Dynamic behaviour of materials
Recent papers in Dynamic behaviour of materials
The study of the dynamics of a simple batch distillation usually assumes the equilibrium between the liquid and vapour phases. In contrast to that approach, this work considers the analysis of the dynamic behaviour of a nonequilibrium... more
AbstractThis paper reports on the control structure of the pneumatic biped Lucy. The robot is actuated with pleated pneumatic artificial muscles, which have interesting characteristics that can be exploited for legged machines. They have... more
To accurately predict the dynamic behaviour of spanwise uniform, non-homogeneous, anisotropic beams with arbitrary cross-sectional geometry is an important part of engineering analysis. Classical one-dimensional beam theory fails in this... more
The dynamic behaviour of a general linear system is characterised by the poles (resonances) and the zeros (antiresonances). This paper deals with the general class of dynamical systems that can be described by a second-order ordinary... more
The estimates for geological CO 2 storage capacity worldwide vary, but it is generally believed that the capacity in saline aquifers will be sufficient for the amounts of CO 2 that will need to be stored. The effort required to select and... more
A dislocation density-based crystalline plasticity formulation, specialized finite-element techniques, and rational crystallographic orientation relations were used to predict and characterize the failure modes associated with the high... more
This paper extends the algorithm previously developed by the authors (Ribeiro et al., Comp. Chem. Engng 19, 333, 1995b) to the simulation of the full trivariate (drop volume, age and solute concentration) unsteady-state behaviour of... more
This paper describes the initial study of the research program being carried out on the feeding system of an industrial overlock sewing machine. The results obtained from the displacement and compression force, together with the graphic... more
Operating Deflection Shapes (ODS) has emerged as one of the powerful techniques in vibration analysis to understand and to evaluate the absolute dynamic behaviour of a machine, component or an entire structure. Traditionally,... more
Storage of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) in hydrocarbon reservoirs and saline aquifers is considered as one of the promising mitigation strategies to reduce the negative impact of this greenhouse gas. The static and dynamic behaviour of CO 2 in... more
This paper outlines a novel approach to model and control the internal dynamics of energy and mass transfer in an imperfectly mixed uid. The essential element in the approach lies in the extension of a complex CFD simulation model with a... more
To map water levels related to large floods, we propose using geographical information systems to manage the vast amount of information extracted from aerial photographs. Our approach is divided into three parts: (1) segmentation of the... more
Technical systems are becoming increasingly integrated, e.g. because of the intensive use of software due to demands on energy efficiency, performance and customisability. This means that there are a lot of interactions among the sub... more
The design, working pnnaple and reahzatlon of an electro-thermopneumatlc liquid pump based on micro-engmeermg techniques are described The pump, which 1s of the reclprocatmg dlsplacement type, comprises a pump chamber, a thm slhcon pump... more
Large amounts of thermal energy are transferred between fluids for heating or cooling in industry as well as in the residential and service sectors. Typical examples are crude oil preheating, ethylene plants, Pulp and paper plants,... more
Investigation of large technical systems by simulation of long time periods requires effective methods. One possibility to handle such problems is the implementa- tion of simulation models which use suitably simplified descriptions of the... more
This paper presents, in the context of materials dynamic behaviour study, a method for simultaneous measurement of the temperature and emissivity of a solid's surface, by the use of infrared radiation. In contrast to existing methods,... more
When using the analysis of vibration measurements as a tool for health monitoring of bridges, the problem arises of separating abnormal changes from normal changes in the dynamic behaviour. Normal changes are caused by varying... more
Modern applications, such as wireless communication systems or hybrid electric vehicles operate at high power fluctuations. For some applications, where the power frequencies are high (above some 10 or 100 Hz) it is possible to filter the... more
An efficient solution for the multivariable submarine control design at low-depth conditions under the influence of wave disturbances is presented. The analysis and control design process is carried out under the framework of individual... more
Combustion of biomass for heat and power production is continuously growing in importance, because of incentives for replacing fossil energy resources with renewable ones. In biomass combustion, the moisture content of the fuel is an... more
In this paper, the Generalized Differential Quadrature (GDQ) method is applied to study the dynamic behaviour of laminated composite doubly-curved shells of revolution. The First-order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT) is used to analyse... more
Microbial activity can be measured using sensors based on microbial fuel cell technology. In these sensors, microorganisms in contact with the anode generate a current proportional to their metabolic activity. Proper operation of such a... more
Feedforward neural networks are a general class of nonlinear models that can be used advantageously to model dynamic processes. In this investigation, a neural network was used to model the dynamic behaviour of a continuous stirred tank... more
It is now more than a decade since distributed generation (DG) began to excite major interest amongst electric power system planners and operators, energy policy makers and regulators as well as developers. This paper presents an overview... more
This paper introduces modeling and simulation results for pipeline inspection gauge (PIG) with bypass flow control in natural gas pipeline. The dynamic behaviour of the PIG depends on the different pressure across its body and the bypass... more
Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIGs) are nowadays extensively used in variable speed wind power plants. Doubly fed induction generators (DFIG) offer many advantages such as reduced converter rating, low cost and reduced losses with an... more
This paper deals with dynamic analysis of Pipeline Inspection Gauge (PIG) flow control in natural gas pipelines. The dynamic behaviour of PIG depends on the pressure differential generated by injected gas flow behind the tail of the PIG... more
A large number of industrial facilities were damaged during the 1999 M w 7.4 Kocaeli, Turkey earthquake. One of those industrial facilities, Habas plant located within 10 km of the fault trace, provides liquefied gases to commercial... more
This work provides an update of the state-of-the-art on energy security relating to critical infrastructure protection. For this purpose, this survey is based upon the conceptual view of OECD countries, and specifically in accordance with... more
In this study, simulation results for a full-scale wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) of Erzincan city, which is located at the east of Turkey and serving 124,000 population equivalents, are presented. The dynamic behaviour of simultaneous... more
A mis abuelos, en especial a María y José por su constante cariño y atención.
The pantograph-catenary system with its dynamic behaviour turned out to be a crucial component for new train systems required to run at higher speeds. With the present systems, operational limitations have to be accepted when running with... more
The manuscript presents a systematic study for the characterization of mild steel under varying stress-triaxiality, strain rate and temperature. The effect of stress triaxiality was studied by performing tension tests on notched... more
SOMMARIO: Il tema della ricerca concerne lo studio del comportamento dinamico di volte in muratura sollecitate da azioni dinamiche. Tale comportamento dinamico è valutato nelle seguenti configurazioni: a) volta integra; b) volta... more
In seeking to understand the dynamic behaviour of historic stone structures, eight representative walls were constructed and tested under in-plane free vibration conditions. Each wall consisted of two wythes, one sandstone, one limestone,... more
Rotors are usually modeled as deformable beams for the shafts and as rigid bodies, whose mass and moments of inertia are concentrated in chosen locations for all other components. If the rotor is provided with thin discs, however, the... more
Among compliant platforms, the tension leg platform (TLP) is a hybrid structure. With respect to the horizontal degrees of freedom, it is compliant and behaves like to a floating structure, whereas with respect to the vertical degrees of... more