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The objective of this paper is to formalize and document observations on language spread in multilingual or polyglot societies as understood from a study of spoken and written language in various phases in Indian history starting from the... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsNatural Language ProcessingEnglish
This article analyses how the number of speakers of the Friulian language changes over time in the territory where this language is traditionally spoken, that is, the provinces of Udine, Pordenone, and Gorizia, located in the north-east... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyLanguage PolicyLanguage Maintenance and ShiftFriuli Venezia Giulia
This paper introduces the Next Scripting Framework (NSF) and the Next Scripting Language (NX). The paper presents features such as the definition of object systems, parametric objects, initialization and interfacing to object states,... more
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      Programming LanguagesObject Oriented ProgrammingScriptingScripting Language
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      Programming LanguagesStatic AnalysisSoftware Verification and ValidationSoftware Verification
The management of complexity in large systems is traditionally focused on the modeling and management of classes and hierarchies of classes. In order to improve the compositional flexibility in large systems, this paper turns the focus on... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringProgramming LanguagesObject Oriented Programming