Dynamic Clustering

735 papers
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Dynamic clustering is a data analysis technique that involves grouping a set of objects into clusters that can change over time, adapting to new data or evolving patterns. It focuses on the continuous reassessment of cluster memberships and structures, allowing for real-time updates and improved accuracy in representing data relationships.
Reactions between 6Li and 6Li were studied in the laboratory energy range of 2-16 MeV. Angular distributions and excitation functions were measured for various proton, deuteron, triton and e-channels. In addition excitation functions were... more
How to process the big data generated in large IoT networks is still challenging current techniques. To date, a lot of network clustering approaches have been proposed to improve the performance of data aggregation in IoT. However, most... more
Background: This paper addresses key biological problems and statistical issues in the analysis of large gene expression data sets that describe systemic temporal response cascades to therapeutic doses in multiple tissues such as liver,... more
Host–parasitoid systems with evolving mutation rates are studied. By increasing the growth rate of hosts, the diversity of both species is maintained dynamically. For the lower growth rate, diversity is brought about by mere parasitism.... more
In this paper we present a new algorithm for document clustering called Condensed Star (ACONS). This algorithm is a natural evolution of the Star algorithm proposed by Aslam et al., and improved by them and other researchers. In this... more
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore the factors influencing entrepreneurial intensity. More specifically the study addresses the following objectives: propose a way to measure entrepreneurial intensity within the community... more
Interoperability plays an important role for a variety of applications. One of them are Peer Data Management Systems, where autonomous data sources (peers) interact with each other based on semantic mappings between their schemas. The... more
Contemporary computers collect databases that can be too large for classical methods to handle. The present work takes data whose observations are distribution functions (rather than the single numerical point value of classical data) and... more
It is shown that the nucleotide sequences in DNA molecules have clusterscaling properties (discovered for the first time in turbulent processes: Sreenivasan and Bershadskii, 2006, J. Stat. Phys., 125, 1141-1153.). These properties are... more
In wireless sensor networks, failures occur due to energy depletion, environmental hazards, hardware failure, communication link errors, etc. These failures could prevent them to accomplish their tasks. Moreover, most routing protocols... more
This paper discusses processes of technological change in the tile cluster in the village Karanggeneng in Central Java, Indonesia. A growing number of producers in this cluster have switched from traditional kiln to so-called handpress... more
This paper gives purpose to identify the factors of the constitution of "the Tunisian cluster" in an environment open to competition. It is a contribution to the debate on the importance of clusters for competitiveness of small and medium... more
The study of possible associations between social and health factors was one of the purposes of the multicentric Italian survey of perinatal preventive medicine. To get a concise and coherent social indicator, which could be useful to... more
The paper shows that regional differences in labour productivity can be decomposed into a sector structure, a cluster economies and a residual regional component. The decomposition is applied to Dutch regional productivity levels and... more
In this paper we introduce a new unsupervised segmentation algorithm for textured sonar images. A Dynamic Self-Organizing Maps (DSOM) algorithm capable of incremental learning has been developed to automatically cluster the input data... more
In this paper we introduce a new unsupervised segmentation algorithm for textured sonar images. A Dynamic Self-Organizing Maps (DSOM) algorithm capable of incremental learning has been developed to automatically cluster the input data... more
A model is presented that simulates the process of neuronal synchronization, formation of coherent activity clusters and their dynamic reorganization in the olivo-cerebellar system. Three coupled 2D lattices dealing with the main cellular... more
The unstable heavier nuclei release energy spontaneously by emitting radiations and particles, the process called radioactivity, namely, alpha, beta and gamma radioactive decays. In addition to these three types of decays, there exists... more
This work is devoted to to the research into the possibilities of improving Proof-of-Work blockchain technology based on dynamic clustering of nodes to reduce transaction time.To eliminate the problem with the Proof-of-Work mechanism,... more
The FORUM project aims at extending existing data integration techniques in order to facilitate the development of mediation systems in large and dynamic environments. It is well known from the literature that a crucial point that hampers... more
In Libya, from time to time, the National Electricity Grid is directed by the National Electricity Company to conduct load shedding to alleviate pressure on supply at times of peak demand. This involves hours’ of power outages in the area... more
In this paper, we present a novel dynamic clustering algorithm that efficiently deals with data streams and achieves several important properties which are not generally found together in the same algorithm. The dynamic clustering... more
This paper presents a mobile agent information system designed as the basic tool for creating dynamic clusters. It is aimed at mobile and heterogeneous environments where needs for complex resources and services may arise from stationary... more
Considering the Indian context as the basis of enquiry into industrial clustering three important issues that largely determine the performance and strategy of firms to survive compete and grow are identified. These three issues relate to... more
Context. Observational and instrumental difficulties observing small bodies below 0.5 μm make this wavelength range poorly studied compared with the visible and near-infrared. Furthermore, the suitability of many commonly used solar... more
Research in sensor networks has focused on development of energy efficient and secure infrastructures. In this article, we introduce a new approach to organize sensor networks in clusters in order to reduce energy dissipation. Our... more
The coefficients of the successiveh 2 orders of the extended Thomas-Fermi expansion of the kinetic energy density are obtained to the leading order in the density inhomogeneities. This is done by comparing the corresponding static... more
we propose a new perspective on the identification of linear dynamic system using structural similarity. The proposal consists in the meaningful exploration of each model, specifically behavior of the state variable. The decomposition of... more
This paper addresses dynamic data clustering as an optimization problem and propose techniques for finding optimal (number of) clusters in a multi-dimensional data or feature space. In order to accomplish this objective we first propose... more
In Libya, from time to time, the National Electricity Grid is directed by the National Electricity Company to conduct load shedding to alleviate pressure on supply at times of peak demand. This involves hours’ of power outages in the area... more
The dynamics. of the diffusion-limited model of cluster-cluster aggregation is investigated in two and three dimensions by studying the temporal evolution of the cluster-size distribution n, (t), which is the number of clusters of size s... more
Clustering is an important data mining task for exploration and visualization of different data types like news stories, scientific publications, weblogs, etc. Due to the evolving nature of these data, evolutionary clustering, also known... more
The clustering effects in light mass alpha conjugate 20 Ne, 28 Si and non-alpha conjugate 21 Ne, 22 Ne nuclear systems have been investigated comparatively, within the collective clusterization approach of dynamical cluster-decay model.... more
Tabla de contenidos 2. Introducción 3. ¿Qué es una red de sensores inalámbrica? 4. Aplicaciones de las redes de sensores inalámbricas 4.1. Aplicaciones militares 4.2. Aplicaciones medioambientales 4.3. Aplicaciones sanitarias 4.4. Otras... more
The fission fragment mass distribution followed by neutron emission is studied for the 208 Pb(18 O, f) reaction using the asymmetric two centre shell model. The measured mass distribution spectrum reveals new kind of systematics on shell... more
The structural configurations of the quasi-molecular resonance states, at energies both below and above the Coulomb barrier, are studied within the orbiting cluster model approach. A generalized moment of inetia expression for the... more
We study the implications and limitations of galaxy cluster surveys for constraining models of particle physics and gravity beyond the Standard Model. Flux limited cluster counts probe the history of large scale structure formation in the... more
The clustering effects in light mass alpha conjugate 20 Ne, 28 Si and non-alpha conjugate 21 Ne, 22 Ne nuclear systems have been investigated comparatively, within the collective clusterization approach of dynamical cluster-decay model.... more
This paper addresses the problem of temporal data clustering using a dynamic Gaussian mixture model whose means are considered as latent variables distributed according to random walks. Its final objective is to track the dynamic... more
We obtain the nuclear proximity potential by using semiclassical extended Thomas Fermi (ETF) approach in Skyrme energy density formalism (SEDF), and use it in the extended ℓ-summed Wong formula under frozen density approximation. This... more
Representing complex objects with basic geometric primitives has long been a topic in computer vision. Primitive-based representations have the merits of compactness and computational efficiency in higher-level tasks such as physics... more
Applying twelve different versions of nuclear potentials, the influence of static quadrupole and hexadecapole deformation of targets and its orientations on the fusion cross section have been studied. The barrier parameters for the... more
Applying twelve different versions of nuclear potentials, the influence of static quadrupole and hexadecapole deformation of targets and its orientations on the fusion cross section have been studied. The barrier parameters for the... more
Narrowband reflectance spectra of the saturnian satellites S VII Hyperion and S IX Phoebe were obtained across the 0.4-to 0.8-µm spectral region. The spectrum of Phoebe shows an absorption feature centered near 0.43 µm superimposed on the... more
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We present a new approach for tracking evolving and noisy data streams by estimating clusters based on density, while taking into account the possibility of the presence of an unknown amount of outliers, the emergence of new patterns, and... more
Iterative applications are known to run as slow as their slowest computational component. This paper introduces malleability, a new dynamic reconfiguration strategy to overcome this limitation. Malleability is the ability to dynamically... more