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      English LiteratureWelsh LiteratureSymbolismWelsh poetry
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      PoetryDylan Thomas
After the Funeral" is a tribute and elegy to Thomas' aunt Ann Jones with whom he shared a deep bond. The death of Aunt Jones left a profound impact on the poet. The poem "Fern-Hill" commemorates the happy moments he spent on Aunt Jones'... more
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    • Dylan Thomas
Dylan Thomas' radio play Under Milk Wood was performed on stage and television soon after its BBC radio premiere won the Prix Italia in 1954. Textual analysis of the 1957 BBC television production demonstrates how it contributed new... more
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      Dylan ThomasBBC Radio DramaUnder Milk WoodBBC Radio Features & Drama
This article discusses bardic voice in the radio play "Under Milk Wood" by Dylan Thomas and the Arthurian cycle of poetry by Charles Williams. To choose bardic voice is automatically to take a slight step back from realism. In the play,... more
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      Dylan ThomasCharles WilliamsUnder Milk WoodTaliessin Through Logres
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      Word and Image StudiesDylan ThomasWalesLinguistics. Word-formation. Morphology. Lexicology. Semantics.
of the Long-legged Bait" (1941) is, as the poet noted, "really a ballad": it is a long narrative poem (Thomas's longest), in simple stanzas (quatrains), with roughly four beats (actually, three to five) in each line. Although its setting... more
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      Modern PoetryDylan ThomasBritish Cinema (Film Studies)
Courtesy of Living Time™ Media International this complete publication is available to download from Academia.Edu until 31st December 2019. This short story anthology contains thirteen complete tales of horror by the following authors:... more
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      GhostsDylan ThomasShort story (Literature)The uncanny
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      PoetryIntertextualityDylan ThomasBible
Analysis of the poem "Fern Hill"
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      English LiteratureWelsh poetryDylan Thomas
In this writer’s opinion, Dylan Thomas was one of the greatest English language poets of the twentieth-century. This essay conducts a close reading of Thomas’s superb poem ‘A Winter’s Tale’ in order to establish yet another view as to... more
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      PoetryProsody And PoeticsPoeticsModern Poetry
A new (2020) comprehensive, in-depth analysis of Dylan Thomas’s 1934 poem “Especially when the October Wind” - a brilliant early work much admired by poetry students and Thomas aficionados. The poem reflects and explains Thomas's unique... more
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      Welsh LiteraturePoetryLiterary CriticismEnglish language
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      Robert BrowningDylan ThomasLord Byron
Sylvia Plath's early works, "On the Decline of Oracles" and "Ouija" has been misread for more than half a century as watered-down romanticism from a young, still-green poetess, or simply ekphrastic poetry. When viewed in context of... more
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureWelsh Literature
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      Dylan ThomasEleonora BelliniAriodante Marianni
This is a new (2021) study of Dylan Thomas's engagingly cryptic poem "The Conversation of Prayer". The essay particularly explores the poet's singular use of short, everyday words to present his images and the enigmatic nature of the... more
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      Welsh LiteraturePoetryVocabularyPoetics
The overall intention of this new (2019) study is to provide an analysis of the poem “Lament” that, hopefully, will be beneficial to both students and interested Dylan Thomas readers. The essay first addresses the background to “Lament”:-... more
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      Welsh LiteraturePerformance StudiesPoetryLiterary Criticism
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      Twentieth Century LiteratureTwentieth-Century and Contemporary PoetryDylan ThomasPhilip Larkin
Discusses form and genre of a narrative poem by Dylan Thomas.
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      Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Verse TheoryDylan ThomasRomance
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      English LiteraturePoetryModern PoetryDylan Thomas
To begin at a beginning, in the tricksterish address that Dylan Thomas made to his “readers, the strangers[,]” in the ‘Author’s Note’ to the 1952 edition of the Collected Poems, he wrote, “I read somewhere of a shepherd who, when asked... more
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      Welsh LiteraturePoetryModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Twentieth Century Literature
This paper is a comprehensive analysis of Dylan Thomas's outstanding 'process' poem: "The force that through the green fuse." – one of Thomas’s most acclaimed poetic efforts. This impressive 1933 verse was composed and published when the... more
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      PhilosophyEnglish LiteratureWelsh LiteraturePoetry
This document contains studies of ' Before I knocked' ,' Altarwise by Owl-light' and 'Fern Hill'. Further studies are to be added incrementally. .
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      PoetryDylan Thomas
The poem "Ceremony After a Fire Raid" deals with the death of another person, a new-born baby in an air raid. The poem was written in 1945 and published in Thomas's Deaths and Entrances in 1946. The subject of the poem is the innocent... more
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      English LiteratureDylan Thomas
Goethe's Faust pronounced the demise of 'the Word' as the meaning of "logos'in the Gospel of John and some literary critics have followed suit, but not all.
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      ShakespeareLiterary CriticismJohann Wolfgang von GoetheLinguistics
The theme of this essay is the classical concept of the elements and how this concept is realized in the poetry of Dylan Thomas. The historiographical development of the concept and its etymology will be presented. My treatment of... more
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      Popular CulturePoetryModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Memetics (Literature)
While the focus of most poetry of childhood recollection can either be allocated within a ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ pairing, such broad dualism can be overly simplistic. Yet the principle of thematic binary distinction is valid so that... more
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      PoetryPoeticsTwentieth-Century and Contemporary PoetryModern Poetry
Kognitiivinen metafora runoanalyysin selkärankana? Dylan Thomasin "After the funeral" -runon ruumiilliset kielikuvat ja koherenttiuden haaste Diskurssi, jolla metaforaa koetetaan analysoida, ei pysty välttämään metaforia itsekään.... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorConceptual Metaphor TheoryDylan Thomas
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      PoetryDylan Thomas
This dissertation studies the themes of nationality, language, and religion in James Joyce’s Dubliners (1914), Caradoc Evans’s My People (1915), and Dylan Thomas’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog (1940). Taking its title from... more
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      PoetryModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Dylan Thomas
A Study of ‘Before I knocked” and the Light it Throws on Dylan Thomas’s Understanding of the Relationship between Time and Life The poem “Before I knocked,” written in the poet’s nineteenth year, may serve as an initial basis for a... more
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    • Dylan Thomas
What does the evolution of upright posture have to do with the origins of creative analogy? I propose that the two are vitally related. This book[*] documents the first phase of a larger project devoted to testing and refining this basic... more
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      MarketingSemioticsCultural StudiesCognitive Psychology
Se hace una revisión crítica del Premio Nobel de Economía, con una recopilación del papel de Yanus Varoufakis en las negociaciones con la Unión Europea en 2015, con el apoyo de Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Krugman y Thomas Piketty, a partir de... more
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      Slavoj ŽižekEuropean UnionChileDylan Thomas
This very early work reveals germinal motifs that would emerge in "Fern Hill" in fuller glory. Of this we discover hints in certain word such as "time'," "and sea" as well as in the poet's endeavor the return to his origins.
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      PoetryDylan ThomasChildhood and Youth Studies
"In my craft or sullen art" by Dylan Thomas. A new examination of this short, introspective poem that reveals, defends and endeavours to explain Thomas's overall poetic purpose and approach. Composed in 1945 and published in the following... more
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      Welsh LiteraturePoetryModern PoetryDylan Thomas
This poster presents a summary of my PhD project, with a brief case study.
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      StylisticsEmbodimentConceptual MetaphorConceptual Metaphor Theory
But for all their scramble and scamper, clamour on the landing, catlick and toothbrush flick, hair-whisk and stair-jump, 50 their sisters were always there before them. Up with the lady lark, they had prinked and frizzed and hot-ironed;... more
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      English LiteratureEnglish languageDylan ThomasEnglish language teaching
The eponymous story in Dylan Thomas’s The Map of Love (1939) provides what the title promises. “Sam Rib” has drawn a “map of love” which is effectively an allegorical landscape. The other stories take place in the same allegorical “Jarvis... more
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      Dylan ThomasAdrienne RichEssay
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      Cold WarDylan ThomasUnder Milk WoodAudio drama
This paper combines reflections on old classroom experiences from the spring and summer of 1967 with a re-reading of Dylan Thomas' word "The Reminiscences of Childhood." An exercise in "life-writing," if you will
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      EducationTeacher EducationCurriculum DesignPhilosophy of Education
Spot di un mondo perduto Il virus, un concatenamento » Remember that murder di LUCA BANDIRALI Murder Most Foul di Bob Dylan. Io, nella mia immagine intricata, avanzo su due piani, Modellato con minerali d'uomo, oratore d'ottone, Costringo... more
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      American HistoryMusicPopular MusicPopular Culture
The paper discusses technical connections between the music theory of D.J. Jones and the verse techniques of Dylan Thomas.
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      History of Music TheoryVerse TheoryDylan Thomas
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      PoetryPhilosophy of TimeDylan Thomas
A reading of Thomas's classic 1952 tale by Matthew Rhys, with carols as accompaniment, plus reminiscences from some of Swansea's older residents.
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      LiteratureDylan ThomasSwanseaChristmas
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      PsychologyDylan Thomas
Entrambi gli ambiti del religioso e del corporale nella poesia di Dylan Thomas, soprattutto nelle liriche della prima raccolta, 18 Poems (1934), sono legati a doppio filo e suggeriscono quasi una ‘religiosità del corpo’, in linea con una... more
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      English LiteratureDylan ThomasPoesíaPoesia
Este artigo apresenta um breve olhar sobre alguns procedimentos composicionais desenvolvidos por Igor Stravinsky na composição de In Memorian Dylan Thomas de 1953-4. Nesta composição, dedicada a memória de Dylan Thomas, Stravinsky utiliza... more
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      Dylan ThomasStravinsky's serial musicStravinsky's serial compositions
Analysis and explication of " I Dreamed My Genesis" by Dylan Thomas
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      Discourse AnalysisContemporary ArtPoetryTranslation of Poetry