILOGY
Indonesia adalah salah satu negara dengan tingkat keanekaragaman hayati tertinggi di dunia. Hutan dan laut di negara ini, termasuk ekosistem terkaya di dunia, memberikan lapangan kerja dan pendapatan kepada jutaan penduduk Indonesia. Akan... more
Mapa mental sobre estudios transversales
In December 2019, SARS COV-2 which originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan achieved pandemic proportions and spread rapidly to countries through International air traffic causing acute respiratory infection and deaths. Presence of... more
Hypothesis: Cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) are one of the main causes for disability and death, chiefly of aged population in East European countries and especially Bulgaria. Background: The ratio increment trend of population above 65... more
Gompertzian analysis is a statistical technique which has been successfully applied to the analysis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) mortality in England and Wales, Japan and the United States. This paper analyses the consistent... more
Describir y analizar el gasto de la Secretaría de Salud asociado con iniciativas de comunicación social de las campañas de prevención de enfermedades transmitidas por vectores (Zika, chikunguña y dengue) y la evaluación de impacto o... more