Recent papers in E-Mail
I lettori che desiderano informarsi sui libri e sull'insieme delle attività della Società editrice il Mulino possono consultare il sito Internet: www.mulino.it ISBN 978-88-15-26368-1 Copyright © 2007 by Società editrice il Mulino,... more
Email has a key role in the explosive growth of the Internet, calling for Mailing List Management Systems (MLMS) that can adapt to, and even foster, new forms of community organization as they emerge. A new MLMS, Mailman, is well suited... more
This paper (in French) presents the method to know if your gmail mailbox is hacked and provides a list of countermeasures.
La normativa de tutoría electrónica de la UCA establece que las consultas de dudas que tenga el alumnado deben gestionarse a través de alguna de las herramientas de comunicación de que dispone cada asignatura en su plataforma del Campus... more
Email bomber merupakan software atau tool yang digunakan untuk mengirim email secara terus menerus ke suatu email tujuan, dengan jumlah email yang ditentukan bisa 10, 100, 1000, bahkan tak terbatas (unlimited). Atau juga bisa sedikit... more
This research examined the full range of tasks and activities that design engineers perform, how their working time is distributed among these, and how these issues influence their satisfaction with their work. Seventy-eight design... more
"Cada campo de utilização da língua elabora seus tipos relativamente estáveis de enunciados os quais denominamos gêneros do discurso." (Bakhtin, 1952-53) Considere abaixo as esferas de atividade humana que figuram na coluna da esquerda.... more
Este documento contiene una descripción breve de la función y estructura de un servidor mail, un manual paso a paso para la elavoración de un servidor mail en ubuntu server con apoyo en la plataforma gráfica WebMin y anexos... more
Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium...
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general analizar la situación del correo electrónico como fuente de prueba y su incorporación como medio probatorio en el proceso, para luego particularizar y definir algunas notas típicas del mismo... more
Serveur de Messagerie
У статті розглядаються методичні особливості проведення соціологічних опитувань із застосуванням можливостей мережі Інтернет. Оцінюєть оптимальний термін проведення опитування. Аналізується проведене електронне оптування, наведено кілька... more
Per valutare l'impatto di quell'e-taliano che mi è sembrato di poter additare già da qualche anno come una nuova varietà dell'italiano contemporaneo 1 , credo sia importante riflettere sulla sua diacronia. Di qui l'idea di tratteggiare un... more
Paper ini berisi tutorial untuk melakukan installasi mail server (postfix, courier-imap dan courier-pop) untuk membangun sebuah mail server dan dilengkapi dengan webmail (roundcuebe). Penulis masih mengunakan linux debian 9 sebagai sistem... more
The alarming rate of increase in crimes has led to the invention of many security devices. In many cases the thieves escape due to the delay in passage of info to the concerned authorities such as control room. The system proposed here is... more
E-mail has become the most popular communication tool in the professional environment. Electronic communications, because of their specific nature, raise a number of ethical issues: e-mail communications are distance, asynchronous,... more
Mail merge membantu kita untuk membuat sebuah dokumen (misalnya surat) yang isinya sama untuk penerima yang berbeda secara cepat dan mudah. Fitur ini sangat membantu terutama bila penerimanya sangat banyak.
Quello che mi riprometto di fare in questo intervento è un tentativo di sintesi: una proposta interpretativa d'insieme, che -impostata secondo un'ottica radicalmente sociolinguistica 1 -spero possa fornire qualche spunto utile alla... more
Electronic Commerce (e-commerce) is the process of buying, selling or exchanging products, services and information via computer networks. ecommerce is part of the e-business, where the scope of e-business more broadly, not just... more
Fino a una ventina d'anni fa, il dominio dell'audiovisivo -dei media detti non alfabetici -faceva prevedere una progressiva perdita d'importanza della parola scritta a vantaggio delle varie forme di oralità 'secondaria' (ben lontana... more
The Effect of Using E-mail on Developing EFL Writing Skills for Secondary Stage Students at the Experimental Schools Mervat Abd Elfatah Ali Said Ahmed Oklt Al Sqoor College of Science and Arts Qassim University Saudi Arabia Abstract... more
Manual de Instalación de Servidor de Correo en Ubuntu Desktop, la instalación de Ubunto es en una máquina virtual desde Windows, se realiza la configuración necesaria para el servidor de correo con Mail Server (Postfix) usando... more
Il linguaggio usato nelle e-mail è solitamente stato descritto come caratterizzato da vari tratti di informalità e avvicinamento alla lingua parlata, che allontanerebbero questo tipo testuale da quello da cui esso filologicamente origina,... more
Since the beginning of the Internet, its features have been used to communicate knowledge between researchers in different universities or scientific laboratories, and later, with the increasing growth of the World Wide Web, knowledge... more
Today very important means of communication is the e-mail that allows people all over the world to communicate, share data, and perform business. Yet there is nothing worse than an inbox full of spam; i.e., information crafted to be... more
Petronius’s debt to Ovid’s amatory works is frequently acknowledged when discussion comes to the so-called “Croton episode”, where Encolpius’s love affair with an aristocratic woman, named Circe, ends rather unsuccessfully with the... more
This essay explores in detail the history and the hidden ideology of email. This history and hidden ideology is both inherent in the communication structure of email, and is also manifests itself in body and style (the code and the forms)... more
The article in Google Books: https://www.google.bg/books/edition/Globalization_in_English_Studies/aEoaBwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=Budakov+Emails+and+Fiction&pg=PA48&printsec=frontcover Abstract: In discussing Douglas Coupland’s... more
Online writing plays a complex and increasingly prominent role in the life of organizations. From newsletters to press releases, social media marketing and advertising to virtual presentations and interactions via e-mail and instant... more
Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary network without the aid of any established infrastructure or centralized administration. The mobility of nodes in MANETs results in... more
Applications are spreading widely through our lives entering every field controlling some of it and enhancing other; electronic mail, or e-mail, is the best known and most popular application of the Internet. More and more people see... more
ABSTRACT Advertisements are all around us, and every day we come across with dozens of advertisements in various mediums. Advertising language has a special aim which is to persuade the consumers to buy or support the product, the service... more
The antiphishing system uses visual characteristics to identify fake and phishing sites and suspicious pages similarity to actual sites registered with the system. In the initial two sequential processes in the Site Watcher system runs on... more
As e-mail usage increases and its volume and size becomes unpredictable, there is a dire need to have richer email clients with increased ease of use. Ease of use continues to be the most significant success factor in e-mail usage. In... more