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This research aims to examine the practices of university English Language (EL) teachers in e-learning and to explore perspectives on the challenges and prospects of e-learning. It is an exploratory study which adopts a pragmatic paradigm... more
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      Use of TechnologySaudi ArabiaTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageTeachers Practices
For all those who are interested
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İş İngilizcesi dili, sahanın öznel ve nicel bir değerlendirmesinden sonra çerçeve haline getirilmiştir. Örnek olarak piyasadaki eğilim, ürün portföyleri, müşteri işletmeleri ve işletme yapısı her şekilde bu eğitim içeriğine dahil... more
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness EnglishEducation
This is the example of the Journal that I've made for Konfrensi Internasional Pendidikan Dasar 2009. Hanya sebuah contoh saja, silahkan jika akan dijadikan sebagai referensi untuk tugas kita ;).
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      Elementary SchoolENGLISH TEACHER
Writing in English is one of the language skills that are taught in the context of learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Indonesian senior high schools. According to previous studies, most of the students consider writing is the... more
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      Feedback (Education)WritingEffortENGLISH TEACHER
This study aimed to determine the relationship between levels of reading comprehension and academic performance among Grade 11 HUMSS Students of Naval State University. The sample population involved all of the (54) students of HUMSS 11... more
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      EducationEnglishInterested in Writing Research PapersENGLISH TEACHER
Empirical grounds exist to show that limited attentions attempt to reveal the cognition of EFL teachers to use YouTube Vlog in English language teaching. Ergo there has been lack of knowledge on what kind of mental constructs affecting... more
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      CreativityTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageThe use of technology in the teaching of English as a foreign languageLanguage Teacher Cognition
Writing in English is one of the language skills that are taught in the context of learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Indonesian senior high schools. According to previous studies, most of the students consider writing is the... more
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      Feedback (Education)WritingEffortENGLISH TEACHER
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      CertificateENGLISH TEACHER
Professional English is a mandatory module in all Chinese universities, being taught alongside the students major. However, students often find learning English somewhat tedious as it can seem disconnected from their major and aspirations... more
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      Creative WritingFiction WritingLanguage EducationEnglish for Specific Purposes
In this article, we present some data from a study based on the #walkmyworld project.
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      Digital MediaNew LiteraciesSocial MediaPedagogy
With the renewal of the program in 2012, the effective use of creative problem solving, which is one of the new methods, has been introduced instead of memorizing in English education. The views of English teachers on creative problem... more
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      Creative Problem SolvingOpiniónENGLISH TEACHER
Writing in English is one of the language skills that are taught in the context of learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Indonesian senior high schools. According to previous studies, most of the students consider writing is the... more
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      Feedback (Education)WritingEffortENGLISH TEACHER
This work addresses the potential for English teachers to prepare their students for the literacy requirements of the digital age. The authors reviewed the literature about media education and teacher preparation, focusing on the need for... more
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      Cultural StudiesInformation LiteracyTeacher EducationDigital Media
We are pleased to present the second issue of our twenty-fifth volume. As mentioned in our previous edition, this volume emerges in times of new regulations for the evaluation of journals edited in Colombia (Colciencias, 2016).
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      English as a Foreign Language (EFL)ENGLISH TEACHEREnglish As a Second Language (ESL)
Writing in English is one of the language skills that are taught in the context of learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Indonesian senior high schools. According to previous studies, most of the students consider writing is the... more
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      Computer ScienceMathematics EducationFeedback (Education)Writing
This symposium is a creative framework that highlights the experiences of students from Vista Elementary School. We conducted group and individual interviews with students, and organized these interviews into three distinct themes that... more
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      LiteracyTeacher EducationEarly Childhood EducationDrama In Education
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    • ENGLISH TEACHER This research study reports how a group of English Language Teaching (ELT) students of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart university used personal ‘teacher’ metaphors via a metaphor... more
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      MetaphorTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageEnglish language teachingMetaphor Analysis
This book reviews the background of mandated teacher performance assessment with an emphasis on policy, privatization, and professionalization. The authors discuss the potential impact of mandated teacher performance assessments on... more
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      Teacher EducationMathematics EducationSocial Studies EducationPerformance Based Assessment (Education)
This work addresses the potential for English teachers to prepare their students for the literacy requirements of the digital age. The authors reviewed the literature about media education and teacher preparation, focusing on the need for... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesInformation LiteracyTeacher Education
Abstract— This article reports on the results of a qualitative exploratory study carried out with the objective to learn about the experiences and practices of return migrants raising their children as bilinguals in the State of... more
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      MigrationIdentity (Culture)Personal IdentityLanguage Ideologies
Being an English teacher of 21st century, you need to introduce different activities in class and make it more active as compared to how it was supposed to be in past. Here's a very interesting activity that you can apply. In this... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish languageEnglish language teachingENGLISH TEACHER