In a voluntary national effort, U.S. industry, education, labor, and government have initiated the development of standards for job skills and competencies in jobs in 15 economic sectors. The aim of the skill standards is to maintain a... more
Ao se estudar e analisar resíduos sólidos, nota-se a relação entre os aspectos ocupacionais, ambientais e de saúde. Os resíduos sólidos provenientes de materiais contendo amianto são comprovadamente nocivos, causando o adoecimento dos... more
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, is the standard procedure and also the guideline to protect the surface land at the project site to be on the track as useful land for the community's life.
Context: The Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology (INOR) is the leading institution for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of cancer in Cuba. The main methods used in cancer treatment are surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The... more
Chapter in the Edited book "Sick and Tired: Health and Safety Inequalities", Edited by Stephanie Premji Recognition, prevention and compensation are predicated on prevailing social discourses about hazards and health problems. Jane... more
Background: The handloom sector is one of the important sectors which carries cultural heritage and give socioeconomic stability of the villages. Objective: The aim of the study is to identify the occupational risk factors of the workers... more
Background: Molasses making is one of the most agro-based sectors in India where about 4.50 core rural people are involved in the sugarcane cultivation and 5 lakh are directly engaged in the small-scale industries. The workers are prone... more
The environmental health and occupational toxicology is basically concerned with adverse effects of healthy environment and toxicity around humans resulting from exposure to chemical faced at work or in any other environment. This paper... more
Sugar industry is a growing sector to combat increasing demands of sweeteners throughout the world. Sugar, molasses, jiggery, khandasari etc. are made from sugarcane whereas bagasses and ethanol are the by-products. Poor rural people are... more
A substantial body of scientific evidence indicates that exposures to common chemicals and radiation, alone and in combination, are contributing to the increase in breast cancer incidence observed over the past several decades. Key... more
CONTENTS Section 1 Scope of Application 1 Section 2 Definition of Terms 1 Section 3 Onsite Sanitation 3 Section 4 Offsite Sanitation 7 Section 5 Drainage 13 Section 6 Special Establishments 14 Section 7 Health Care Establishments... more
BAGIAN KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN FAKULTAS KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT UNIVERSITAS JEMBER 2018 KATA PENGANTAR Segala puji hanya milik Allah SWT, shalawat serta salam selalu tercurahkan kepada Rasulullah SAW. Berkat limpahan rahmat-Nya, penulis mampu... more
AMDAL DAN KEJAHATAN LINGKUNGAN OLEH PERUSAHAAN PERTAMBANGAN (STUDI KASUS PT. MITRABARA ADIPERDANA) (Disusun untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah AMDAL dan Kesehatan) AMDAL dan Kesehatan Kelas A Senin, 07 Mei 2018 Pukul 10.40 -12.20/Ruang... more
Current practice in healthcare risk management is supported by many tools for risk assessment (understanding problems), but none for risk control (solving problems). The results: a failure to improve safety, and a waste of the investment... more
Malaysia has partially banned the use of asbestos. The prohibition of asbestos building materials in schools, clinics, and hospitals built by government started in 1999. Since 2005, prohibition has also been applied to all government... more
Ninety reports of systematic evaluations of job-stress interventions were rated in terms of the degree of systems approach used. A high rating was defined as both organizationally and individually focused, versus moderate (organizational... more
Flour dust occurs across the range of food industries; its exposure may induce acute or chronic respiratory ailments. The objective of the study was to assess the effects of flour dust on the lung function. The lung function was studied... more
We sought to determine volatile N-nitrosamines levels in the air of a rubber-manufacturing industry and to measure urinary N-nitrosamines concentrations in exposed workers. Methods: Personal monitoring of 34 workers was performed by... more
Paraquat, a controversial herbicide, is one of the most used pesticides globally, in most countries without restrictions. It is considered safe by industry and the bulk of regulators worldwide, especially in the context of stewardship... more
Telah dikukuhkan oleh para ahli bahasa bahwa bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi secara genetis hanya ada pada manusia. Implementasinya manusia mampu membentuk lambang atau memberi nama guna menandai setiap kenyataan, sedangkan binatang tidak... more
Climate change is a "threat multiplier and a prime cause of universal threat to health in the 21st century, including 4 th industrial revolution. The health effects of climate change will increase dramatically over the next few years and... more
Aggression against nurses and ancillary personnel is a major--overall under-reported--occupational problem in sociomedical facilities for psychiatric and demented patients. The frequency of violent incidents against workers in a... more
Background: The question of whether chrysotile asbestos-containing brake dust can plausibly serve as a cause of mesothelioma in an exposed individual has become a matter of heated debate in the medical literature despite multiple... more
Predictions of future cases of mesothelioma in Australia to the year 2020 are in the order of a total of 10,000 new cases. Compensation claims are testing the attribution in a particular case between occupational asbestos exposure and... more
In ancient Greece the observations of the famous doctor Hippocrates of Kos had shown proved the environmental impact on human health. Although the term "environment" should not only include the nature surrounding us but also space since... more
The currently reactor wreckage in Fukushima raised the following important questions: Is our knowledge of the possible dangers of ionizing radiation sufficient to warrant special action? What is the role of the medical community in... more
To investigate and describe informal e-waste recycling and working conditions at Agbogbloshie, Accra, Ghana. We conducted in-depth interviews which were qualitatively analysed from a grounded theory perspective. Workers obtained e-waste... more